tion. In 1894-96 he was president of the board of trustees of the Asbury methodist episcopal church of Croton, N.Y. and in 1893-95 he was president of the Westchester county medical association. Ackerman, Albert Ammerman, naval officer, was born about 1850 in New Jersey. He graduated from the naval academy; and in 3 896 was promoted to lieutenant. In 1901 he was attached to the Kearsarge.
In 1872 he became a railway telegraph operator; and in 1899-1901 was general manager and president of the Chicago, Lake shore and eastern railway. Since 1905 he has been fourth vice-president of the Mobile and Ohio railroad company. Acklen, Joseph Hayes, lawyer, congressman, was born May 20, 1850, in Nashville, Tenn. He graduated in two foreign universities, acquiring a thorough knowledge of
Ackerman, Amos T., lawyer, public official, was born in 1819 in New Hampshire. In 1850 he moved to Georgia and settled in El-
both German and French; and finally graduated from the law school of Lebanon, Tenn. Since 1871 he has been actively engaged in the practice of law. In 1877-81 he was a member of the forty-fifth and forty-sixth congresses from Louisiana as a democrat. Ackley, Horace A., physician, was born in 1815 in Genesee county, N.Y. He gave a course of lectures in Willoughby medical college in 1836; and in 1843-58 filled the chair of surgery in the Cleveland medical college.
berton, where he practiced his profession. In 1866-70 he was United States attorney for the district of Georgia; and in 1870-72 was attorney-general of the United States. He died in Elberton, Ga.
Ackerman, Ernest Robinson, manufacturwas born June 17, 1863, in New York City. In 1891 he was elected to the presidency of the Lawrence ce_ _ ment company, whose works extend four miles on the Rondout er,
creek in Ulster county,
mills, kilns,
store-houses, repair shops, cooper shops, railroads and constitute an extensive plant, requiring the services of one
thousand men.
A fleet
twenty-five canal the company, transport the of
boats, built
product to market.
Ackerman, Jessie A., temperance advocate, was born July 4, 1860. She is a world's temperance missionary; and has traveled in Australia, China, Japan, Siam, India, Africa, and in other lands. Her report in the spring of 1896 shows two hundred thousand miles traveled; and five hundred cities visited. She is the author of several books of travel. Ackerman, William K., railroad president, author, was born Jan. 39, 1832, in New York City. In 1852-84 he was connected with the Illinois central railroad company; and was its president in 1876-83. He was the author of Early Railroads of Illinois; Historical Sketch of the Illinois Central Railroad; and Notes on Railway Management. He died in 1905. Ackerson, Fred M., lawyer, jurist, was bom June 6, 1866, in Somerset, Niagara county, N.Y. He was educated at Yates academy; attended the Brockport state normal school ; and graduated from the university of Buffalo, N.Y. He has attained success in the practice of law in Niagara Falls, N.Y.; and for the past six years has been district attorney of Niagara county. For four years he was justice of the peace of the city of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; and for three years was a member of the board of education of that city. Ackert, Charles H., railroad president, was born Feb. 19, 1856, in Dutchess county, N.Y.
died April 24, 1859, in Cleveland, Ohio. Ackley, Lemuel M., journalist, lawyer, author, was born Nov. 22, 1857, in Allegheny, Pa. In 1879 he graduated with the degree of A.B. from the Western university of Pennsylvania. In 1879-83 he was employed as a reporter and correspondent of the Pittsburg Commercial Gazette. Since 1887 he has practiced law in Chicago, III. He edited the Third Edition of Brandt on Suretyship. Ackley, Seth Mitchell, naval ofiicer, was born about 1840 in Massachusetts. In 1866 he graduated from the naval academy; and in 1870 was commissioned lieutenant. In 1896 he was commissioned commander; and in 1898 was naval secretary of the lighthouse board. In 1901 he was commanding the training ship Dixie; and the same year to captain. He died in 1908. Acklin, Graff M., manufacturer, commissioner, was born July 30, 1851, in Aberdeen, Ohio. He was educated in the public schools of Toledo, Ohio. He is a successful manufacturer of Toledo, Ohio. He has been a member of the board of trustees of the sinking fund; has been a member of the tax commissions; served as commissioner of the sinking fund school district; and has held various other positions in the municipal affairs of Toledo, Ohio. Acrelius, Israel, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 25, 1714, in Sweden. About 1750 he came to America as provost of the Swedish colonies on the Delaware. He was the author of Swedish Settlements in America. He died April 25, 1800. Acton, Thomas Coxon, banker, public official, was born Feb. 32, 1833, in New York City. In 1860 he became commissioner of the
was promoted
metropolitan police; and two was president of that board, where he remained for seven years, in which office he did good service in suppressing the draft riots. In 1870-82 he was superintendent of the United States assay office. He became United States assistant treasurer at New York in 1882; and in 1887-92 was pres-
New York years