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Bass, Edward, clergyman, bishop, was bom ry commissioner of New Hampshire. He is Nov. 33, 1736, in Dorchester, Mass. He was also interested in real estate investments at Peterborough, N.H. consecrated in Philadelphia in 1797; and his jurisdiction extended over the churches in Bass, WJUiam C, clergyman, college president, was bom Jan. 13, 1831, in Augusta, Ga. Rhode Island and New Hampshire. He died In 1859 he became a professor in the WesleSept. 10, 1803, in Newburyport, Mass. yan female college of Georgia; and in 1874 Bass, John H., soldier, manufacturer, bansucceeded to the presidency of that instituker, was born Nov. 9, 1835, in Salem, Ky. tion. Puring the civil war he served on the union Bassel, James, soldier, was born in Virside in the thirtieth reginia. In 1863 he entered the United States giment Indiana volunmilitary academy; in 1867 graduated from teer infantry. He estthat institution; and was made second lieuablished the old Fort Wayne machine work^ tenant in the second United States artillery. He served in various military stations; and and in 1869 extended in 1870 was honorably discharged from the his operations by founUnited States army at his own request. ding the St. Louis car wheel company, and of Bassett, Mrs. Adelaide Florence, author, which he was presidwas born Sept. 34, 1845, in Boston, Mass. ent. Since 1880 he has She is the author of Hive Hall; Dick Travers owned a plant for the Abroad, in four volumes ; Daisy at Home, in manufacture of pig irfour volumes and Father Gander's Melodies. on in northeastern AlBassett, Allan Lee, soldier, journalist, inabama; and is president of the Old national surance president, was born on Feb. 38, 1837, bank of Fort Wayne, Ind. In 1888 he was a near Birmingham, Conn. For twenty years presidential elector. he was a successful Bass, John Meredith, historian, author, merchant of New York was born Oct. 33, 1845, in Nashville, Tenn. City. He served durHe graduated from Bethany college of West ing the civil war in Virginia; graduated from the law departthe twenty-third New ment of Cumberland university at Lebanon, York regiment. In 1866 he established Tenn.; and attended the law department of the Northern Monthly the university of Virginia. For twelve conseand New Jersey Magacutive years he was secretary of the Tenneszine of Irvington, N. J. see historical society; for six years has been which subsequently becommissioner of Watkins institute; and is came Putnam's Magachairman of the board of commissioners.zine. In 1873 he orgaSince 1894 he has been secretary and treasnized the Prudential urer of the university of Nashville; and a insurance company and became its first premember of its board of trustees since 18,85. sident. He died Dec. 4, 1893, in Newark, N.J. For two years he was co-editor of the AmerHis sons, Carrol Phillips Bassett, still resides ican Historical Magazine of Nashville, Tenn. in Newark, N.J. He is the author of numerous historical monBassett, Burwell, congressman, was born in ographs. 1764 in New Kent county, Va. In 1805-39 he Bass, Ljrman K., lawyer, congressman, was was a representative from Virginia in 'the born Nov. 13, 1836, in Alden, N.Y. He was ninth to the twentieth congresses. He died district attorney for Erie county in 1865-72. Feb. 36, 1841, in New Kent county, Va. In 1873-77 he was a representative to the forty-third and forty-fourth congresses. In Bassett, Carroll Phillips, civil engineer, au1873 he removed to Colorado Springs, Col.; thor, was born Feb. 37, 1863, in Brooklyn, and was general counsel of the Denver and N.Y. He was president of the New Jersey Rio Grande railroad company. He died May sanitary association in 1893-93; is chief engiNew York City. 11, 1889, in neer of the Commonwealth water company; aTid has designed and constructed waterBass, Ljrman Metcalfe, soldier, was born n'crks, sewerage and the sewage purification Kentucky. In 1898 he was second lieutenant v.nrks of many towns in New Jersey, New in the third United States artillery; and York and Pennsylvania and Delaware. He is served in the Spanish-American war in sevthe author of The Conservation of Streams; eral skirmishes. and Inland Sewage Disposal. Bass, Eobert Perkins, lawyer, statesman, Bassett, Ebenezer Don Carlos, educator, 4iwas bom Sept. 1, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He plomat, was born in 1833 in Litchfield, Conn. was educated in the public schools of Boston, He served for fourteen years as a teacher in Mass.; and graduated with the degree of A. Philadelphia, Pa. He was United States miB. from Harvard university; and graduated nister to Hayti in 1869-77; and since 1879 from Harvard law school. In 1904-08 he was has been Haytian consul in New York City. a representative in the New Hampshire state Bassett, Edward Murray, lawyer, congreslegislature; and in 1908 was elected to the sman, was born Feb. 7, 1863, in Brooklyn, N. state senate. Since 1906 he has been forest;