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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. ent that art ever raised to ornithology. His other works are Ornithological Biography; and Quadrupeds of America. He died Jan. 37, 1851, in

New York

Augur, George Jacob, physician, surgeon, was born Oct. 1, 1853, in West Haven, Conn. In 1876 he graduated from Hopscientist,



Auer, Harry Anton, lawyer, author, was born May 10, 1878, in Washington, D.C. Since 1899 he has been engaged in the practice of corporation law in Washington, D.C. He is the author of The North Country. Auer, John Gottlieb, missionary bishop, was born Nov. 18, 1832, in Germany. In 1873 he was consecrated bishop of Cape Palmas in St. John's church at Georgetown, D.C. He died Feb. 16, 1874, in Africa. Aughey, John H., educator, clergyman, college president, author, was born May 8, 1828, in Utica, N.Y. In 1853 he graduated from Franklin college of New Athens, Ohio. He was a chaplain in the United States army. He was principal of the high school at Winchester, Ky.; and served as president of the Female college of Mississippi. He has also taught in Indiana and Mississippi; and was superintendent of city schools at Leavenworth and Cambridge City, Ind. For more than half a century he has been in the ministry; was pastor of Fairmount church of St. Louis, Mo.; filled pastorates in Princeton and Cambridge Qty, Ind.; and was pastor of churches in Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Iowa and Oklahoma. He is the inventor of a Phonetic Alphabet; and is the author of Tupelo, a story of the civil war; The Iron Furnace; Spiritual

Oems; and The Grammatical


Augur, Christopher Colon, soldier, was born in 1821 in New York. In 1843 he graduated from West Point. In 1846 he took part in the Mexican war in the advance to Rio Grande. In 1853 he was promoted captain; and served in 1855-56 with great ability during the Indian troubles in Oregon. He served through the civil war; and in 1865 received the brevet of brigadier-general and also the brevet of ma;

jor-general. He comat Washington in 1863-66; and was promoted colonel in the twelfth infantry. In 1869 he was made brigadier-general in the United States army; and was retired in 1886. He died Jan. 16, 1898, in Washington, D.C. His son, Jacob Arnold Augur, is also a graduate of West Point, and a captain in tlie f.fth United States cavalry. Augur, Hezekiah, sculptor, inventor, was born Feb. 12. 1791, in New Haven, Conn. He turned his attention to sculpture and mechanical inventions. His best work, Jeptha and His Daughter, is in the Trumbull gallery at Yale college. His most important invention


was a machine for carving wood, which came into general use. He died Jan. 10, 1858, in New Have^j, Conn.





Haven, Conn.; and in 1879 graduated with the degree of M. D. from Yale medical of

In 1881 he was appointed the resident physician and surgeon Connecticut the at college.

state hospital at


Haven. In 1894 he was

made a member of the Alameda county homoeopathic medical soci-

which he has been both vice-president and president. In 1882-98 he was attending physician of the Faboila hospital of Oakland, Cal. and in 1905 was elected a memety, of

ber of the international Hahnemannian association. He has traveled extensively in America, the continent and Japan; and has contributed valuable papers to medical and scientific journals.

Augustin, John, soldier, journalist, poet, 11, 1838, in New Orleans, La. His volume. War Flowers, is a collection of poems that were written by him during his service in the confederate army. He held at different times the city editorship of nearly every newspaper of New Orleans, La. He died Feb. 5, 1888, in New Orleans, La.

was born Feb.

Augustine, Ogden W., musician, composer, in 1841 in Franklin county, Ohio. He is teacher of voice culture and music in the public schools; and the author of a number of Sunday school singing books.

was born

Augustus, John, manufacturer, philanthrowas born in 1785. He was a shoemaker of Boston, Mass. and devoted his means and pist,

his labors to aiding and reclaiming the poor and the vicious. For more than twenty years he was constant visitor to the police courts, seeking subjects for his charitable efforts. He died June 31, 1859, in Boston, Mass. B., florist, author, poet, 1860. Her poems are generally on floral subjects; and have appeared extensively in the press of Iowa. She is the author of a work on Flowers. Aulick, John H., naval officer, was born in 1789 in Winchester, Va. In 1851 he was empowered to obtain permission to purchase supplies for the United States steamers in Japan and to negotiate a treaty of amity

Auhl, Mrs. Alice

was born about

and commerce with that empire; and commenced the Important work which was completed by Commodore M. C. Perry. He died April 37, 1873, in Washington, D.C. Aull, Elbert H., lawyer, journalist, author, 18, 1857, in Newberry county, S.C. In 1886 he became the editor and own-" er of the Newberry Herald News; and was president of the South Carolina press association for three years. He is the author of School History of South Carolina.

was born Aug.