HBREINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Biicknell university; he received the degrees of A.B. and M.A. from that institution; and subsequently received the degree of Ph.D. In 1872-73 he taught mathematics in the academy of Salisbury, Conn.; in 1874-75 was principal of the public schools at Center Hall, Pa.; in 1875-76 was principal of the public school at Union Grove, Wis.; and in ] 876-77 was principal of the Huntingdon academy. In 1877-81 he was professor of matnematies in the Pennsylvania state normal school; and since 1881 has been professor of mathematics and astronomy in the Buekncll university at Lewisburg, Pa. In 1887 he superintended the erection of the Bucknell astronomical observatory; and was then made its director. He is the author of Solid Geometry; and numerous Monographs on the Science of Perspective and Differential Calculus. Barton, Alexander Campbell, farmer, carpenter, lecturer, inventor, statesman, author, was born May 1, 1851, in Jamestown, Va.
In 1876 he engaged in the reform movement; was correspondent to several and for
years identified has been with the business and public affairs of Danville,
In 1882 he
was a candidate
senator of Illiand in 1888 was a candidate for congress. In 1892 he received the vote for presidential elector from Illinois on the Weaver ticket; and in 1S94 he was the labor and farmers' candidate for the state legislature. He is the inventor of a fire escape and an automatic railway switch. He is the author of Life and Labors of .Jesse Harper. Barton, Mrs. Anna, pastor, poet, was born Oct. 26, 1842, in Western Xew York. In 1886 she assumed the position of pastor of the Free Baptist church of Paw Paw, Mich. She is the author of For Friendship's Sake, a volume of poems. Barton, Benjamin Smith, physician, author, was born Feb. 10, 1766, in Lancaster, Pa. He was the author of Observations on Some Parts of Natural History; New Views on the Origin of the Tribes of North America; and Elements of Botany. He died Dec. 19, 1815, in Philadelphia, Pa. Barton, Clara, philanthropist, author, was born in 1830 in North Oxford, Mass. She founded a free school at Borden town, N.J.; was clerk in the United States patent offiBe in 1854-61; and devoted herself to the care of sick and wounded soldiers during the civil war. She went to Europe and did hospital work in the Franco-German war; aided the Red Cross movement; assisted the poor at Paris and Strasburg; and returning became president of the Red Cross society, which was state nois;
organized through her efforts in 1881. In 1896 she went to Turkey to aid the persecuted Armenians. In 1898 she went to Cuba and had charge of distributing supplies furnished by the United States government; and in 1900 went to the South African war. She is the author of History of the Red Cross; History of the Red Cross in Peace and War; and The Relief of Galveston, Texas. Barton, David, United States senator, was born in 1785, in Waco county, Ky. He was one of the first emigrants to the territory of iMissouri; and was president of the convention which met to form a state constitution in 1820. In 1821-31 he was United States senator from Missouri. He died Sept. 28, 1837, near Boonville, Mo. Barton, Edmund Mills, soldier, librarian, was born Sept. 27, 1838, in Worcester, Mass. In 1863-65 he was relief agent of the United States sanitary commission fifth corps army of the Potomac. In 1866-83 he was assistant librarian and since 1883 has been librarian of the American antiquarian society of Worcester, Mass. Barton, George Aaron, educator, theologian, author, was boi-n Nov. 12, 1859, in Canada. He was educated at Haverford college and Harvard university and has received the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. In 1884-89 he was teacher of Jiigher mathematics and classics at the Friends' school of Providence, R.I. and since 1891 has been professor of biblical literature and Semitic languages at Bryn Mawr college. Pa. In 1902-03 he was director of the American schools of oriental study and research in Palestine. Since 1879 he has been an acknowledged minister of the Society of friends. He is the author of Sketch of Semitic Origins, Social and Religious; Roots of Christian Teaching as Found in the Old Testament; A Year's Wandering in Bible Lands ;and is editor of the Haverford Librarv Collection of Cuniform Tablets. Barton, George Estes, chemical engineer,
was born May
ington, Mass. In 1892-94 he
the Aetna powder
Worthwas chemist to
1871, in
of Chicago,
and since 1896 has been chief chemist to the Whitall Tatum company. He has made valuable researches on chemical glassware. Barton, George Hunt, geologist, author, was born July 8, 1852, in Sudbury, Mass. He is professor of geology in the Boston uni/ersity.
the author of Outline of Ele-
mentary Lithology. Barton,
Conger, banker,
was born July 1, 1839, in Carlisle, Ohio. In 1869-81 he was a stock raiser. In 1892 he was president of the Omaha and Grant ?melting company; and is president of the South Omaha national bank. Barton, Henry Woodbridge, painter, artist, was born Nov. 38, 1858, in Hudson, N. Y. He has had no regular instruction in art, but began to exhibit in the Academy of design in 1878. He exhibited in the Royal Aca-
in 1884.