HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. matized the democrats as the party of
Romanism, and Rebellion. He died bept.
1891, in Saratoga, N.Y.
Buichard, Samuel Dickinson, soldier, manufacturer, stock raiser, congressman, was born July 17, 1836, in Leyden, N.Y. He was educated in Carrol college of Waukesha, Wis.; and the Madison university of New York. He was engaged in the manufacturing of
woolen goods. In 1861 he was a lieutenant in the Missouri militia; was appointed a captain in the volunteer service, and as quartermaster was assigned to duty in New York, where he had charge of the purchase of forage for the seaboard armies; and was mustered out of service as a major in 1865. He returned to Wisconsin; and served as mayor of Beaver Dam. He was elected state senator and in 1875-77 he was a representative from Wisconsin to the forty-fourth congress. He died 1901, in Beaver Dam, Wis. Burd, George, congressman, was bom in 1794. In 1831-35 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twenty-second and twenty-third congresses. He died Jan. 13, 1844, in Bedford, Pa. Burden, Henry, manufacturer, inventor, was bom April 20, 1791, in Scotland. He invented a machine for making wrought iron spikes. His greatest invention was a machine to make horse shoes, which was patented in every part of Europe. He died Jan. 19, 1871, in Troy, N.Y. Burden, James Abercrombie, manufacturer, inventor, was born Jan. 6, 1833, in Troy, N. Y. He became president of the Burden iron
Troy and
New York
obtained eighteen patents for inventions of his own for machines used in the manufacture of iron. One of his most important is for making horse and mule shoes. His machine producing seventy finished shoes per minute, punched with holes and prepared in every other way, ready for the horse's foot. In 1883 he became president of the Hudson river ore and iron company. His iron foundries and machine shops gave employment to three thousand men. He declined nominations as mayor of Troy, member of congress and other ofB«es ; but was twice a presidential elector. He died Sept. 32, 1907, in New
Burden, Kinsey, planter, was bom in 1775, on Burden's Island, S.C. He was a superior agriculturist; and the foremost of those who by their own eflforts improved the staple of the cotton that is grown upon the sea islands of South Carolina to such a degree that it
hecame the choicest variety. He died Dec. 4,
1859, in Charleston, S.C.
Burdett, Charles, journalist, author, was born in 1815 in New York City. He was the author of Life of Kit Carson; The Second Marriage; The Beautiful Spy; Margaret Moncrieffe; Emma, or The Lost Found;
Marion Desmond; The Gambler; The Adopted Child; Trials and Triumphs; Never too Late; and Chances and Changes. He died in
Burdett, Samuel Swinfin, soldier, lawyer,
congressman, was born Feb. 21, 1836, in England. In 1861 he entered the volunteer army as a private; and in 1864 was pro-
moted to captain. He was a presidential elecfrom Iowa. In 1865 he emigrated to St. Clair county. Mo.; in 1866 was made the circuit attorney for the seventh judicial district; and he was a delegate to the Chicago convention of 1868. In 1869-73 he was a. representative from Missouri to the fortyfirst and forty-second congresses; and in 1874 he was appointed commissioner of the general land office in Washington. In 188586 he was commander-in-chief of the grand army of the republic. Burdette, Clara B., lecturer, philanthropist, was born July 32, 1855, in East Bloomfield, N.Y. She has been active in philanthropic work. She is the builder and donor of Pasadena maternity hospital in California. Burdette, Robert Jones, soldier, journalist, lecturer, clergyman, author, was born July 30, 1844, in Greensborough, Pa. After serving as a private soldier through the civil war, he became a proof-reader on the Peoria Transcript; and later filled the position of night editor on the same newspaper. In 1874-84 he was engaged on the Burlington Hawkeye, where he soon gained for ^himself and the journal a world-wide reputation. He then engaged himself with the Brooklyn Eagle. The greatest success of tor in 1864
Mr. Burdette was as a lecturer; several of his humorous books, however, have attained fair circulation. He subsequently became a minister of the baptist church. His principal works are Hawkeyes; Rise and Fall of the
Mustache; Innach Garden and Other Comic Sketches; Life of William Penn; Sons of Asaph; Chimes from a Jester's Bells; and a volume of poems entitled Smiles Yoked with Sighs. He died in England. Burdick, Charles Williams, lawyer, state legislator, was born Aug. 15, 1860, in Toledo, Ohio. He was a member of the Wyoming
constitutional convention; and was a member of the upper house in the eleventh territorial legi.slature. He has been state auditor; and filled the ofiice of secretary of state. Burdick, Francis Marion, lawyer, educator, author, was born Aug. 1, 1845, in De Ruyter, N.Y. He was educated at De Euyter institute and at Cazenovia seminary; in 1869 he
graduated from Hamilton college; and in 1872 graduated from Hamilton college law school, from which latter institution he received the degree of LL.D. In 1872-83 he practiced law in Utica, N.Y. and was mayor of that city in 1882-83. In 1882-87 he was
professor of law and history in Hamilton was professor of law in
college: in 1871-91