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attorney for sixteen counties; for several years lie was judge of Cuming county; and was a member on Governor Holcomb's staflf with rank of colonel. He was one of the founders of the people's party in Nebraska; has been a member of every state convention since its foundation, and was a member of the national convention of 1896. He was a member of the bimetallic congress of 1893; and was the state president of the catholic knights of America. In 1899 he was deputy insurance commissioner. He is the author of Letter to a Young Law Student; Life of Louis Riel; and The Historical Man of Nazareth.

Bryant, WiUiam CuUen, poet, was born on Nov. 3, 1794, in Cummington, Mass. He early began the practice of law, but soon ^. „ __ abandoned it for jour._

Removing to New York in 1825, he became in 1828 the editor of the Evening nalism.

Post, with which he remained associated until his death. His ear-

poem called The Embargo, a political satire, was published when its author was liest

but thirteen; but the

History; Philosophy of Landscape Painting; Hegel's Educational Ideas; Syllabus of Psychology; a Syllabus of Ethics; a Treatise on Psychology; Modern Education; Ethics and the New Education; The American Scheme of State Education and other works. Bryant, Nathaniel C, naval officer, was born on March 37, 1823, in Nobleborough Maine. He was appointed midshipman in the United States navy in 1837; and attained the rank of commander in 1862. Bryant, Sara Cone, educator, lecturer, author, was born Jan. 4, 1873, in Melrose, Mass. In 1904-06 she was a teacher of English and lecturer on poetry in Simmons college of Boston, Mass. She is the author of How to Tell Stories to Children; and Stories


to Tell to Children.

Bryant, William Cullen, journalist, pubwas born Aug. 1, 1849, in New York City. He was publisher of the Brooklyn Times. He died Feb. 15, 1905, in Plainfield. Bryant, William Perkins, lawyer, jurist, was born Aug. 3, 1806, in Mercer county, Ky. He early moved to Oregon when it was a territory; and in 1848-50 was chief justice of the supreme court of Oregon. He died Oct. lisher,

10, 1860.


William W.,

first collection of his until 1831, the famous Thanatopsis being one of the eight which the volume comprised. He was the author of

poems was not made

years he was engaged educational work and in 1884 moved to Minnesota. In 1893 he in

The Embargo; The Spanish Revolution; The Ages; The Fountain of Youth, and Other Poems; The White-Footed Deer; The Flood of Years Thirty Poems translations of the Iliad and Odyssey; Letters of a Traveler, a prose work; and Orations and Addresses. He died June 12, 1878, in New York City.

was elected commissioner of Cass county,

Bryant, William McKendree, soldier, eduwas born March 31, 1843, in Lake county, Ind. He received the degree of M.A. from the Ohio Wesleyan university and the degree of LL. D. from the Missouri state university. In 1861-62 he served as a private soldier in the third regiment Iowa Infantry; was adjutant in 1862-64 in the thirty-fourth regiment





his six last months of service was assistant adjutant-general of brigade. In 1870-7o he was superintendent of schools of

Burlington, Iowa.


psychology and ethics



professor of

Louis normal and high school; and lecturer in the St. Louis kindergarten normal and St. Louis society of Pedagogy. He is the author of The World Energy and its Self-Conservatism; Life,Death a,nd Immortality; Fundamental Syntheses of in St.


subsequenttreasurer and president of the board of education and has filled various other high positions of ly

cator, author,


educator, author, in Breathitt in the public schools of his native state. Then for several

was born July 11, 1860, county, Ky. He was educated poet,


and honor. His poems have been incorin Local and National Poets of America; and in several other standard coltrust



Bryce, James Paterson, soldier, desigiier, librarian, bibliographer, was born Dec. 19, 1833, in Lanark, Scotland. He commenced life

as a designer of patterns for muslin,

which he followed for ten years. He entered the union army in 1861; and was wounded the following year near Rolla, Mo. In 1887 he became librarian of the public library of Springfield, 111.; and has attained prominence as a cataloguer. Bryce, Lloyd S., journalist, congressman, author, was born Sept. 20, 1851, in^Fhishing, N.Y. He was appointed paymaster-general

New Y'ork in 1886. In 188789 he was a representative from New York to the fiftieth congress as a democrat. In of the state of

1889-96 he was editor of the North American Review. He is the author of Paradise; A Dream of Conquest; The Romance of an Alter Ego; and Friends in Exile.