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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Braden, John, educator, clergyman, college president, founder, was born Aug. 18, 1826, in New York City. He attained eminence as a noted clergyman of the methodist episcopal church. In 1869-1900 he was president of the Central Tennessee college at Nashville, of which institution he was one of the founders. He died June 10, 1900, in Nash-

Bradford, Charles, journalist, author, was

born Feb. 7, 1862, in Detroit, Mich. He ia the author of The Angler's Secret; The Determined Angler; The Wild Flowers; The Angler's Guide; and other works. Bradford,


Since 1874 he has been Times. He was the founder and editor of the Yale Record. Bradford, Edward G., lawyer, jurist, was born in Maryland. He settled at Wilmington, Del.; and since 1897 has been United States district judge for the district of Delaware. Bradford, Edward Hickling, physician, surgeon, author, was born in 1848 in Boston, Mass. Since 1872 he has been in the active practice of medicine in Boston, Mass.; and is a member of the American medical association. He is the author of Treatise on Orthoepedic Surgery. Bradford, Ellen Knight, author, poet, was bom in Ypsilanti, Mich. Among the best known of her poems are the hymn Over the Line; Wearing of the Blue; Blberon; Centennial; and Songs of Real Children. Bradford, Gamaliel, soldier, legislator, jurist, was born Sept. 3, 1731, in Duxbury, Mass. He was a descendant of Governor William Bradford; and a son of Judge GamHe served in the French aliel Bradford. war as captain; and rose to the rank of During the revolutionary war he major. commanded the fourteenth Massachusetts regiment of continentals. After the war he was a member of the legislature; and also served as judge. He died Jan. 9, 1807, in

but never practiced.

Bradford, Alden, state official, author, was born Nov. 19, 1765, in Duxbury, Mass. He was secretary of state for Massachusetts in 1812-24. He was the author of Eulogy on Washington; The History of Massachusetts, 1764-1820; Life of Jonathan Mayhew; History of the Federal Government; Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men of Massachusetts; and New England Chronology, 1497-1843. He died Oct. 26, 1843, in Boston,

on the

Bradford, Alexander Warfield, lawyer, jurauthor, was born in 1815 in Albany, N.Y. He edited American Antiquities; and preist,

pared many volumes of legal reports, among which the six commonly called Bradford's Jtteports have become standard authority. He died xOv. 5, 1867, in New York City. Bradford, Allen A., lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born July 23, 1815, in Friendship, Maine. In 1852-55 he was judge of the sixth judicial district of Iowa. He was a, member of the legislative council of the territory of Nebraska in 1856-58. In 1860 he settled in Colorado; and in 1862 he was appointed judge of the supreme court of that territory. In 1865-67 and 1869-71 he was a territorial delegate from Colorado to the thirty-ninth and forty-first congresses as a republican. He died in Denver, Col. Bradford, Amory Howe, clergyman, author, was born April 14, 1846, in Granby, N.Y. He is a congregational clergyman of MontHe is the author of The Pilgrim clair, N.J. in Old England; Old Wine; New Bottles; Spirit and Life, Thought for To-day; Heredity and Christian Problems; The Age of Faith; and other works. Bradford, Andrew Sowles, printer, journalist, was bom in 1686 in Philadelphia, Pa. He was the only printer in Pennsylvania in 1712-23. In 1719 he began the publication of the first newspaper printed in the middle colonies, the American Weekly Mercury. Benjamin Franklin, upon arriving in Philadelphia in 1723, found employment as a compositor in his printing office. Andrew Bradford was postmaster of Philadelphia in 1732. He kept a book-store at the sign of the Bible in Second street in 1735 ; and in In 1738 removed to South Front street. 1741 he started a periodical called the American Magazine. He died Nov. 23, 1742, in Philadelphia; Pa. Bradford, Augustus W., lawyer, governor, was born about 1805 in Maryland. In 186266 he was the twenty-ninth governor of Maryland. He died March 1, 1881, in Mary-


A., journalist, founder,

was born Nov. 5, 1851, in New York City. In 1876 he was admitted to the New York bar,

ville, Teiin.



staff of the

New York

Duxbury, Mass. Bradford, Gamaliel, banker, political writauthor, was born Jan. 15, 1831, in Boston, Mass. He is a retired banker of Boston^ Mass.; and the principal advocate for the admission of cabinet officers to a seat and voice in congress without the right of voting. He is the author of Lessons of Popular er,

Government. Bradford, Gamaliel, lecturer, author, was born Oct. 9, 1863, in Boston, Mass. He was educated in the public schools of Massachuwent setts; in 1878 abroad for a year; until 1882 received instruction under private tutors; and for awhile attended Harvard college. Since J 886 he has been engaged in literature

and occasionally (ures.


He has been

chairman of the Welschool board and has published many critical essays. He is the author of A Pageant of Life, poems; Types of American Character, essays; The Private Tutor; Belesley