HERRINGSHAW'.S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Belden, Josiah, merchant, statesman, was born May 4, 1815, in Cromwell, Conn. When Captain Jones, of the frigate United States, took possession of California for the government, Mr. Belden was appointed alcalde of Santa Cruz; and with his own hands raised
the American flag in California for the first time. He was the first mayor of San Jose in 1850. He died April 23, 1892. Belding, Alvah Norton, silk manufacturer, business president, was born March 27, 1838, in Ashfield,
He was
one of the founders of the firm of Beld-
brothers; and is the vice-president, secretary and manager of the manufacturing part of the business of Belding brothers and company. He is also president of the Belding land and improvement company of Belding, Mich.; vice-president of the Beldinging
Paul silk company, manufacturers of Montreal, Canada ; and is a director of the Carlson Currier company, silk manufacturers of San Francisco, C'al.; and a director in numerous financial and industrial corporations at Rockville, Conn. Belding, Mile Merrick, mahuf aoturer, founder, was born April 3, 1833J in Ashfield, Mass. In 18C6, with his brothers, he started a silk factory in Rockville, Conn. In 1874 they built a second silk mill in Northampton, Mass. ; and later one in Belding, Mich. silk
lawyer, jurist, congressman, was bom Sept. 28, 1837, in Lewiston, Pa. He was educated in the public schools of Pennsylvania; and graduated from Dickinson college. In 1858 he began the practice of law; and attained Belford,
prominence in his profession. In 1870-75 he was a judge of the su-
preme court do.
of Colora-
On the admission
of Colorado as a state he was elected and in 1875-85 served as a re-
presentative from Colthe forty-fourth, forty- fifth, fortysixth, forty-seventh and forty-eighth congresses. For many years he has been prominently identified with the business and public affairs of Central City, Col.
Belford, Joseph McCrum, educator, lawyer, congressman, was bom Aug. 5, 1852, in Mifflingtown, Pa. He was engaged in academic
work for some years. He removed to Long Island in 1884; and was admitted to the bar in 1889. In 1897-99 he was a representative from New York to the fifty-fifth congress as a republican. 19
Belgei, James, soldier, was bom in New York. In 1832-38 he served from private to sergeant-major in the second regiment United States infantry; in 1838 attained the rank of second lieutenant; and in 1843 was promoted to first lieutenant United States army. In 1840-46 he was regimental adjutant; and then became captain and asStates army. In 1840-46 he was regimental adjutant; and then became captain and assist^t quartermaster. In 1862-63 was a national aide-de-camp; and was in numerous battles and skirmishes. In 1848 he was brevetted major for meritorious conduct particularly in the performance of his duty in the prosecution of the war in Mexico. He died Sept. 10, 1891.
Belknap, Charles H., lawyer, jurist, was born in 1843 in New York. In 1865 he began the practice of law; and in 1873-75 was justhe Nevada state supreme court. He returned to private practice; and in 18801903 again became justice of the state suptice of
Belknap, Charles Eugene, soldier, congressman, was born Oct. 17, 1846, in Massena, N. Y. In 1862 he enlisted in the twenty-first re-
giment of Michigan infantry; was promoted to different positions; received a captain's commission in 1864 at the age of seventeen
years and over three months and he served
1865 with the army of the Cumberland. He served eleven jfears in the fire deuntil
J jjpartment of the Grand I Rapids as captain of a company, assistant chief and chief; was seven years on the board of education; served two years as alderman and served one year as mayor. In 1889-93 he was a representative from Michigan to the fifty-first and fiftysecond congresses to fill a vacancy. In 1892 he was appointed chairman of the Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge military park commission for the state of Michigan. He has contributed war stories and Chippewa Indian myths to current literature. Belknap, Edwin Star, lawyer, actor, dramatist, author, was born in San Francisco, Cal. In 1883-88 he practiced law in New York City; and in 1888-91 was engaged as an actor. Since 1891 he has been a public reader and
playwright. He is at present a dramatic instructor in pantomime, gesture and stage business in the American academy of dramatic arts of New York City; and also in the school of English speech and expression in Boston, Mass. He is the author of Put to the Test; The Enchanted Fountain; Love and Witchcraft; In Old Amsterdam; The Traitor Mandolin; and various other pantomimes, all of which have been produced at the Empire theatre of New York City and elsewhere.