of Witchcraft; The Fate of Dietrich Flade; and other studies. Burr, Henry Aaron, manufacturer, inven-
The Literature
was born in 1810 in Canaan, N.Y. In 1845 he began to experiment with hat-making machines, finally obtaining a patent and beginning the manufacture of hats. His invention was eminently successful, giving him a virtual monopoly of the industry until his patents expired in 1872. He died Dec. 25, tor,
1844, in
New York
Burr, Joseph Arthur, lawyer, jurist, was born Sept. 11, 1850, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He began the practice of law in 1874; and was corporation counsel of Brooklyn until it was consolidated with New York City. Since 1904 he has been a justice of the supreme court of New York. Burr, Peter, lawyer, jurist, was born in 1668 in Fairfield, Conn. In 1708 he was judge of the county court; and for a number of years was justice of the superior court. In 1723-24 he was chief justice of the supreme court of Connecticut. Burr, Xheodosia, was born in 1783 in New York City. In 1801 she married Joseph Alston, a wealthy and talented young planter of South Carolina, who in after years became governor of his native state. She and her husband were cognizant of her father's
scheme to become emperor of Mexico; and her son was to be the heir to the throne. When Burr was brought to trial at Richmond his daughter was there; and by the power of her beauty and intellectual grace did much to stay the torreiit of popular indignation and secure a favorable verdict. She died at sea, in January, 1813. Burr, Willard, musician, composer, was born Jan. 7, 1852, in Ravenna, Ohio. He is a noted musician of Boston, Mass. He is the composer of much chamber music; numerous piano pieces; and several songs. Burr, William Henry, stenographer, critic, author, was born April 15, 1819, in Gloversville, N.Y. In 1838 he graduated from Union college; then learned shorthand; and he became reporter of the official record of the United States senate. He later became a court reporter of New York City; and in 1865-69 was official reporter on the Congressional Globe. He has written many articles in contravention of established literary theories; advocates the Baconian theory of Shakespeare's authorship; and that Thomas Paine wrote the letters of Junius and the Declaration of Independence. He is the author of Self-Contradictions of the Bible; Revelations of Antichrist; The Quest of Mr. East; and various other works.
Burrage, Albert Cameron, lawyer, business
was born Nov. 21, 1859, in Ashburnham, Mass. In 1862 his parents settled in California; and in 1883 he graduated from the Harvard university. In 1882-84 he studied law in Harvard law school; and in 1884 began the practice of law in Boston, Mass. In 1892 he was a member of the common council of Boston, Mass.; and in 1894 was appointed a member of the Boston transit commission which built the Boston subway. Subsequently he became interested in various industrial enterprises such as gas and copper; president of all the allied gas companies of Boston except the Brookline; and in 1898 took an active part in the recrganpresident,
ization of the world's copper business.
Burrage, Alvah Augustus, merchant, state senator, genealogist, was born May 30, 1833. He was a successful woolen merchant of Boston, Mass; was a member of the Boston board of aldermen; and a member of the Massachusetts state senate. He was the author of The Burrage Memorial. He died Nov. 6, 1893, in Boston, Mass. Burrage, Henry Sweetzer, soldier, clergyjournalist, author, was born Jan. 7, 1827, in Fitchburg, Mass. He is the editor of Zion's Advocate, of Poi-tland, Maine. He is the author of Brown University in the Civil War; The Act of Baptism in the History of the Christian Church; History of the Anabaptists in Switzerland; History of Baptists in New England; editor of History of the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Regiment; and Baptist Hymn Writers and Their Hymns. Burrall, William Porter, lawyer, state senator, railroad president, was born in 1806 in Canaan, Conn. In 1839 he became president of the Housatonic railroad company. He represented Cambridge several times in the Connecticut general assembly; and was also a member of the state senate. He died March 3, 1874, in Hartford, Conn.
David James, clergyman, author,
1, 1849, in Mount Pleasant, Pa. Since 1891 he has been pastor of Marble collegiate church of New York City, the oldest church on the continent and founded in 162S. He is the author of The Religions of the World; Hints and Helps, in three volumes; The Gospel of Gladness; The Morning Cometh; The Religion of the Future; The
was born Aug.
Early Church; and The Wondrous Cross. Burrell, J. M., lawyer, jurist, was born in Pennsylvania. He was appointed a judge of the United States court for the territory of Kansas. Burrell, Jonathan, soldier, was born in 1753. In 1776 he joined the northern army under Schuyler; and soon became assistant paymaster. He was afterward an assistant
professor of engineering at Columbia college since 1893. He is the author of Stresses in Bridge and Roof Trusses The Theory of the Masonry Arch; and Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering.
postmaster-general. He became cashier of the United States branch bank of New York City. He died Nov. 18, 1834, in Goshen, N.Y. Burrell, Joseph Dunn, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 32, 1858, in Freeport, 111. In 1884 he was ordained to the ministry; and
Burr, William Hubert, thor,
was born July
He has been
engineer, au-
14, 1857, in