Barton, Hubbard Alonzo, educator, jour-
Barton, Seth, lawyer, jurist, diplomat,
was born on May 12, 1843, in Croydon, N.H. He was educated in the public and private schools
born Dec. 8, 1795, in Baltimore, Md. He was judge of the state of Alabama. In 1845-47 was solicitor of the treasury. In 1847-49 was
of his native state. For years he was superintendent of schoo-
charge d'affaires to Chili. He died in 1850. Barton, Thomas, clergyman, was born in 1730 in Monaghan, Ireland. He was for nearly twenty years rector of St. James church of Lancaster, Pa. He died May 25, 1780, in
nalist, poet,
many ls.
Early developing a
literary taste he con-
tributed both prose and verse to the public press. In 1879 he became the editor and senior proprietor of the New Hampshire Argus and Spectator, a well-known democratic newspaper published at Newport, N. H. which was established in 1823 by his great uncle, the Hon. Cyrus Barton. Barton, Richard W., legislator, congressman, was bom in Virginia. In 1841-43 he was a representative from Virginia to the twenty- seventh congress. He served in the state legislature; and was the first president of the Valley agricultural society. He died March 15, 1859, in Frederick county, Va. Barton, Robert H., soldier educator, business man, statesman, was born Feb. 1, 1842, in Oakfield, Ohio. He received his education at Nerse's academy of Somerset; and at the Ohio university of Athens. He followed teaching for a quarter of a century in Ohio, Kansas, Utah and Idaho, with the exception of nearly five years as a soldier in the civil war of 1861-65 in the first Ohio volunteer cavalry. He has been a farmer, saw-mill proprietor, hotel keeper and dealer in real estate. In Kansas he was a member of the board of school examiners; and recorder of deeds for Crawford county. He has been a member of the board of regents of Idaho university; sheriff of Latah county; chief of police of Moscow, Idaho department commander of the grand army of the republic, department of Idaho and is now postmaster of Moscow, Idaho. Barton, Robert McKinney, lawyer, jurist, was born Nov. 26, 1851, in Greenville, Tenn. In 1876-84 he was United States commissioner; in 1880-81 was city attorney of Chattanooga, Tenn.; and in 1893-95 was a member of the Tennessee state senate. Since 1896 he has been judge of the court of chancery appeals of Tennessee. Barton, Samuel, congressman, was born in New York. He served three years in the state assembly of New York. In 1835-37 he was a representative to the twenty-fourth congress. He died in New York. Barton, Samuel Marx, educator, author, was born May 9, 1859, in Winchester, Va. Since 1895 he has been professor of mathematics and acting professor of civil engineering in the university of the south. He is the author of Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations; and The Elements of Plane Surveying. ,
New York
May 26, soldier in the
Barton, William, soldier, was born 1748, in Warren, R.I.
He was a
revolutionary war; and received the rank of colonel and a sword for his services. He died Oct. 22, 1831, in Providence, R.I. Barton, William Brainerd, soldier, was born in New Jersey. In 1861 he was lieutenant-colonel in the forty-eighth regiment New York volunteer infantry; in 1862 became colonel; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died June 15, 1891, in New York. Barton, William Eleazar, clergyman, author, was born June 28, 1861, in Sublette, 111. Since 1899 he has been pastor of the first congregational church at Oak Park, 111. He is the author of Life in the Hills in KenTale of the tucky; Hero in Homespun; Loyal South; The Psalms and Their Story; Old Plantation Hymns; and other works. Barton, William Paul Crillon, physician, surgeon, botanist, author,, was born Nov. 17, 1786, in Philadelphia, Pa. He organized the United Sta,tes naval bureau of medicine and surgery. In 1815 he became professor of botany at the university of Pennsylvania; and at the time of his death was senior surgeon of the navy. Pie was the author of Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States; Flora of North America; Medical Botany; and Compendium Florae. He died Feb, 9, 1856, in Philadelphia, Pa. Barton, Edward, educator, chemist, scientist, was born Jan. 12, 1870, in Glenham, N.Y. In 1904 he was president of the Kansas academy. Since 1906 he has been professor at the university of Illinois; and director of the state water survey. Bartram, John, botanist, author, was bom on March 23, 1699, in Darby, Pa. He was a shrewd, careful observer; and Linnteus termed him the greatest natural botanist in the world. He was called the father of American botany. He was the author of Observations on the Inhabitants, Climate, etc., as made by Mr. John Bartram In his Travels
from Pennsylvania to Onondaga,
etc. similar record of travels in eastern Florida appeared in 1766. He died Sept. 22, 1777, In
Klngsesslng, Pa.
Bartram, William, botanist, author, was
1739, in Kingsessing, Pa.
was a botanist and traveler of Pennsylvania. He was the author of Travel Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, etc.; and Observations on the Creek and Cherokee InHe died July 23, 1823, in Kingsessing, Pa. dians.