HERRINGSHAWS. LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. was professor of literature and elocution in the normal schools at Lockhaven and Indiana, Pa.; and for twenty years past has been lecturer and instructor in the institutes of Pennsylvania. He is now principal of the state normal school at East Stroudsburg, Pa., which position he has held since 1893. He has received the degree of A.M. For three years he was editor of the Bellefonte Central Democrat; has written extensively for educational papers of the east. Bicker, Walter, soldier, was born Feb. 39, 1796, in New York City. He served in the war of 1812; and at the time of his death was its last surviving officer. He died June 3, 1886, in Far Rockaway, N.Y. Bickford, Faith, writer, author, was born July 15, 1883, in Cambridge, Mass. She is the author of Gloria; and Daddy Joe's Fiddle. Bickford, Levi Francis, clergyman, college president, poet, was born Jan. 9, 1840, in Hartford, Ind. He received a thorough education in the public schools of his native state; and studied in several theological seminaries, receiving the degree of A.M. For .
years he has filled pastorates in the congregational church; was pastor of the congregational church at Brownwood, Texas; and later became pas-
tor of the congregachurch at Glen Rose, Texas. For many years he filled the chair of mathematics and metaphysics in the Daniel Baker college of Brownwood, Texas; and is now president of Glen Rose collegiate institute of Texas. Bickham, Warren Stone, surgeon, author, was born Aug. 23, 1861, in Shreveport, La. In 187.3-78 he attended the university of the south; in 1881 attended Yale college and in 1880-82 studied in the academic detional
partment of the university of Louisiana. In 1883-86 he studied in the medical department of Tulane university and received the degrees of Phar.D.
and M.D.
In 1887 he
received the degree of
M.D. university;
and studied
from Columbia London and Eur-
He was demonstrator of operative surgery in Tulane university of New Orleans, La.; and is now surgeon to the Manhattan ope.
state hospital of
New York
author of Textbook of Operative Surgery. Bickmore, Albert Smith, ethnologist, autb or, was bom March 1, 1839, in St. George, Maine. Since 1885 he has been curator of the American museum of natural history in
New York
City. He is the author of Travels East Indian Archipelago; The Aino or Hairy Men of Jesso, Saghalien, etc.; and Sketch of a Journey from Canton to Hankow. Bicknell, Albion Harris, painter, artist, was born March 18, 1837, in Turner, Maine. He began the study of art at an early age and was a pupil of Thomas Couture and L'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, Prance. He has paintin the
ed portraits of a great number of distinguished public men. His historical paintings, such as Lincoln at Gettysburg and the Battle of Lexington, have a national reputation, and are among the most important and meritorious paintings yet produced by an American artist. Bicknell, Bennett, state senator, congressman, was born in 1803 in Mansfield, Conn.
served in the
New York
assembly of the
state in 1812; and was a state senator in 1815-18. In 1837-39 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-fifth congress. He died in 1863 in Morrisville, N.Y. Bicknell, Frank Martin, author, was born Jan. 24, 1854, in Melrose, Mass. He has written stories for St. Nicholas, Harper's Young People, Youth's Companion, Outing and the New York Evening Post. He is the author of The City of Stories; The Apprentice Boy; The Bicycle Highwayman; and The Double Prince. Bicknell, George Augustus, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Feb. 6, 1815, in Philadelphia, Pa. For five years he practiced law in New York City. In 1846 he went to Indiana on business, settled there, and was -judge of the second judicial circuit of the state of Indiana in 1852-76. In
1861-70 he was also professor of law at the university of Indiana. In 1877-81 he was a representative from Indiana to the fortyfifth and forty-sixth congresses. He was the author of Bankrupt Law of 1841; Bicknell's Civil Practice; and Bicknell's Criminal Practice. He died April 11, 1891, in New Albany, Ind. Bicknell, Joshua, lawyer, jurist, statesman, was born Jan. 14, 1759, in Barrington, R.I. In 1794-1801 and 1811-18 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island. He died in Rhode Island. Bicknell, Thomas Williams, educator, journalist, legislator, founder, author, was born Sept. 6, 1834, in Barrington, R.I. In 1869-75 he was commissioner of education for Rhode Island; and in 1875-86 was founder, editor and publisher of the New England Journal of Education. In 1867 he was president of the Rhode Island institute of instruction. He was the founder of the national council of education, and its president in 1880-84. In 1860 he was a member of the Rhode Island state legislature. He is now president of the