HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRABY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHT. ture; declining a re-nomination. In 1885 he was appointed assistant attorney general of the United States for the postofiice department. In 1889-1903 he was dean of the college of law in the university of Wisconsin. He died in 1903 in Madison, Wis.
Bryant, Frank Augustus, educator, physi-
cian, was Oct. 18, 1851, in North Jackson, Pa. In 1881 he was a teacher and partner in the American vocal institute of
In 1892 he began the practice fSi medicine. Since 1888 he has conducted the Bryant school for stammering in New York City.
Bryant, George E., farmer, lawyer, legiswas born Feb. 11, 1833, in Templeton, Mass. He received his education in the Norwich university of Vermont. For eight years he was postmaster of Madison, Wis.; and for six years was quartermastergeneral of Wisconsin. In 1880 he was a delegate to the republican national convention; and was one of the three hundred and six who voted for Grant. He filled the high offices of judge, state senator and secretary of the board of agriculture. He died Feb. 16, 1907, in Madison, Wis. Bryant, Gridley, civil engineer, inventor, was born in 1789 in Scituate, Mass. In 1823 he invented the portable derrick. He obti-'ned the contract for building the United States bank in Boston and other public lator, jurist,
buildings ; was master builder and contractor to supply stone for the Bunker Hill monument; and built the first railroad in America. He died Jan. 13, 1867, in Scituate, Mass. Bryant, Henry Grier, explorer, author, was born Nov. 7, 1859, in Allegheny, Pa. In 1892 he was second in command of the Peary relief expedition; in 1894 was commander of the Peary auxiliary expedition; and in 1897 was commander of the Mount Saint Blias expedition. In 1896-1900 and 1904-06 he was president of the geographical society of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the author of Keport on the Peary Auxiliary Expedition. Bryant, Henry Willis, business president, founder, was born July 22, 1855, in Cleveland, Ohio. He came to Chicago in 1860; and in 1879 became associated with his father in the management of the Bryant and Stratton business college, which was founded in 1856 by his father and father's brother-in-law, henry D. Stratton. In 1892 he succeeded his father as president of this institution. Bryant, Joel, physician, author, was born Nov. 10, 1813, in Suflfolk county, N.Y. He became quite prominent as a practitioner of Brooklyn, N.Y. He was the author of several treatises on homoepathy, the best of which was The Pocket IVtinual, or Repertory of Homoeopathic Practice. He died Nov. 20, 1868, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Bryant, John Howard, farmer, statesman, poet, was born July 23, 1807, in Cummlngton, Mass. In 1842 and 1858 he was a member of the Illinois state legislature; and in 1854 was a free-soil candidate for congress.
is the author of Life and Poems. He died Jan. 14, 1902, in Princeton, 111. Bryant, Joseph Decatur, educator, surgeon, author, was born about 1850. In 187379 he was sanitary inspector of the New York City health department. Since 1878 he has been professor of anatomy in the B'ellevue hospital medical college. In 1887-93 he was surgeon in the seventy-first regiment New York national guard. He is the author of Monographs on Medicine and Surgery. Bryant, Lorinda Munson, educator, author, was born March 21, 1855, in Granville, Ohio. In 1890-09 she was an instructor of sciences in the Ogontz school of Pennsylvania; and in 1899-1905 was principal of the Montrose school at South Orange, N.J. She is the author of Pictures and Their Painters; and The Life of the Bible as a Book. Bryant, Percy, physician, surgeon, alienist, neurologist, was born on April 19, 1862, in Charles City, Iowa. He was educated in the high school at Cedar Falls, Iowa; in 1887 graduated with the degree of M.D. from Columbia college of New York City, having received his first
medicine degree in from the Chicago homoepathic medical col-
For two
lege in 1883.
years he was interne to Cook county hospital; and in 1889-89 was assistant physician at Ward's Island insane asylum of New York City. In 1889-94 he was assistant physician at the Buffalo state hospital; and in 1897-1901 he was medical superintendent of the Manhattan state hospital, when he resigned. In 1906 he purchased the Bowdoin estate at Rahway, N.J. In 1893-98 he was assistant surgeon of the seventy-fourth regiment New York national guard. He has attained eminence as a noted alienist and neurologist, now retired
fram active practice; and is a member of the leading medical associations and scientific societies.
Bryant, Wilbur Franklin, lawyer, lecturauthor, was born March 21, 1851, in Dalton, N.H. In 1873 he graduated from Kimball union academy of Meriden; and subsequently attended Darter,
mouth then tional issippi.
educain Miss1876 he
In to Nebraska;
and a year
admitted to the bar. He has practiced hi? profession in Nebraska and at St. Helena, where he was postmaster for three years; and at West Point and Hartington. In 1882 he was elected district