tish and Indians in 1814 at the river Eaiain in Michigan, where he was wounded and taken prisoner. He was for several terms a member of the Kentucky state legislature; and was a judge of the United States district court. Ballard county and Blandville, its capital, commemorate his services during the early history of the state. He died Sept. 5, 1853, in Shelby county, Ky.
Ballentine, j ohn Golf, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born May 20, 1835, in Pulaski, Tenn. He received a classical education; and in 1848 graduated from the Harvard law school. He engaged in planting; in 1855 he moved to the state of
and in Mississippi; 1860 settled in Mem-
Ballard, David W., territorial governor. In 1866-70 he was territorial governor of Idaho Territory. Ballard, Harlan Hoge, educator, librarian, author, was born May 36, 1853, in Athens, Ohio. In 1874 he graduated from Williams college.
Tenn. throughout
army; and jed
In 1874-80 he
principal of the high school at Lenox, Mass.; and in 1880-86 was principal of Len-
ox academy. In 1875 he founded the Agassiz
association for the
study of nature, which has had over one thousand branches. Since 1888 he has been librarian of the Berkshire athenaeum. He is the
author of Three Kingdoms; World of Matter; Open Sesame; Ee-Open Sesame; Virgil's Aeneid; and is part author of American Plant Book Barnes Readers and One Thousand Blunders in English.
E., naval officer, was born Maryland. He was a lieutenant on board the United States frigate Constitution in her famous action with the British cruisers Cyane and Levant in the bay of Biscay in 1815. He died May 33, 1855, in Ann-
in 1785 in
Ballard, Mrs. Julia Perkins, story writer, author, was born in 1828 in Ohio. She was the wife of the Rev. Addison Ballard. She was the author of Gathered Lilies; Little
Gold Keys; and Among the Moths and ButShe died in 1894 in New York City. Ballard, Tilghman Ethan, clergyman, author, was born Nov. 11, 1850, in Boone county, Ind. He received his education at Smithson college and at De Pauw university. He is well known as a preacher, writer and debater in the universalist denomination. In 188798 he was engaged in writing and publishing law books and was the principal founder of the Ballard publishing company, now of Logansport, Ind. He was one of the editors of the Indiana Practice Code; and senior editor of Ballard's Ohio Law of Real Property; Ballard's Kentucky Law of Real Property; and Ballard's Annual on the Law of Real terflies.
Property. Ballenger, William Lincoln, physician, author, was born April 26, 1861, in Economy, Ind. In 1903-04 he was president of the Am-
academy of ophthalmology; and since 1895 has practiced otology in Chicago, 111. He is the author of Otology and Laryngology. erican
served the civil war in the confederate
numerous batand skirmishes. was prominently
the 'identified with business and public affairs of Pulaski, Tenn. and held numerous positions of trust and honor. In 1883-87 he was a representative from Tennessee to the forty-eighth and forty-ninth congresses as a democrat. Ballier, John Frederick, soldier, was bom in Germany. In 1846-48 he served in the Mexican war as first lieutenant in the first regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry. In 1861 he became colonel in the ninety-eighth
regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; and in 1864 was brevetted brigadier-general
He died Feb. 3, 1893, in Pa. Letson, educator, mine operator, was born May 17, 1873, in Nevada, Iowa. In 1895-96 he was professor of chemistry and engineering in the Arkansas methodist university. He was the organizer and secretary of the Des Moines academy of sciences. Bailinger, Richard Achilles, lawyer, jurist, author, was bom July 9, 1858, in Boonesboro, Iowa. In 1884 he graduated from Williams college of Massachusetts, having previously prepared for college at the state university of Kansas and at Washburn colof volunteers. Balliet,
Topeka. He been eminently successful as a lawyer; acted as United States commissioner in 1890-93 under appointment of District U. S. Judge Hanford of Washington; and has held the high office of judge of the superior court for Jefferson county. Wash. He is the author of Ballinger on Community Property, a law publication covering the property rights of married persons in several of the coast and southern states; and is also the author of Ballinger's Annotated Code and Statutes of Washington. Balloch, George Williamson, soldier, was bom in New Hampshire. In 1861 he became first lieutenant in the fifth regiment New Hampshire volunteer infantry; and in 1865 he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunlege