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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN, BIOGRAPHY. «ock brother and company of New York City; and also that of B. F. Babcock and company of Liverpool, England. He died Sept. 14, 1902, in Lenox, Mass. Babcock, Samuel Short, soldier, educator, lawyer, was born Feb. 5, 1842, in Genesee county, Mich. In 1861 he enlisted as a union

and was promoted to first sergeant. He was a graduate from the Michigan state normal school; and for fifteen years was soldier

engaged in educational work. He held the chair of mathematics in the state normal school of Kansas; and the chair of natural sciences in the Ypsilanti seminary. For six years he was a member of the state board of education of Michigan, four years of which he was its president. For two years he was a member of the state board of geological survey; has been president of the Michigan republican club, and a director from its organization; and for two terms was a, member of the board of estimates of the city of Detroit, Mich. Babcock, Washington Irving, neer, naval architect, 1858, in Stonington,

engiSept. 21,


was bom on

Conn. In 1787-85 he

was at Roach's shipyard. In 1889-1900 he was manager and president of the Chicago ship building company; and is now a, noted naval architect of New York City. Babcock, William, congressman, was bom in New Y'ork. In 1831-33 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-second congress.


died in



Babcock, William Henry, lawyer, author, was born Jan. 1, 1849, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1873 he has practiced law in Georgetown, D.C. He is the author of Lord Stirling's Stand and Other Poems; Lays from Over the Sea; Cypress Beach; The Brides of the Tiger; An Invention of the Enemy; Clan of the Chariots; The Two Lost Centuries of Britain; The Tower of Wye; and Kent Fort

Manor. Babcock, Winnifred Eaton, author, was in 1879 in Japan. She was educated in the public schools of Montreal and Toronto, Canada; and took a course in English at Co-


lumbian university of New York City. She the author of The Old Jinriksha. Miss Nume of Japan and Japanese Nightingale. is

Baber, Edmund K., railroad president, was born Oct. 7, 1841, in New York City. In 1889-1903 he was president of the Keesville,

Ausable Chasm and Lake Champlain He died about 1903 in Keesville,


N.Y. Babin, Hosea John, naval officer, was bom Dec. 15, 1842 in Canada. He served during the civil war in the United States navy as assistant surgeon; and was given the rank of rear admiral for services during the civil war. He was retired in 1904.

Babson, John James, historian, author, was bom in 1809 in Massachusetts. He was a local historian. He was the author of History of Gloucester; and The Fisheries of


Gloucester in 1623-1878. He died in 1886 in Gloucester, Mass. Babson, William Arthur, lawyer, author, was born in 1889 in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a lawyer of New York City. He is the author of The Birds of Princeton and Vicinity. Bach, Albert, lawyer, author, was born Dec. 28, 1854, in New York City. In 189398 he was special council for New York City. He is the author of Justification of the Takisg of Life by Physicians Under Certain Con-

Lunacy, Real and Ficticious, and Treatment; and other Monographs. ditions


Bach, J. Maurice, musician, composer, was born May 7, 1856, in Switzerland. He is a teacher of piano, organ and theory at Henderson, Ky. He has composed four operas, entitled Laredo; Marguerita; Alhamer and



Bache, Alexander Dallas, scientist, author, was born July 19, 1806, in Philadelphia, Pa. He graduated from West Point in 1825; and in 1843 was appointed superintendent of the United States coast survey. He was one of the founders of the American association for the promotion of science; in 1855 was made president of the American philosophical society; and was an active and efficient member of the United States sanitary commission throughout the civil war. In 1846 he was made regent of the Smithsonian institution. He edited Brewster's Optics, with notes; published Observations at the observatory of Girard college ; and Report of Experiments to Navigate the Chesapeake and Del-

aware Canal by Steam. He died Feb, 17, 1867, in Newport, R.I. Bache, Benjamin Franklin, journalist, was bom Aug. 12, 1769, in Philadelphia, Pa. He received his education. in Paris and Geneva. He returned to the United States in 1785; and in 1790 began publishing the General Advertiser of Philadelphia, Pa. He died Sept. 10, 1798, in Philadelphia, Pa. Bache, Benjamin Franklin, surgeon, was born Feb. 7, 1801, in Montieello, Va. He was fleet-surgeon of the Mediterranean squadron in 1841-44; and of the Brazil squadron In 1847-50. In 1850-54 he was at the New York naval hospital; and then organized in New York the laboratory that furnishes all medical supplies to the navy, of which he was director in 1853-71. He died Nov. 2, 1881, in City. Bache, Dallas, army surgeon, was born in the District of Columbia. In 1861 he was assistant surgeon; and in 1867 was promoted to major-surgeon. In 1890 he was surgeon and lieutenant-colonel; in 1895-1902 was colonel and assistant surgeon-general and was retired in 1902. He died June 2, 1902.

New York



William, soldier, was born


York. In 1898-99 he was major and in chief of commissary of subsistence United States army. Bache, Franklin, physician, author, was bom Oct. 25, 1792, in "Philadelphia, Pa. He was professor of chemistry in Jefferson