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Dighton, Mass. He was a member of the provincial congress in 1776,; often a member of the Massachusetts state council; served many years in the state legislature; and was a presidential elector in 1801. In 1799ISOl and 1805-11 he was a representative to the sixth, ninth, tenth and eleventh congresses from Massachusetts. He died Jan. 17, 1826, in Dighton, Mass. Baylies, William, lawyer, congressman, was born Sept. 15, 1776, in Dighton, Mass. In 1813-17 and 1833-35 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the thirteenth, fourteenth and twenty-third congresses. He served in the state legislature in 1830-31. He died Sept. 37, 1865, in Taunton, Mass. Bayliss, Mrs. Clara Kern, educator, journalist, author, was bom March 5, 1848, near Kalamazoo, Mich. She was editor of the Child-Study Monthly of Springfield, 111. She is the author of In Brools and Bayou; and Solami, The Little Cliff Dweller. Bayliss, Major WiUiam, architect, government oflficial, was born Nov. 8, 1848, in Canada. In 1881 he was appointed to a position in the war department; and since 1883 he has been superintendent of hospital construction in the office of the surgeon-general of the army at Washington, D.C. Baylor, Frances Courtenay, litterateur, author, was born Jan. 20, 1848, in Fayetteville, Ark. She is the author of The Perfect Treasure and On This Side; On Both Sides; Juan and Juanita; Behind the Blue Ridge; The Shocking Example and Other Sketches; Claudia Hyde; Miss Nina Barrow; The Ladder of Fortune; and The Nortons. Baylor, George, soldier, was born Jan. 13, 1752, in Newmarket, Pa. He was aide to C'pneral Washington; and served continuously throughout the revolutionary war. He participated in the surprise of the Hessians at Trenton; carried the news of the victory to congress; was presented by that body with a sword; and was advanced to the rank of colonel in the dragoons in 1777. He died in March, 1784, in Barbadoes, W.I. Baylor, George, soldier, lawyer, author, was born in Virginia. He was one of Mosby's men; and distinguished himself by various daring raids during the civil war in the Valley of Virginia. He is a successful lawyer of Charleston, W.Va. He is the author of Bull Run, or Four Years in the Army of

Northern Virginia. Baylor, John R.,

soldier, governor. He was a brigadier-general in the confederate army; a noted Indian fighter and ranger in Texas; and governor of Arizona. He died in 1896 in Uvalde county, Texas. Baylor, Robert Emmett Bledsoe, soldier, clergyman, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was bom May 10 1793, in Lincoln county, Ky. He served in the war of 1813. He was elected to the Alabama state legislature in 1834. In 1829-31 he was a representative from Alabama to the twenty-first congress. Subsequent to his career in coagress he emigrat-

ed to the republic of Texas, where he was immediately elected a judge of the district and of the supreme court, and held' the office for twenty-five years. Baylor university was named as an honor warranted by the gifts of land and money made by Judge Baylor. He died Jan. 6, 1874, in Texas.

Walker Keith, soldier. He served Texan war of independence. He distinguished himself at the battle of San Jacinto; and was given a sword and six thousand acres of land by the state of Texas and a county in that state was also named in his Baylor,

in the



died in 1845 in Catawba, Ala.

Baynam, William, surgeon, was born


December, 1749, in Caroline coimty, Va., He was very successful as a surgeon; and as an anatomist he had no superior. The best preparations in the museums of Cline and Cooper in London were made by him. He contributed extensively to medical journals. He died Dec. 8, 1814, in Essex, Va. Bayne, Howard R., lawyer, author, was born May 11, 1851, in Winchester, Va. In 1873 he graduated with the degree of M.A. from Richmond college; and in 1879 graduated in law from the same institution with the degree of B'.L. Since 1882 he has practiced law in New York City. He is the author of Travels of Ego and Alter; and edited Con•

verses Indexes.

Bayne, Samuel Gamble, manufacturer, ban-


ker, founder, author, was Nov. 11, 1844, in Ulster, Ireland. Until 1869 he was a linen manufacturer in Belfast; and in 1870-85 drilled over four hundred oil wells in the oil

region of Pennsylvania. He organized the First national bank of Bradford, Pa.; and was its first president. He afterward organized national banks in Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, Minnesota and Ohio; and in 1883 organized the Seaboard national bank of New York City, of which he is now president. He is also president of the Riverside drive property association. He is the author of Pith of Astronomy; and On an Irish Jaunting Car

Through Donegal and Connemara. Bayne, Thomas M., soldier, lawyer, congressman, was bom June 14, 1836, in Allegheny, Pa. He took part in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. He was district attorney for Allegheny county in 1870. In 1877-91 he was representative from Pennsylvania to the forty-fifth, forty-sixth, forty-seventh, forty-eighth, forty-ninth, fiftieth and fifty-first congresses. He died June 16, 1844, in Washington, D.C.

Bazin, John S., clergyman, bishop, founder, was bom in 1796, in France. For seventeen years he was bishop of Mobile, Ala. He established a catholic benevolent female society which developed into an orphan asylum society. Ind.


died April 33, 1848, in Vincennes,

Beach, Abel, lawyer, author, poet, was born Feb. 7, 1839, in Groton, N.Y. He was a successful pension attorney of Iowa City,