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fourth, thirty-fifth and thirty -sixth congresses. He took part in the civil war as a general; and was killed at the battle of Sharpsburg, Sept. 17, 1862.

Branch, Mrs.

Mary Lydia

Branch, William A. B., soldier, congressman, was born Feb. 26, 1847, in Tallahassee, Fla. He joined the confederate army; served as a courier on the staff of General Hoke and surrendered with General Johnston's army in 1865. At the age of twenty he

took charge of his landed estate in Beaufort county, N.C., upon which he has lived ever since, engaged in agriculture. In 1891-95 he was a representative from North Carolina


fifty-third congresses

Brand, James, soldier; clergyman, author, 26, 1834, in Canada. He served as a color-bearer in the twenty-seventh regiment Connecticut volunteer infantry; and fought at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In 1873-99 he was pastor of the First congregational church at Oberlin, Ohio. He was the author of Sermons From a College Pulpit; and Beasts of Ephesus. He died April 11, 1899, in Ober-

was born Feb.


He is a professor of law at the Columbian university at Washington, D.C. He is the author of The Law of Bankruptcy; and Digest of Bankruptcy Decisions. Brandon, Gerard C, governor. He was the lumbia.

Bolles, author,

poet, was born June 13, 1840, in New London, Conn. She is best known by her poem The Petrified Fern; and is the author of The Kanter Girls; The Old Hempstead House; and the Home of Eight Generations.

to the fifty-second as a democrat.

Brandenburg, Edwin Charles, lawyer, authwas born in 1865 in the District of Co-



Brandeburg, L. G., lawyer, jurist, was born in Pennsylvania, He was appointed chief justice of the United States court for the territory of Utah. Brandegee, Augustus, lawyer, legislator, congressman, was born July 15, 1828, in New London, Conn. In 1854, 1858, 1859 and 1861 he was elected a member of the Connecticut state legislature; and was chosen speaker in the latter year. In 1861 he was a presidential elector; and in 1863-67 he was a representative from Connecticut to the thirtyeighth and thirty-ninth congresses. He was a delegate to the Baltimore convention of 1864. He died in 1904 in New London, Conn.

Brandegee, Frank Bosworth, lawyer, congressman, United States senator, was born July 8, 1864, in New London, Conn. In 1885 he graduated from Yale university; and in 1886 began the practice of law in New London, Conn. In 1899 he was speaker of the Connecticut house of representatives. In 1903-05 he was a member of the fifty-seventh congress from Connecticut as a republican. He was a member of the United States senate In 1905-09. Brandeis, Frederick, musician, composer,

was born July 5, 1835, in Vienna, Austria. In 1880 he became organist of a synagogue in New York City; and in 1886 became organist of St. Peter's and St. Paul's Roman catholic church. His compositions include an introduction and capriccio. He died May 1, 1P99. in New York City.

fourth governor of Mississippi in 1837-31. died in Mississippi. Brandon, William Woodward, lawyer, legislator, adjutant-general, was born June 5, 1868, in Talladega, Ala. He was educated at the Cedar bluff institute; attended the Tuscaloosa city schools; and graduated from the university of Alabama. He has attained success in the practice of law at Tuscaloosa, Ala.; and in 1894-1900 he was a member of the Alabama general assembly. In the Spanish-American war he served as a major; and since 1898 has been adjutant-general of the Alabama national guard. Brandreth, Benjamin, manufacturer, state senator, was born June 22, 1808, in England. In 1857 he built the Brandreth house of New York City. His Brandreth medicines had enormous sales. He was a member of the New York State senate in 1849-53. He was frequently a, delegate to the conventions of his party. He died Feb. 19, 1880, in Sing Sing, N.Y. Brandreth, William, capitalist, was born Oct. 22, 1842, in Sing Sing, N.Y. He attended Mount Pleasant Military Academy of Sing Sing, N.Y. In 1868 he became inter-


ested in real estate; established the firm of Howland and Brandreth at Sing Sing, N.Y. He was mayor of his native city for three consecutive terms in 1896,


1897 and 1898; and stands high in masonic circles.

He was


terested in the manusteel directly from the ore by the action of flame at a cost less than that of the ordinary methods of production, which led him to incorporate the Carbon steel company in 1886; and it is now one ot the great steel companies of Pittsburg, la. He was instrumental in securing for bmg Smg its fine water supply, street railway and improved streets. He is the successful manufacturer of Brandreth's pillsand also operates large mines of copper, ,



taeturmg of iron and


New Mexico. He died in Sing, N.Y. Brandt, Carl Ludwig, soldier, artist, was born Sept. 22, 1831, near Hamburg, Geriiiany He served the war of 1848-50 between fn^*! 1906


Sliver in



Germany and Denmark; and came

to the 1852. In 1872 he became a of the national academy of design. his works are The Fortune Teller:

United States




Return From the Alps; Monte Rosa at Sunrise; Bay of Naples During the Eruption of