Blanchard, Helen Augusta, inventor, was born in Portland, Maine. Her father was Nathaniel Blanchard, one of the most widely known ship-owners in America. Miss Blanchard's inventions pertain largely to the im-
provement and efficiency of sewing-machines; and have ranked among the most remmechanical arkable the of contrivances age. Her first invention was the over-seam of the long stitch in 1873. In 1880 she invented the sewing and trimming seam; and in the same year invented the zigzag stitch for hats. In 1882 she produced a crocheting machine, which was crowned with signal success. She has recently invented and exploited the new Blanchard machine for hat-lining; and is now engaged in perfecting the new over- seam, which will be a wonderful production. Among many other remarkable inventions special mention may be made of the self-taking needle, and a surgical needle.
Blanchard, Jonathan, educator, clergyman, was born Jan. 19, 1811, in Windham county, Vt. For two years he was a lecturer for the American anti-slavery society; and for nine years subsequently was pastor of the Sixth presbyterian church at Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1846-60 he was president of Knox college of Galesburg, 111.; and in 1860-62 was president of Wheaton college of Illinois. He died May 15, 1892, in Wheaton, college president,
Blanchard, Joseph, soldier, lawyer, jurist,
was born Feb. 11, 1704, near Nashua, N.H. He was a mandamus councilor in 1740-58; and was judge of the superior court of New Hampshire in 1749-58. He commanded a New Hampshire regiment in 1755; and was engaged at Crown Point. He published in 1761 a map of New Hampshire. He died April 7,
1758, in
P., peace advocate, was born in 1782. He was the oldest apostle of peace in the United States. He died in October, 1868, in Boston, Mass. Blanchard, Justus Wardwell, soldier, was born in 1811 in Milford, N.H. Before the civil war he was captain in the Burgess corps of Albany, N.Y. He entered the national service as captain in the third regiment New
Blanchard, Joshua
York volunteers in 1861; became lieutenantcolonel in 1863 ; and was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers in 1865. He died Sept. 14, 1877, in Syracuse, N.Y. Blanchard, Nathaniel Whitson, farmer, legislator,
was born Aug.
19, 1849, in
a successful farmer of Staffords, Miss.; and has twice been a, representative in the Mississippi state legislature. unty. Miss.
has been a member of the county school board; chairman of the democratic executive committee ; and has filled various other public positions of trust and honor.
Blanchard, Newton Grain, lawyer, jurist, congressman, United States senator, was born Jan. 29, 1849, in Rapids Parish, La. He was a delegate to the Louisiana state constitutional convention of
He was appointed a major in the state militia. In 1881-93 he was a representative from Louisiana in the forty-seventh to the fifty-second congresses. In 1893-97 he was United States senator. In 1898 he became an associate justice of the supreme court of Louisiana. 1879.
Farwell, manufacturer,
financier, was born Jan. 22, 1821. The firm of Blanchard, brother and Lane became one
of the largest and best known manufacturers of patent leather in the United States. He died May 11, 1881, in Newark, N.J.
Blanchard, Rufus, cartographer, historian, was born in 1821 in Lyndeboro, N.H. From 1854 he was a, maker and publisher of maps; and a writer of historical books. He was the author of History of Illinois; Political History of the United States; and History of the Northwest and the City of Chicago. He died in 1904 in Wheaton, 111. author,
Blanchard, Samuel Gray, educator, clergyman, was born Oct. 25, 1840, in Sandusky, Ohio. He received his education in Canada; and subsequently attended Eastman's business college of New York City. For eight years he was engaged in educational work; since 1868 has been a clergyman of the methodist episcopal church; and now fills a pastorate in Los Angeles, Cal. In 1886 he was appointed presiding elder of the Santa Barbara district. He has been editor of several publications; and contributes extensively to current literature.
Blanchard, Thomas, manufacturer, inventwas born June 24, 1788, in Sutton, Mass. Wliile engaged with his brother in the manufacture of tacks by hand, he invented a machine which made five hundred per minute, and sold the patent for five thousand dollars. He also invented a lathe to turn the whole of a musket-barrel from end to end, by the combination of one single self-directing operation; the lathe for turning irregular forms, now in use in all armories, for making musket-stocks also applied to busts, shoe lasts, handles, spokes; and a machine for bending timbers, called the compound bend. He was awarded more than twenty-five patents for his inventions. He died April 6, 1864, in Boston, Mass. or,