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HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Banks, David, publisher, banker, was born Newark, N.J. In 1809 lie began the business of publishing law books with Stephen Gould; and the establishment of Banks and Gould became known as the most extensive of the kind in the country. The business is still continued by sons of Mr. Banks. During the later years of his life he was president of the East river bank. He


of Life;



The Christ Dream; The Heroic

in 1786, in


died Oct. 13, 1871, in

Heavenly Trade Winds; The Unexpected Christ; Immortal Hymns and Their Story; Immortal Songs of Camp and Field; The Great Sinners of the Bible; and A Year's Prayer Meeting Talks. Banks, John, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in 1793 in Juniata county. Pa. In 1831-37 he was, a representative from Penn-

New York


Banks, Edgar James, lecturer, diplomat, author, was born May 23, 1866, in Sunderland, Mass. In 3886 he graduated from the high school of Greenfield, Mass.; in 188687

was a student at

Amherst; he graduated from Harvard with the degrees of A.B. and A. M.; and he later took post graduate studies at the university of Breslau, Germany. In 1897-98 he was American consul to Bagdad, Turkey; and in 1903 was private secretary to the American minister to Turkey. In 1903 he excavated a Babylonian ruin; and since 1906 has lectured upon Babylonia and other ancient places. He is the author of Jonah in Fact and Fancy; and various Mon-

ographs on archseological subjects. Banks, Elizabeth, journalist, author, was born about 1870 in Wisconsin. She is the author of Campaigns of Curiosity; and The Autobiography of a Newspaper Girl. Banks, Gardner, soldier, was bom in Waltham, Mass. At the beginning of the civil war he raised a company for the sixteenth Massachusetts regiment, in which he rose to the rank of colonel in 1862. General Hooker said, in a letter to Governor Andrews. There is no doubt but at Glendale the sixteenth Massachusetts saved the army. He died July 9, 1871, in Waltham, Mass. Banks, Louis Albert, clergyman, author, was born Nov. 12, 1855, in Corvallis, Ore. He graduated from the Boston university. He is an eminent methodist clergyman of Cleveland, Ohio.




author of John and His Friends; The Fisherman and His Friends; Paul and His Friends ; Christ and His Friends; The Revival Quiver; Anecdotes and Morals; Chats with Young Christians;


Young Man;

The Christian Gentleman; Sermon Stories for Boys and Girls; Hero Tales from Sacred Story; An Oregon Boyhood; The Saloonkeeper's Ledger; Seven Times Around Jericho; The People's Christ; The White Slaves Common Folks' Religion


sylvania to the twenty-second, twenty-third, and twenty-fourth congresses; and then resigned to accept an appointment of president judge of the third judicial district of the state. He died April 3, 1864, in Reading. Banks, Linn, congressman, was born in Virginia. He was for twenty successive years speaker of the Virginia house of delegates. In 1837-43 he was a representative from Virginia to the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth,

and twenty-seventh congresses. He was drowned Feb. 24, 1842, in Madison county, Va. Banks, Mary Ross, litterateur, author, was born March 4, 1846, in Macon, Ga. Her literary fame was attained principally through her book entitled Bright Days on the Old Plantation, which was published in 1882. Banks, Maud, actress. In 1886 she made her first appearance at Portsmouth, N.H., in the character of Parthenia in Ingomar. Banks, Mrs. Nancy Huston, litterateur, author. She is a writer of New York City. She is the author of Oldfield; and Little Hills. Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, soldier, governor, congressman, was born in 1816 in Waltham, Mass. He worked in a cotton factory;


lectured in public; edited a country newspaper; held a custom house position practiced law; and in 1849

and 1851 was a member of the state legislature. Theuinl853-59

and 1865-79 and 188991 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the thirtythird and thirty-fifth and thirty-ninth to the forty-fifth and fifty-first congresses; and in 1855-57 he was a speaker of the house; in 1853 presided over the state constitutional convention; was three times governor of his state in 1858-61; was president of the Illinois Central railroad in 1860; He served brilliantly as commander in the Union army; and was general in command at the battles of Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Port Hudson and Mansfield. He died Sept 1, 1894, In

Waltham, Mass. Banneker, Benjamin, astronomer, was born Nov. 9, 1731, at EUicott's Mills, Md. He was an astronomer and mathematician of African descent and assisted in the original survey of the District of Columbia. He published an astronomical almanac in 1792-1806.