HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. court in 1859; and after ten years of service in that capacity became chief justice. He died March 11, 1873, in Concord, N.H. Bellows, Hemry Whitney, clergyman, author, was born June 11, 1814, in Boston, Mass. He was a unitarian clergyman of prominence in New York City; and president of the United States sanitary commission. He was the author of Restatements of Christian Doctrine; Sermons; Relation of Public Amusements to Public Morality; 'and The Old World in Its New Face. He died Jan. 30, 1882, in New York City. Belmont, August, banker, diplomat, was born in 1816 in Germany. In 1853 he was appointed by President Pierce charge d'affaires to the Hague; and afterward became minister resident, resigning in 1858. In the latter capacity he negotiated a highly important consular convention, for which and other diplomatic services he received special thanks from Washington. He was a leading delegate to the democratic convention of 1860; and from that year until 1873 was chairman of the national democratic committee. He died Nov. 24, 1890, in New York City. Belmont, August, banker, was born Feb. 18, 1853, in New York City. He is now the head of August Belmont and company, the American representatives of the Rothschild bank abroad. The family make their country home at Hempstead, on Long Island. Belmont, Oliver Hazard Perry, financier, congressman, was bom Nov. 12, 1858, in New York City. In 1879 he graduated from the United States naval academy; and served two years in the United States navy. In 1901-03 he was a. representative from New York to the forty- seventh congress as a democrat. He died June 10, 1908, in Hempstead, L.I.
Belmont, Perry, lawyer, diplomat, congressman, was born Dec. 27, 1851, in New York City. He graduated at Harvard college in 1872, and was admitted to the bar in 1876. In 1881-87 he was a representative from New York to the forty-seventh, fortyeighth and forty-ninth congresses as a democrat. He was appointed minister to Spain under President Cleveland's administration. He was a delegate to the democratic national convention of 1892; also to the democratic convention in Chicago in 1896 and to the Indianapolis democratic convention of 1896 which nominated Palmer and Buckner. "Belrose, Louis, author, poet, was born in 1845 in Pennsylvania. He was a writer whose only published work of note is Thorns and Flowers, a volume of poems. He died in 1896. Belser, James E., congressman, was born in South Carolina. In 1843-45 he was a representative from Alabama to the twenty
died Jan.
1859, in
Montgomery, Ala. Belton Francis S. soldier was bom about 1790 in Maryland. In the war with Mexico he commanded a regiment and distinguished himself at the capture of the city of Mexico.
For gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco he was brevetted colonel. He was commissioned colonel in 1857. He died Sept. 10, 1861, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Beltzhoover, Frank Eckels, lawyer, congressman, was born Nov. 6, 1841, in Cumberland county, Pa. In 1858 he entered Pennsylvania college at Gettysburg, where he
graduated in 1862. He was admitted to the bar in 1864 and has practiced since in Carlisle, Pa. In 1868 and
of the democratic committee executive of his county; and in
1874-77 was district attorney. In 1879-83 and 1891-95 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the forty-sixth, forty-seventh and fifty-second and fifty-third congresses as a; democrat.
Beman, Nathaniel Sydney Smith, clergyman, abolitionist, author, was born Nov. 26,
Lebanon, N.Y. In 1822 he beof the presbyterian church in Troy, N.Y.; and continued as such for upward of forty years. He was actively inter1785, in
came pastor
ested in the temperance, moral reform, revival and anti-slavery movements of his time. Besides sermons, essays, and addresses, which have been separately published, he was the author of a volume entitled Four Sermons on the Atonement. He was also one of the compilers of the hymn-book adopted by the new-school branch of the presbyterian church. He was the author of The Old Ministry, Letters to John Hughes and Four Sermons on the Atonement. He died Aug. 8, 1871, in Carbondale, 111.
Bement, William Barnes, manufacturer, was born May 10, 1817, in Bradford, N.H. He was educated in the schools of New
He moved
Philadelphia and devoted himself there to and invention the of machine tools and machinery. The industrial works, as they were
called, grew both in size
tige to equal the best of their class in Amer-
and they are said stand second only to the Whitworth shops in England. He invented several industrial devices of merit. He died about 1890 in Philadelphia, Pa. Beman, Solon Spencer, architect, was born Oct. 1, 1853, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He designed all the buildings that compose the town of ica;
Pullman, 111.; Michigan trust company building of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Union station