delphia, Pa. She has been a successful business woman; and originated in Philadelphia the Woman's exchange. She is the proprietor of The Woman's Journal. Annfield, Robert Franklin, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born July 9, 1839, in Guilford county, N.C. He served in the confederate army as lieutenant-colonel during the civil war. He was president of the state senate; and lieutenant-governor in 1875. In 1879-83 he was a representative from North Carolina to the forty-sixth and forty-seventh congresses. In 1889-95 he was judge of the supreme court of North Carolina. He died Nov. 9, 1898, in Statesville, N.C. Aimfield, Wyatt Jackson, farmer, banker, was born Nov. 25, 1843, near High Point, N. C. He was educated at the Oak Ridge institute. He is a successful farmer of High Point, N.C; and president of the first national bank of that city. He is vice-president of the first national bank of Randolph; and a director in the bank of Randolph, bank of Thomasville, bank of Montgomery, bank of Madison, bank of Davie, bank of Almarce, Greensboro national bank. North Carolina savings and trust company, the North Carolina fire insurance company and various other corporations. Armin, Charles E., lawyer, poet, was born Dec. 27, 1853, in De Kalb, N.Y. He is an able lawyer of Waukesha, Wis.; and for two years was district attorney of Waukesha county. His poems have been given a place in standard works. soldier, was born April Newmarket, Va. He was brevett-
Annistead, George, 10, 1780, in
ed lieutenant-colonel for his successful defense of Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, against the British fleet under Admiral Cochrane, Sept. 14, 1814. His steadfast bravery on this occasion no doubt saved Baltimore from capture; and the citizens presented him with a handsome service of silver, the centerpiece being in the form of a bombshell. He died April 25, 1818, in Baltimore. Armistead, Henry Beauford, soldier, merchant, statesman, born Oct. 19, 1833, in Upperville, Va. In 1861-65 he served as a private in the confederate army. In 1874 he was brigadier-general of the Arkansas militia. In 1877-79 he was a, member of the Arkansas state senate; and in 1893-97 was secretary of state.
Annistead, Lewis Addison, soldier, was born Feb. 18, 1817, in Newbern, N.C. He served in the Mexican war; and for gallant services attained the rank of major. He also served in the civil war; and rose to the rank of brigadier-general. He died July 3, 1863, at the battle of Gett.ysburg, Pa. Annistead, Walker Keith, soldier, was born about 1785 in Virginia. During the war of 1812 he was chief engineer, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel of the army on the Niagara frontier. He was superintendent of the defenses of Norfolk and the Chesapeake in 1813-18, when he was promoted to be colonel of engineers and chief engineer of the
army. In the re-organization of the army
1821 he becanie colonel of the third artillery; and remaining in that grade for ten years, was brevetted brigadier-general. He died Oct. 13, 1845, in Upperville, Va. Armitage, Thomas, clergyman, author, was born Aug. 2, 1819, in England. In 1848-96 he was pastor of the Fifth avenue baptist church of New York City. He was the author of Jesus. His Self Introspection; Lectures on Preaching; and History of the Baptists. He died Jan. 20, 1896, in Yonkers, N.Y. Armitage, William Edmond, clergyman, bishop, was born Sept. 6, 1830. In 1866 he was consecrated assistant bishop of Wisconsin; and in 1870 became bishop. He died Dec. 1873, in
New York
Armor, Charles Lee, lawyer, jurist, was born in Virginia. He was appointed from Maryland an associate judge of the United States court for the territory of Colorado. Armour, Andrew W., banker, was born Jan. 27, 1829, in Stockbridge, N.Y. In 1878 he located in Kansas City and became president of the Armour brothers banking company. He subsequently became vice-president of the Midland national bank when it succeeded to the business of the Armour bank.
Armour, Herman Ossian, packer, was born The 2, 1837, in Stockbridge, N.Y.
packing business of the Armour brothers is conducted on a stupendous scale. Their abattoirs in Chicago are of immense capacity. Thousands of animals are slaughtered there every day. The firm not only supply millions of the people of the United States annually with fresh meats, through the method of distribution by refrigerator cars, but they are the largest shippers of cured goods across the ocean for the supply of western Europe.
They give employment in their several industries to upward of fifteen thousand persons. He died Sept. 8, 1901, in Saratoga, N.Y. .
Armour, Jonathan Ogden, capitalist, packwas born Nov. 11, 1863, in Milwaukee,
president of the corporation of the well-known packers, with headquarters in Chicago, 111.
Armour and company,
Armour, Michael Cochrane, merchant, railroad president, was born Jan. 11, 1851, in Auburn, N.Y. He is resident partner in the firm of Rogers, Brown and company, pig iron merchants. He is also president of the Chicago short line railway; is president of the Iroquois iron company; is vice-president of the Rogers iron mining company; and a director in the Cleveland furnace company
and various other corporations. Armour, Philip Danforth, merchant, philanthropist, was bom May 16, 1832, in Stockbridge, N.Y. Of all the Armour brothers, Philip Danforth probably attracted to himself more public attention than any of the others by reason of his remarkable personality and his practical philanthropy; in which, however, he has been sustained by the liberality of the other brothers. The Ar-
mour mission
was developed