Belknap, George Eugene, naval officer, auwas born Jan. 22, 1833, in Newport, N. H. Since 1847 he has been in the United States naval service; and in 1875 was commisthor,
sioned post-captain. He was made commodore in ,1885; subsequently was made rearadmiral; and was retired in 1894. He is the author of valuable papers on Deep Sea Soundings; is a member of the American geographical society; and received a silver medal as a recognition of merit from the G eographical society of France. His portrait hangs in the new Library building of the New Hampshire state capitol. He died April 7, 1903, in
Key West,
burg; was with General Sherman in his great campaign; and was so rapidly promoted as to have command of a division of the army as major-general. 'After the war he was appointed a collector of internal revenue, which position he held until he entered President Grant's cabinet. In 1869-76 he was secretary of war. He died Oct 13, 1890, in
Washington, D.C. Bell, Addison A., physician, surgeon, was born Jan. 26, 1823, in Elbert county, Ga. He received a thorough education in the public schools of his native state; he graduated in
medicine from Jefl!erson medical college of and Pennsylvania ; subsequently attended the New Ybrk medical university. He is widely known as an emin-
Belknap, Hugh Reid, business man, congressman, was born Sept. 1, 1860, in Keokuk, Iowa. At the age of eighteen he entered the service of the Baltim^/^ ore and Ohio railroad company in a minor capacity; he remained with that company for twelve years and filled various positions in
practical railroading in the operating department; and retired as chief clerk to the
general manager in 1892 to became superintendent of the South side rapid transit railroad of Chicago, 111. In 1895-99 he was a representative from Illinois to the fifty-fourth and fifty-iifth congresses as a republican. He became paymaster in the United States army. He died Nov. 12, 1901, in the Philippines. Belknap, Jeremy, clergyman, author, was bom June 4, 1744, in Boston, Mass. In 178798 he had charge of the Federal street church of Boston. He was the author of the History of New Hampshire which ranks as the best among local state histories. His other works include American Biographies; The Foresters; and An American Tale. He died June 20, 1798, in Boston, Mass. Belknap, Robert Lenox, capitalist, philanthropist, was born July 23, 1848, in New York City. In 1878-88 he was treasurer of the Northern pacific railroad company; he was president of the Northern trust company of Wisconsin; and president of the Duluth gas and water company. He died in 1896 in New
Belknap, William Goldsmith, soldier, was bom Sept. 7, 1794, in Newburgh, N.Y. In 1828 he established Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. He acted as inspector-general at the capture of Monterey; became lieutenant-colonel in 1847; and was brevetted brigadiergeneral for services at Beuna Vista. He died Nov. 10, 1851, near Fort Washita, Texas. Belknap, William Worth, soldier, lawyer,
was born Sept. 22, Newburgh, N.Y. He was elected to the Iowa state legislature in 1849. He was present at the battles of Shiloh and Vickslegislator, cabinet officer,
1829, in
successful ent and physician and surgeon throughout the state of Georgia; and still practices his professiis a member of the leading medical associations; and has contributed valuable articles to medical literature. Bell, Agrippa Nelson, physician, sanitarian, journalist, author, was born Aug. 3, 1820, in
on at Madison, Ga.
Northampton, Va.
1842 he graduated from Jefferson medical college with the degree of M.D.; and subsequently received the degree of A.M. from Trinity college. In 1842 he began the practice of medicine in Frank-
town, Va. In 1847 he entered the naval service as assistant surgeon served in the Me;
war; was prom-
oted and resigned in 1863; and since 1855 has practiced medicine in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1861-62 he was superintendent of the floating hospital for yellow fever on New York lower bay; was the author of the New York quarantine law of 1863 and in 1870-73 was New York supervising commissioner of quarantine. In 1873 he founded The Sanitarian, and edited fifty-two volumes until 1904, when it was consolidated with the Popular Science Monthly. He was one of the founders of the American public health association; and for twenty-one years was visiting physician to the Brooklyn city hospital. He is the author of Knowledge of Living Things Climatology and Mineral Waters of the United States; and Records of Daily Practice. BeU, Alexander Graham, inventor, scientist, author, was born March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was educated at the universities of Edinburgh and London and has received the degrees of LL.D., Ph.D. and M.