ritone roles of comic opera; and starred as Mr. Pitt in The Education of Mr. Pitt. Bell, David Cooper, merchant, manufacturer, banker, was born June 32, 1841, in West Almond, N.Y. He was educated at Alfred New university of York and in 1858 began his career in Minneapolis as a clerk in the store of his broth;
He soon became a partner in the business; and Bell brothers became the leading merchants in that part of the west. In 1866 he became the first president of the Young men's christian assoeiothers in 1870 he established er.
the Minnesota linseed oil company, of which he was president and treasurer for fourteen years. In 1884 he organized the David C. Bell investment company, of which he is still I esident. In 1901-03 he was a special agent of the United States treasury department; and as such visited Europe in the interests of the Columbian exposition. In 1901-05 he was treasurer of Hennepin county, Minn. Bell, Edward A., painter, artist, was born Dec. 18, 1861, in New York City. In 1881 he went to Europe, where he studied at Munich for two years. One of his best paintings is Their First Sorrow.
George A., soldier, was born about 1833 in Maryland. He graduated from West Point in 1853. During the civil war he served as Bell,
assistant in the organization of the subsistence department for the Manassas campaign, as principal assistant commissary to the army of the Potomac. He was brevetted brigidier-general for services during the civil war. He died Jan. 2, 1907, in Washington, D.C. Bell, Henry Haywood, naval officer, was born about 1808 in North Carolina. Early in the civil war he was appointed fleet captain of the Western gulf squadron. In 1866 he was promoted to rear-admiral; and in 1867 was retired. He died Jan. 11, 1868, in Japan. Bell, Hill McClelland, educator, college president, author, was born June 19, 1860, in
Licking county, Ohio.
He graduated from
ident of Drake university of Des Moines, Iowa. He is the author of Outlines of Child's Study; A Manual of Orthoepy and Orthography; and various other school textbooks. Bell, Hiram, congressman, was born in Vermont. In 1851-53 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirty-second congress.
died Dec. 31, 1855, in Greenville, Ohio. Hiram Parks, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born Jan. 1, 1827, in Jackson county, Ga. In 1861 he was a delegate to the secession convention; and was a state senator the same year. He resigned to enter the confederate army in 1862; and raised a company, of which he was elected captain. He was dangerously wounded at Chickasaw bayou; and attained the rank of colonel. He was a representative from Georgia in the second confederate congress in 1864-65. In 1873-79 he was a representative from Georgia to the forty-third and forty-fifth congresses as a democrat. He died in 1907 in Gumming, Ga. Bell, Isaac, merchant, banker, diplomat, was born Nov. 16, 1846, in New York City. In 1870-78 he was engaged in mercantile business and in banking in New York City; and in the latter years retired from business and went abroad. In 1885 he received the vote of his party in the state legislature for United States senator, but was not elected. In 1885 he was appointed United States minister at the Hague, Netherlands. Bell,
Bell, Isaac, merchant, congressman, wasborn Aug. 14, 1814, in New York City. In 1836-55 he was engaged in the cotton business; and in 1848 was elected to congress from Alabama. He was a commissioner of education in 1870-89 in New York City. In 1866 he was an organizer of the Old Dominion steamship company and he served as its vice-president till his resignation in 1890. He founded the ambulance system in connection with the charities department. He died Sept. 30
1897, in
New York
James, lawyer. United States senator, was born Nov. 13, 1804, in Prancestown, N.H. In 1846 he represented Exeter in the Bell,
New Hampshire legislature.
Iowa, from which In-
damming the
stitution of learning received the degrees of A.B'., Ph.B. and A.M. He also studied at the university of Nebraska; and received the degree of M.S. from Cotner universiity of Lincoln, Neb.
years he ten For taught in the public schools; and for sixteen years filled chairs in college in various parts of the United States. He is now pres-
same year he removed to Guilford, where he of the outlets
Lake Winnipiseogee and other lakes, so
that the large mills on the Merrimac might not suffer from a diminished water supply during the dry season.
prudent managem-
ent he gained over those property-owners whose interests seemed to be threatened, and the scheme was successful. He was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1850; and in 1854 and 1855 the unsuccessful whig candidate for governor. In 1855-57 he