Edward Payson, merchant, finanwas born May 16, 1834, in Reading, N. Y. In 1889-91 he was vice-president; and in Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce; and in 1891 was elected its president. Bacon, Edward Rathbone, railroad president, was born Nov. 22, 1846, in New York
1871 was elected to the Georgia house of representatives, of which body he has served as a member for fourteen years; and during eight years was speaker. He was several times a candidate for the democratic nomination for governor of Georgia. In 18951907 he was United States senator; and is now serving a second term, ending in 1913.
City. Since 1890 he has been president of the Baltimore and Ohio southwestern rail-
Bacon, Benjamin Wisner, clergyman, author,
was born Jan.
15, 1860, in Litchfield,
Conn. In 1881 he graduated from Yale university; and since that time has filled the chair of new testament criticism and interpretation in his alma mater. He is the author of Genesis of Genesis; Triple Tradition of the Exodus; Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament; and Story of St.
Bacon, Edward Munroe, journalist, author, was born Oct. 20, 1844 in Providence, R.I. In 1897-1900 he was editor of Time and the
Hour. He is the author of Bacon's dictionary of Boston; Historic Pilgrimages in New England; and other works. Bacon, Ezekiel, jurist, congressman, author, was born Sept. 1, 1776, in Stockbridge, Mass. He was a member of the Massachusetts state legislature in 1805. In 1807-13 he was a representative from Massachusetts
Bacon, David, clergyman, missionary, was born in 1771, in Woodstock, Conn. His labors and sufferings as missionary to the Ojibbewa Indians in the territory of Michigan and afterward as founder of a christian town at Tallmadge, Ohio, have been narrated in a Sketch of the Rev. David Bacon. He died Aug. 27, 1817, in Hartford, Conn. Bacon, David Francis, physician, author, was born Nov. 30, 1813, in Prospect, Conn.
to the tenth, eleventh and twelfth congresses; was chief justice of common pleas in 1813; and first comptroller of the United States treasury in 1813-15. He removed to Utica, N.Y., and was a delegate to the state constitutional convention in 1821. He was the author of Recollections of Fifty Years Since. He died Oct. 18, 1870, in Utica, N.Y.
He was
sent as principal colonial physician to Liberia by the American colonization society. He was the author of Lives of the
Bacon, Florence R., journalist, author, powas bom March 25, 1867, in Portland, Maine. She is society editor of the Daily Times of Minneapolis, Minn. She is the author of Midsummer Mist; and Indian Legends. et,
Apostles; and Wanderings on the Seas and Shores of Africa. He died Jan. 23, 1866, in
New^ York. Bacon, David W., bishop, was born in 1814 in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1855 he was consecrated bishop of the newly created diocese of Portland, comprising the states of Maine and New Hampshire. He died Nov. 5, 1874, in New York. Bacon, Delia Salter, author, was born Feb. 2, 1811, in Talmadge, Ohio, She was the earliest exponent of the Baconian theory of the authorship of Shakespeare. She was the author of Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded Tales of the Puritans and The Bride of Fort Edward, a drama. She died Sept. 2, 1859, in Hartford, Conn. Bacon, Edgar Mayhew, educator, lecturer, artist, author, was born June 5, 1855, in the Bahamas, where his father, John R. Bacon, was then United States consul. He received a thorough education in private schools. For a, while he was engaged in art; and subsequently was an editorial writer on New York weeklies. He has traveled extensively in the West Indias; and is a noted lecturer. He is the author of The New Jamaica; The Pocket Piece; Chronicles of Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow; The Hudson River, from Ocean to Source; Narragansett Bay; Henry Hudson; and other works. Bacon, Edmund, lawyer, humorist, was born in January, 1776, in Virginia. He is the Ned Brace of Judge Longstreet's Georgia Scenes; and as a wit and humorist was con;
spicuous among his contemporaries. Feb. 2, 1826, in Edgefield, S.C.
Bacon, George Allen, government official author, was born April 4, 1830, in Wellfieet, Mass. Since 1881 he has been corresponding clerk of the department of agriculture. He was the original author of the Game of Portrait Authors; and is also the author of Life Sketch of Edward S. Wheeler.
Bacon, Frederick Hampton, lawyer, author, 5, 1849, in Niles, Mich. He has gained a high position at the bar in St. Louis, Mo. He is the author of a law treatise entitled Benefit Societies and Life Insurance.
was born May
Bacon, Henry, soldier, artist, author, was born in 1840, in Haverhill, Mass. During the civil war he served in the thirteenth regiment Massachusetts infantry; and waa wounded. His best painting is Boston Boys and General Gage. He is the author of A Parisian Year; ajid Parisian Art and Artists. He lives in Paris.
Bacon, Henry, lawyer, congressman, was born March 14, 1846, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1866 he has practiced law; In 1885-89 and 1891-93 he was a representative from New
York .
to the forty-ninth, fiftieth and fiftysecond congresses as a democrat. Bacon, Joel Smith, educator, college president, was born Sept. 3, 1802, in New York. In 1841 he became president of the Columbian college; and in 1855-66 was engaged in female education in the south. He died Nov. 9,
1869, in Richmond, Va.