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baptists from the original society, a schism that lasted until long after Elder Brown was laid to rest in his own home lot. His influence in shaping the early tendencies of the

colony was marked; and it is probable that but for his resolute character and judicious management, the daring and refractory spirits that composed the colony would have come to blows on a dozen different questions of civil and religious import. So successful was he in adjusting the quarrels of his flock that the honorable title of Peacemaker was popularly accorded him; and more than a century after his death the town of Providence voted a modest sum of money to erect a stone over his grave in the north buryingground, whither his remains were moved at that date. He died about 1665. Brown, Calvin Scott, educator, clergyman, missionary, college president, was born on March 3.S, 1859, in Salisbury, N.C. In 1886 he was graduated from university. He has been secretary and president of the Baptist state convention; and president of the Baptist state ministassociation. He ers'


has been pastor and


president of



ters normal institute and general missiona-

ry secretary of the baptist state convention; and also president of the Scott-Carey foreign mission convention. He is connected with various societies as secretary, superintendent and grand chaplain; and is also the editor of the Baptist Sentinel. Brown, Charles, congressman, was born in Pennsylvania. In 1841-43 and 1847-49 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twenty-seventh and thirtieth congresses. He subsequently held the office of collector of the port of Philadelphia; and was a delegate to the Philadelphia national union convention of 1866. He died in Philadelphia, Pa. Brown, Charles Brockden, novelist, author, was born Jan. 17, 1771, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was a novelist of IPhiladelphia, Pa. He was one of the first American writers to adopt literature as a profession. He was the

Wieland of Ormond, or the Secret Witness and Arthur Mervyn; which are in some respects the most author

powerful of his works. also the author of Edgar Huntley, or the Memories of a Sleep Walker Clara

He was

Howard, reprinted in England as Philip Stanley; and Jane Talbot. He died Feb. 32, 1810, in Philadelphia, Pa.

Brown, Charles Carroll, educator, civil engineer, author, was born Oct. 4, 1856, in Austinburg, Ohio. He studied engineering at Cornell university; and at the university of Michigan.

In 1883-86 he

was professor

of civil

engineering at the rose polytechnic institute; and in 1886-93 filled the same chair in union college. In 1894-95 he was city engineer of Indianapolis, Ind.;

now a









consultof is editor

of Municipal Engineering. He is the author of Report on Croton Water Shed of the City of New York; and Directory of American Cement Industries and Handbook for Cement


Brown, Charles Elwood, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born July 4, 1834, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1861 he enlisted in the union army; served throughout the civil war; and attained the rank of colonel and brevet brigadier-general. In the Atlanta campaign in 1864 he commanded his regiment and lost a leg. In 1872-76 he was United States pension agent at Cincinnati. In 1885-89 he was a representative from Ohio to the fortyninth and fiftieth congresses as a republican. Brown, Charles H., lawyer, jurist, was born July 30, 1858, in West Winfield, N.Y. For nine years he was district attorney of Allegheny county, N.Y.; and for two years was United States attorney for the northern district of New York. In 1900-07 he was United States attorney for the western district of New York. He is now justice of the supreme

New York for the term of 1907-31. Brown, Charles I., educator, clergyman, college president, was born Dec. 11, 1861, in Woodbury, Pa. In 1888-1904 he was a minister of the church of God; and served as member of important boards and committees. In 1904 he became president of Findlay colcourt of

lege of Ohio.

Brown, Charles Lincoln, lawyer, states-

man was born July 6, 1864, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is a successful lawyer of Philadelphia, Pa.; was a member of the common council in 1891-93; and was a member of the select council in 1894. In 1896 he was elected a member of the Pennsylvania state


Brown, Charles Reynolds, clergyman, authwas born Oct. 1, 1862, in Bethany, W.Va. Since 1899 he has been special lecturer in


ethics at Stanford university of California. is the author of Two Parables; and The


Main Points. Brown, Charles Rufus, theologian, author, was born Feb. 22, 1849, in East Kingston, N. H. He- studied in Phillips Exeter academy in 1863-65; attended the United States naval in 1863-65 was at Harvard univer-
