He has delivered poems at annual conventions of various associations and reunions. He is the author of two volumes of poems entitled Trifles; and The Friendship of Learning. Babcock, Havilah, manufacturer, was born Sept. 8, 1837, in Franklin, Vt. In 1873 he became one of the four original partners of the firm of Kimberly and Clark company, paper manufacturers. For thirty miles the firm has studded the Fox river with paper mills; and is now one of the largest concerns if its kind in the United States. Babcock, Henry, soldier, was born in 1736, in Rhode Island. He was major in 1756; was lieutenant-colonel in 1757; and became in 1758 colonel of a Rhode Island regiment that took part in the unsuccessful attempt to capture Ticonderoga. In 1776 he was made commander of the troops at Newport, R.I. He died in 1800 in Newport, R.I. Babcock, James F., journalist, jurist, statesman, was born in 1809 in Connecticut. In 1830 he became editor of the New Haven Palladium, which he conducted for thirtyone years. He was nominated for congress; and was elected by the democrats to the tor in logic.
state legislature in 1873. The legislature of 1874 elected him judge of the police court of New Haven. He died June 18, 1874, in
Haven, Conn. Babcock, James Francis, chemist, inventor, was born Feb. 26, 1844, in Boston. For five years he was professor of chemistry in the Boston university; and in 1881 he accepted that chair in the Massachusetts college of pharmacy. He was well known as the inventor of a fire extinguisher. He died July 19, 1897, in Dorchester, Mass. Babcock, John Breckinridge, soldier, was born Feb. 7, 1843, in Louisiana. He served in the civil war; and in 1865 attained the rank of major. In 1867 he was appointed second lieutenant in the fifth United States cavalry; and in 1903 was retired as brigadier-general in the United States army. Babcock, Joseph Weeks, manufacturer, congressman, was born March 6, 1850, in Swanton, Vt. He removed with his parents to Iowa in 1855; and attended the schools at
Mount Vernon and dar Falls.
He removed
from Iowa to Wisconsin in 1881 and settled in Neeedah, where he has since resided, beengaged in the manufacture of lum-
He was
elected to
Wisconsin state assembly in 1888; and the
was re-elected in 1890. elected chairman of the national republican congressional committee in 1894 and re-elected in 1896. In 1893-1907 he was a representative to the fifty-third to fiftyninth congresses as a republican.
He was
Babcock, Joshua, lawyer, jurist. In 174749 he was associate justice- of the supreme court of Rhode Island; and in 1749-51 and 1763-64 was chief justice. He died in Rhode Island.
Babcock, Kendric Charles, educator, college president, author, was born on Sept. 8, 1864, in South Brookfield, N.Y. He was brought up on a farm; taught country schools in 1881-85; and has received the degrees of B.L., A.M. and Ph.D. In 1890-94 he was instructor in history and old English at the university of Minnesota; in 1896-1903 he was instructor and assistant professor of history in the university of California; and since 1903 has been president and professor of history of the university of Arizona. He contributes articles to the Forum, Atlantic, American Historical Review and other periodicals. He is the author of Rise of American Nationality.
Babcock, Leander, congressman, was born New York. In 1851-53 he was a representative from New York to the thirty-second in
Babcock, Maltbie Davenport, clergyman, author, was born in 1858 in New York. He was a presbyterian clergyman of Baltimore, Md. He was the author of Thoughts for Everyday Living; and Letters from Egypt and Palestine. He died in 1901 in Baltimore,
Md. Babcock, Orville Elias, soldier, was born Dec. 25, 1835, in Franklin, Vt. He graduated from West Point; and entered the engineer corps as second lieutenant in 1861. In 1865 he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. At the surrender of Lee at Appomattox he selected the place where the generals met. He was promoted a colonel in the regular army in 1866. He was drowned June 26, 1884, in Mosquito Inlet, Fla.
Babcock, Paul, soldier, merchant, was born Aug. .18, 1841, in New York City. Since 1880 he has been the president of the Standard oil company of New Jersey; of the Soule and Fleming manufacturing company; and the Liebig manufacturing company. Babcock, Robert Hall, physician, author, was born July 26, 1851, in Watertown, N.Y. Since 1883 he has practiced medicine in Cliicago, 111. He is the author of Diseases of the Lungs. Babcock, Rufus, clergyman, college president, author, was born Sept. 18, 1798, in North Colebrook, Conn. He was president of Colby university in 1833-36 and subsequently became pastor of the first baptist church in Paterson, N.J. He founded and for five years edited the Baptist Memorial. He was the author of Claims of Education Societies Review of Beckwith on Baptism; Making Light of Christ; Memoirs; and The Emigrant's Mother. He died May 4, 1875, in Salem, Mass. Babcock, Sam-uel D., banker, financier, was bornJMay 16, 1823, in Stonington, Conn. In 1853 ne organized the banking firms of Bab;