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HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. since 1902 has been pastor of the presbyterian church at Brooklyn, N.Y. He is the author of The Singular Death of Christ; and New Appraisal of Christian Science. Burrell, Orlando^ soldier, jurist, congressman, was born in Bradford county. Pa. He raised a company of cavalry in 1861; was elected captain and joined the first regiment Illinois cavalry. He was county judge in 1873-81; and was elected sheriflf in 1886. In


1895-97 he was a representative from Illinois to the fifty-fourth congress as a republican. Burrill, Alexander Mansfield, lawyer, jurist, author, was born in 1807 in New York.

He was a noted New York He was the author of Practice of the Supreme Court jurist.

New York; Law Dictionary and Glossary; The Law and Practice of Voluntary Assignments; and Circumstantial Evidence. He


died Feb.


1869, in Kearney, N. J.

lawyer, jurist, United States senator, was bom April 25, 1773, in Providence, R.I. He was attorney-general of Rhode Island in 1797-1813. He was a member of the Rhode Island state legislature in 1813; was speaker in 1814; and chief justice of the state supreme court in 1816-17. In 1817-30 he was United States senator. He died Dec. 25, 1830, in Washington, D.C. Burrill, Thomas Jonathan, naturalist, author, was born April 25, 1839, in Pittsfield, Mass. In 1877-84 he was dean of the American association for the advancement of science; and in 1885-86 was president of the American society of microscopists. He edited the biennial reports of the university of Illinois during the years 1874-86. He is the author of The Bacteria; and the Uredinese, or Parasitic Fungi of Illinois. Burritt, Elihii, reformer, linguist, author, was bom Dec. 8, 1811, in New Britain, Conn. Burrill,


He was a famous linguist; and was the learned blacksmith. He was a noted peace reformer; and was for several years consul at Birmingham. He was the author Voice from the of Sparks from the Anvil; Forge; Peace Papers for the People; Olive Leaves; Thoughts of Things at Home and Walk Abroad; Hand-Book of the Nations; from John O'Groat's to Land's End; The Mission of Great Sufferings; Walks in the called



Black Country; Lectures and Speeches; TenMinute Talks; Chips from Many Blocks; and Prayers and Devotional Meditations. He died March 9, 1879, in New Britain, Conn. Burritt, James, lawyer, jurist. United States senator, was bom April 25, 1773, in Providence, R.I. He was attorney-general of the state of Rhode Island in 1797-1813; and was a member and speaker of the assembly in 1814. He was chief justice of the state in 1816; and was elected to the United States senate in 1816. He died Dec. 25, 1830, in Washington, D.C. Burroughs, Charles, clergyman, author, poet, was bora Dec. 37, 1787, in Boston, Mass. He was for thirty years president of the New Hampshire insane asylum; and for nearly forty years was annually elected pres-


ident of the Portsmouth athenaeum. He was elected in 1843 corresponding member of the Massachusetts historical society; and was president of the general theological library of Boston from its establishment until bis death. He Was the author of Memoirs of Horace B. Morse; The Poetry of Religion; and Other Poems. He died March 5, 1868, in

Portsmouth, N.H. Burroughs, George Stockton, clergyman, educator, college president, was born Jan. 6, 1855, in Waterloo, N.Y. He was professor of biblical literature in Amherst college in 1886-93; in 1892-99 was president of Wabash college of C'rawfordsville, Ind.; and in 1899 become president of Oberlin college. He died in 1901 in Oberlin, Ohio.

Burroughs, John, author, poet, was born April 3, 1837, in Roxbury, N.Y. His sympathetic studies of nature have been very popular. He is the author of Wake-Robin; Winter Sunshine; Birds and Poets; Locusts and Wild Honey; Pepacton; Fresh Fields; Signs and Seasons; of Indoor Studies; Riverby; Whitman, a Study; and The Light of Day.

Burroughs, John Curtis, educator, was born 7, 1818, in Stamford, N.Y. In 1855 he began a movement in the interests of higher education, which, in 1857, resulted in the establishment of the university of Chicago; and in 1856-74 he was its president. He died April 31, 1893, in Chicago, 111. Burroughs, Marie, better known as Lilly Arlington, actress, was born in 1866 in San Francisco, Cal. She is the wife of Robert B. Macpherson of New York City. She has starred with Stuart Robson and other great Dec.


Burroughs, Silas M., state legislator, congressman, was born in New York. He served four years in the New York state legislature. In 1857-61 he was a representative from

New York

to the thirty-fifth and thirtysixth congresses. He died June 3, 1860, in

Medina, N.Y. Burroughs, Stephen, litterateur, author, was born in 1765 in New Hampshire. He was a famous adventurer. In his later years he was an educator of Canada. He was the author of Memoirs of My Own Life. He died in 1840 in Canada. Burrowes, George, clergyman, author, poet, was born April 3, 1811, in Trenton, N.J. He was a presbyterian clergyman; and professor of Hebrew in the Presbyterian seminary of San Francisco, Cal. He was the author of Commentary on the Song of Solomon; Octorara, a Poem, and Occasional Pieces; and Advanced Growth in Grace. He died April 19, 1894, in

San Francisco,


Burrowes, Katharine, educator, composer, was born in Canada. She has invented several

appliances to aid in teaching music.

She is the author of Burrowes Course of Music Study for Beginners; Manual for Teachers; Kindergarten Class Songs; and Modem Music Methods.