berland university in 1843. On the founding of the theological school of the university in 1853, he took the chair of systematic theology, being in reality for the next twenty-five years both principal and professor. He was the author of Systematic Theology; Biographical Sketches; and Why I am a Cumberland Presbyterian. He died Dec. 2, 1880, in Lebanon, Tenn. Beard, W. D., lawyer, jurist. He is a prominent lawyer of the south; and is now associate justice of the state supreme court of Tennessee. Beard, William Henry, designer, inventor, was born Oct. 12, 1839, in Richmond, Mass. The Beard hydraulic shield was used in the construction of the great railway tunnel under the St. Clair river at Port Huron and Sarnia, between the United States and Canada; as well as in excavating the underground railway tunnels in London and Glasgow, the Hudson river tunnel and other similar works. He is the designer of many other inventions.
Beard, William Holbrook, illustrator, artwas born April 13, 1835, in Painesville, Ohio. In 1861 he was elected an associate of the national academy of design; and in 18j63 became an academician. Among his well known pictures are Kittens and Guinea Pig; ist,
of Death; Passing of Ages; and The He died Feb. 21, 1900, in New York City. Beard, Wolcott Le Clear, civil engineer, author, was born Nov. 10, 1868, in New York City. During the Spanish-American war of
1898 he served through the Porto Rico campaign as first lieutenant in the first regiment United States volunteer engineers. He is the author of Sand and Cactus. Bearden, J. T., lawyer, jurist. In 1874 he was associate justice of the supreme court of Arkansas. Beardshear, William, physician, college president, was born in 1850. He was a prominent physician; and a college president. He died Aug. 5, 1902, in Des Moines, Iowa. Beardshear, William Miller, soldier, educator, clergyman, college president, was born Since 1895 he has been director of the New Nov. 7, 1850, in Dayton, Ohio. In 1865 he served in the civil war. In 1878-80 he filled a pastorate in Arcanum, Ohio. In 1881 he became president of the Western college at Toledo, Ohio; and in 1891 accepted the presidency of the Iowa state college. He died Aug. 5, 1902, in Ames, Iowa. Beardslee, Clark Smith, educator, clergyman, author, was born Feb. 1, 1850, in Coventry, N.Y. Since 1890 he has been professor of biblical dogmatics and ethics at the Hartford theological seminary. He is the author of Jesus, the King of Truth and of Teacher Training with the ^Master Teacher. Beardslee, Lester Anthony, naval officer, was born Feb. 1, 1836, in Little Falls, N.Y. He participated in the capture of the confederate steam sloop Florida in Brazil in 1864;
and as prize master brought her to the United States. In 1870 he took the tug Palos to China, carrying on her the United States flag through the Suez canal. While commanding the United States steamship Jamestown in 1879-80 in Alaska water, he discovered, surveyed and named Glacier Bay. He attained the rank of rear-admiral and was retired in
Beardsley, Arthur, engineer, was born Nov. 1843, in Esopus, N.Y. In 1867-68 he was assistant engineer at the Hoosac tunnel and in 1867-72 was professor of civil engineering and industrial mechanics at the university of Minnesota. In 1872-98 he was professor of civil and mechanical engineering in Swarthniore college; and is now professor emeritus. He is a fellow of the American association lor the advancement of science; and an editor of the Journal of the Franklin institute. Beardsley, Arthur Eugene, educator, biologist, scientist, was born Oct. 4, 1853, in Clean, N.Y. In 1880-92 he was a practicing irrigation engineer. Since 1892 he has been professor of biology in the Colorado state normal school. He has made valuable researches on the protozoa and entomostraca of Colorado. Beardsley, Aubrey, artist, was bom in 1864. He was a noted artist; and was the originator of the poster craze of exaggerated art. He died in 1898. Beardsley, Charles, physician, journalist, state senator, was born Feb. 18, 1830, in Knox county, Ohio. He was editor of the Burlington Hawkeye in 1865-74. He was a member of the state senate in 1870-73; and in 1879 was appointed fourth auditor of the treasury at Washington, D.C. He died Dec. 29, 1896, in Burlington, Iowa. Beardsley, Eben Edwards, clergyman, author, was born in 1808 in Stepney, Conn. In 1848 he was made rector of St. Thomas church of New Haven, Conn. He was the author of History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut; and Lives of Samuel Johnson, of William Samuel Johnson and Samuel Seabury. He died Dec. 22, 1891, in New Haven, Conn. Beardsley, Isaac Haight, clergyman, author, was born Oct. 1, 1831, in North Plarpersfield, N.Y. He received a thorough education in the public schools and theological seminaries of New York. For fifty years he has been a clergyman of raethodist episcopal church; and has filled pastorates in New York and Ohio; and f°i' the past thirty yeiJi^HK. j^^H ^^|H||^ ^^^ ^'i Colorado. DurJ^^^^M ing the civil war he j^^^l^l ^^'^^ ^ chaplain in the union army. He is the 1,
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author of The True Sabbath; Echoes From Peak and Plain; A Genealogical History of