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Berger, Wilhelm, musician, composer, was 9, 1861, in Boston, Mass. He lives in Berlin; and is a well-known piano teacher and composer. Bergey, David Hendricks, physician, scientist, author, was born on Dec. 37, 1860, in Montgomery county. Pa. He was educated at the Urisnus college at the university of

born Aug.

Pennsylvania and

a reconciliation between the colonists and the mother country. He died Oct. 15, 1770, in Williamsburg, Va. Bergin, Alfred, clergyman, author, was born April 24, 1866, in Sweden. In 1883-84 he- attended the public school at Carver, Minn.; in 1892 gradu-

efforts to effect

ated with the degree of A.B. from Gustavus Adolphus college at St. Peter, Minn.; and received the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. from the university of


Wesleyan univer-




practiced at

North Wales, 1884-93.



In 1896-1903



to the United States in 1883; and since 1905 he has been editor of

first assistant the laboratory of hygiene, and since 1903

has been

engaged in


as assistant professor of bacteriology in the university of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Handbook of Practical Hygiene; and The Principals of Hygiene. He is a fellow in the American association for the advancement of science.

Bergh, Henry, author, was born

He came

he was

philanthropist, founder, 8, 1823, in New York City. He founded the American society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. He was the author of The Streets of New York, a volume of sketches; Love's Alternative, a drama; and Married Oflf, a poem. He died March 12, 1888, in New York City. Bergh, Louis de Coppet, civil engineer, architect, author, was born Dec. 20, 1856, in New York City. He has been architect of numerous buildings in New York City and elsewhere. He is the author of Safe Build-


the Literary Helper, the Kansas Young Lutheran and two other papers. He is the author of The Laws of the Westgoths; and -several books in the Swedish language. Berkeley, William, colonial governor, was born in July, 1608, in England. In 1642-44, 1645-52, 1660-61 and 1662-77 he was colonial governor of Virginia. He was very brave and served in many Indian attacks. He died July 13, 1677, in England. Berkey, Charles Peter, educator, geologist, scientist, was born March 25, 1867, in Goshen, Ind. He was educated in the schools of Indiana and Minnesota; graduated from the university of Minnesota; and has received the degrees of B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. Since 1903 he has been an instructor in geology at Columbia university of New York City. He was geologist on the state surveys

New York; and consultNew York City board power and water supply. Berkley, Henry J., physician, author, was born July 17, 1860, in Baltimore, Md. Since of

Minnesota and of

two volumes. Berghmann, Charles, musical director, was bom in 1821 in Germany. For a time he was conductor of German opera; officiated as

ing geologist for the

the musical head of the Arion singing society; and became alternate conductor of the Philharmonic. He died Aug. 16, 1876,

1889 he has been a practicing physician of Baltimore, Md. He is the author of Treatise

ing, in

m New York



on Mental Diseases. Berkowitz, Henry, rabbi, author, was born


juries and diseases of the hip, knee and ankle joints. He died in

18, 1857, in Pittsburg, Pa. He was the founder of the society for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals in Alabama; was the organizer of the bureau of charities in Kansas City, Mo.; and chancellor of the Jewish Chautauqua society, founded by him in 1893. He is the author of Bible Ethics, Judaism and the Social Questions; The Pulpit Message; and other works. Berkshire, John J., lawyer, jurist. He was judge of the Indiana supreme cpurt. He died Feb. 20, 1891, in Vernon, Ind. Berlin, Alfred Franklin, archseologist, author, was born Jan. 28, 1848, in Cherryville, Pa. He devotes himself to archseological research. He is the author of section six of The East Alleghany Section in Prehistoric

1900 in St. Joseph, Mo. Berkeley, Norborne, colonial governor, was bora in 1718 in England. In 1768-70 he was colonial governor of Virginia. His death was hastened by chagrin at the failure of his

and numerous archseological papers. Berliner, Emile, mechanic, inventor, was born May 20. 1851, in Germany. In 1879-83 He was chief instrument inspector of the

Berghoff, John T., physician, surgeon, inventor, was bom Nov. 17, 1823, in Germany. He served as a surgeon in the union army

during the civil war. In 1879-97 he was professor of the principles




surgery in the Northwestern medical college at Sti Joseph, Mo. He invented a universal apparatus or splint for the treatment of fracture of the leg, in-
