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phia; and since 1898 has been practicing as a specialist in eye and ear diseases at Warren, Pa. In 1891 he was teacher of histology at Niagara university of Buffalo, N.Y.; and in 1896 was teacher of bacteriology at the Polyclinic of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the author of Essentials of Bacteriology.

ning school at Springfield, Mass. He is the author of Inductive Logic. Ballantyue, Marlin J., educator, clergyman, poet, was born Aug. 30, 1853, near Brookville, Pa. He received his education in the


my. For seven years he taught school; and for over a quarter of a century has been engaged in the ministry. He is now presiding elder of the Oregon conference of the United evangelical church; is president of the board



sculptor, artist, author,

public schools; and at Dayton Union acade-

born June 3, 1819, in Charlestown, Mass. He is the author of My Three Score Years and Ten, an Autobiography. Ball, Thomas H., lawyer, congressman, was bom Jan. 14, 1859, in Huntsville, Texas. He served three terms as mayor of Huntsville, Texas. He attended lectures at the univers-

and was elected president of the law class. In 1897-1905 he was a representative from Texas to the fifty-fifth, fiftysixth, fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth congresses as a democrat. ity of Virginia ;

Ball, William H., soldier, was born in Virginia. In 1862 he was colonel in the one hundred and twenty-second regiment Ohio vol-

unteer infantry; and in 1864 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. Ball, William Lee, congressman, was born in 1779 in Lancaster county, Va. In 1817-24

of trustees of Lafayseminary ; ette and teacher of political economy and ethics in the same institution. He has contributed extensively both prose and verse to the religious press, which have been a valuable acquisition to American literature. Ballard, Addison, educator, clergyman, author, was born Oct. 18, 1822, in Framingham,


He was

educated at Framingham ac-

ademy, Bennington seminary and Williams

he was a representative from Virginia to the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth congresses. He died Feb. 28, 1824, in Washington, D.C. Ballagh, James Curtis, educator, author, was born in 1866 in Brownsburg, Va. Since 1895 he has successively been assistant instructor, associate and now associate professor of American history at Johns Hopkins university of Baltimore, Md. He was awarded the John Marshall prize in 1902. He is the author of White Servitude in the Colony History of Slavery in of Virginia; and Virginia. Ballantine, Alexander T., manufacturer, inventor, was born in 1835. He was the mventor of the ice-making machine. He died Aug. 9, 1901, in Cleveland, Ohio. Ballantine, William Gay, educator, college in president, author, was born Dec. 7, 1848,


Washington, D.C. In 1868 he graduated from Marietta college 1872 graduated from Union theological sem;


inary of New York City; and received the degrees of D.D. and LL.D. He also studied in Leipzig; and then in 1873 was a member of the American Palestine exploring expedition. He has filled professorships in Ripon college and in the uniprofessor versity of Indiana; in 1881-91 was literature of Old testament language and 1891Oberlin theological seminary; and in Since 96 was president of that institution. Internat1897 he has been professor in the association traiional young men's christian


He was

profrhetoric at Williams college; professor of latin at the Ohio university; professor of astronomy college.




mathematics at Marietta college; professor of moral philos-

ophy and rhetoric at Lafayette college; and professor of logic at university. He has also given college instruction in political economy, constitution of the United States, and in elocu-


New York

tion. He has filled pastorates in Williamstown, Mass. and in Detroit, Mich. and still preaches occasionally. He is the author of Arrows, or Teaching a Fine Art; and From Talk to Text.

Ballard, Asa N., soldier, educator, physician, surgeon, was born Oct. 17, 1842, in Wilmington, Ohio. He was educated at the National normal university of Lebanon, Ohio. During the civil war he served with distinction in the forty-eighth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, and was lieutenant. For many years he was superintendent of public schools in Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana; and was principal of the Ward school at Indianapolis, Ind. He is now' a successful physician of Birmingham, Ala.; has been president of the Alabama state homoeopathic association;

and president

of the

Southern homoeopathic


Ballard, Bland, soldier, pioneer, jurist, statesman, was bom Oct. 16, 1761, in Fredericksburg, Va. As a major in the Kentucky volunteers he led an expedition against the Bri-