Beresford, Richard, congressman, was born in South Carolina. In 1783-84 he was a delegate from South Carolina to the continental congress. He died in South Carolina. Berg, Albert, farmer, journalist, statesman, was born June 35, 1861, in Centre City, Miim. He was educated at the Carleton college of Northfield, Minn.; and for three years studied at Gustavus Adolphus college of St. Peter. For three years he was engaged in journalistic work on the Fargo Argus; and in 1886 was elected register of deeds for Chicago county, serving for eight years. In 1892 he was a delegate to the national republican convention; and in 1894-1900 was elected secretary of state of Minnesota. Berg, Ernst Julius, electrical engineer, author, was born in January, 1871, in Sweden. He received a thorough education; in
graduated from
the high school;
graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Royal institute of technology at Stockholm. For awhile he was engaged with in 1893
the Thomson-Houston electric
company; and
since 1893 has been electrical engineer of
Schnectady, N.Y. He is the author of Alternating Current Phenomena; and has contributed valuable scientific articles to technical jourof
Berg, Joseph Frederick, educator, clergyman, author, was born in 1812, on the island of Antigua. In 1861-71 he was a professor in the seminary at New Brunswick. He was the author of Lectures on Romanism; and Rome's Policy Towards the Bible. He died July 20, 1871, in New Brunswick, N.J. Berg, Louis de Coppet, architect, civil engineer, author, was born in 1856. He is an architect and civil engineer of New York City. He is the author of a work on Safe Building. Berg, Walter Oilman, civil engineer, author, was born Jan. 13, 1858, in New York City. Since 1878 he has been engaged as bridge engineer and engineer in charge of variotis railroads; and is now chief engineer of the Lehigh Valley railroad. He has been president of the American association of railway superintendents of bridges and buildings. He is the author of Buildings and Structures of American Railroads American
Railway Bridges and Buildings; Strength of Timber; and American Railway Shop Systems. Bergen, Christopher Augustus, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Aug. 3, 1841, in Bridge Point, N.J. He was licensed by the supreme court of New Jersey as an attorney in 1866; and as a counselor in 1869. In 1S89-93 he was a representative from New
Jersey to the fifty-first and fifty-second congresses as a republican. He died in 1905 in
Camden, N.J.
Bergen, Mrs. Fanny Dickerson, educator, author, was born Feb. 4, 1846, in Mansfield, Ohio. Mrs. Bergen has dramatized Longfellow's poem of Miles Standish. She is the author of Glimpses at the Plant World; Animal and Plant Love; and joint author, with her husband, of A Primer of Darwinism and Organic Evolution. She has also edited two volumes of American Folk-Lore. Bergen, John T., congressman. In 1831-33 he was a representative from 'New York to the twenty-second congress. Bergen, Joseph Young, educator, author, was born Feb. 33, 1851, in Red Beach,: Maine. For two years he was a teacher in the Chicago high school; and in 1883 became principal of the Peabody high school. He is the author of Elements of Botany; joint author, with his wife, of A Primer of Darwinism and Organic Evolution; and joint author with E. H. Hall, of A Text-Book of Physics. Bergen, Tennis G., soldier,, surveyor, horticulturist, congressman, was born Oct. 6, 1806, in Gowanus, N.Y. He was a member of the New York state constitutional convention of 1846. He served from sergeant to colonel in the state militia. He was a member of the Charleston and Baltimore, conventions of 1860. In 1865-67 he was a, representative from New York to the thirty-ninth congress as a democrat. Bergengren, Mrs. Anna Farquhar, journalist, author, was bom Dee. 23, 1865, in Brookville, Ind. While studying vocal music in London and Paris she was employed as foreign correspondent to the Boston Transcript. She is the author of A Singer's Heart; The Professor's Daughter; Her Boston Experiences; The Devil's Plough; Her Washington Experiences; and An Evans of Suffolk.
Bergengren, Ralph Wilhelm, journalist, cartoonist, author, was born March 23, 1871, in Gloucester, Mass. Since 1900 he has been an editorial writer on the Boston Budget; and since 1902 assistant editor of the Publicity Bureau. He is now also art critic on the Boston Advertiser. He is the author of In Case of Need. Berger, Edward William, zoologist, entomologist, author, was born Nov. 29, 1869, in Middleburg, Ohio. Since 1906 he has been entomologist in the state university of Florida and entomologist at the experiment station at Gainesville, Pla. He is the author of Physiology and Histology of Cubomedusea; Habits of Hyphantria Cunea; and other
works. Berger, Victor L., educator, journalist, author, was born Feb. 28, 1860, in AustriaHungary. He has been a teacher in the public schools; and a leader and pioneer organizer of socialists. He is the author of Socialism, What It Is and What It Is Not; The Trust Question; and Municipal Socialism.