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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. tive from Michigan to the fifty-third fifty-fourth congresses as a republican.


Avery, John, educator, author, was born In 1877-87 he was a professor in Bowdoin college. He was the author of Reliin 1837.

gion of the Aboriginal Tribes of India; and several Monographs. He died about 1887 in Maine. Avery, John Campbell, lawyer jurist, was born May 4, 1851, in Pensacola, Fla. In 1873 he began the practice of law in Pensacola, Fla.; and in 1888-91 was judge of the criminal court of record. .

Avery, Matthew Henry, soldier, was born in Vermont. In 1861 he was major in the tenth New York cavalry; became colonel in 1864; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers for gallantry in action at Sailors Creek, Va. Avery, Rachel Foster, woman suffragist, was born Dec. 30, 1858, in Pittsburg, Pa. In 1882 she conducted the Nebraska amendment campaign; and in 1883 went to Europe with Susan B. Anthony; and traveled through nearly all the European countries in the interests of woman suffrage. She is at the head of almost every movement of the national woman suffrage association.

Avery, Robert, soldier, lawyer, railroad president, author, was born Sept. 23, 1839, in Tunkhannock, Pa. In 1861-65 he served in the civil war as captain to brevet majorgeneral; lost his right leg at the battle of

Lookout Mountain; and was retired as a lieutenant-colonel in the United States army. In 1870 he was admitted to the bar and attained success in the practice of law.

Avery, Rosa Miller, reformer, was born May 21, 1830, in Madison, Ohio. During the years of the civil war her pen was actively engaged in writing for various journals on the subject of union and emancipation. For nearly twenty years she resided in Chicago, 111.; and many of her ably-written articles and responses to the opponents of franchise for women have appeared from time to time in the Chicago Inter-Ocean. She died Nov. 9, 1894, in Chicago, 111. Avery, Samuel, educator, biologist, scientist, was born May 21, 1861, in Olympia, Wash. Since 1905 he has been chemist and director of the chemistry laboratory in the university of Nebraska. He has made special researches in the destroying of prairie dogs.

Avery, Samuel, educator, chemist, authwas born April 19, 1865, in Lamoille, lU. Since 1902 he has been professor of agricultural chemistry and chemist to the Nebraska university experiment station at Lincoln, Neb. He is part author of Nicholson and Avery's Exercises in Chemistry. or,

Avery, Samuel Putman, engraver, artist, was born March 17, 1822, in New York City. He learned the art of copperplate engraving, but turned his attention to engraving on wood. In 1865 he added to his business art publishing and dealing in founder,


works of art; subsequently became one of the most successful dealers in America; and retired from business in 1888. In 1897 a gold medal of artistic design was presented to him by seventy-five leading citizens of New York as a recognition of his various public services. He founded the Avery architectural library in Columbia college of New York City. He was the author of Progress of the Fine Arts in New York During Fifty Years. He died in 1904 in New York City. Avery, Mrs. Susan Look, reformer, foundwas born Oct. 27, 1817, in Conway, Mass. She was the founder of the woman's Club of er,



Avery, Thomas M., manufacturer, founder, was born in 1822. He was the founder of the Elgin national watch company of Illinois.




26, 1901, in Chicago,


Avery, Waitstill, soldier, lawyer, patriot, statesman, was bom May 3, 1745, in Groton, Conn. He moved to North Carolina; and was one of the signers of the famous Mecklenburg declaration of independence. In 1775 he was a delegate to the congress at Hillsborough which organized the military force of North Carolina. He was a commissioner at the treaty of Holston, which gave peace to the western frontier; and was again a member of the state congress in 1776. In 1781 he moved to Burke county, which he represented many years in the state legislature.

He was

state attorney-general of in 1777. In 1779 he was a colonel of militia in active service. He died March 15, 1821, in Burke county, N.C.



North Carolina

Avery, William Thomas, lawyer, congressman, was born Nov. 11, 1819, in Maury county, Tenn. In 1843 he was elected to the state legislature of Tennessee; and he held creditable positions in his native In 1857-61 he was a representative from Tennessee to the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth congresses. He died May 22, 1880, in Memphis, Tenn. Avery, William Waitstill, lawyer, states-

several state.

man, was born


He was





speaker of the North Carolina state senate in 1856; and was again elected in 1860. In 1861 he was a member from the state at large to the provisional congress of the confederate states. He died July 3, 1864, in Morgantown, N.C. Avea, Henry Damerel, clergyman, bishop, was bom July 10, 1853, in Huron county, Ohio. In 1892-1904 he was rector of Christ church at Houston, Texas. In 1904 he was consecrated protestant episcopal bishop of Mexico. Avis, John Boyd, lawyer, statesman, was born July 11, 1875, in Deerfield, N.J. He was educated in the public schools of his native county; in 1890 began the study of law; and in 1894-97 was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia and Long Branch. Since* 1898 he has practiced law in Woodbury, N.J.; and for several years has been identified with the young men's republican

Pond, N.C.