HKRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY County, Ohio; An Historical Account of the Expedition against Sandusky in 1783; The History of Biographical Annals of the University of Wisconsin; History of the Discovery of the Northwest
System of Punctuation
by John Nicolet;
for Schools; History
of the Girtys; Crawford's Campaign Against Sandusky in 1782; History of Wisconsin; and History of Brules Discoveries and Explorations. He died in 1899, in South Omaha,
Neb. Butterfield, Daniel, soldier, banker, author, 31, 1831, in Oneida county, N.
was born Oct. Y. During the
war he attained the rank of major-general of volunteers; and subsequently was brevetted brigadier -general and major-general in the regular army. He received a medal of honor from congress for gallantry at Gaines Mill. He was president of the national bank at the Cold Spring-on-
Hudson, N.Y. He com-
manded the great centennial parade of one hundred thousand men in New York City. He was the author of Treatise on Camp and Outpost Duty. He died July 17, 1901, in Cold Spring, N.Y. Butterfield, George W., soldier, was born in
Butters, Mrs. Mary E., poet, was born in Exeter, Maine. She was the author of a volume of poems entitled Harp of Hesper. She died April 6, 1903, in St. Peters, Minn. Butterworth, Benjamin, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born Oct. 23, 1833, in Warren county, Ohio. He practiced law in Cincinnati, Ohio; and was a state senator in 1873-74; and in 1879-81 he was a representative from Ohio to the forty-sixth to the fifty-first congresses. In 1884 he was appointed commissioner of patents in the department of the interior. He died Jan. 16, 1898, in Thomasville, Ga. Butterworth, Daniel, soldier, merchant, was born Oct. 31, 1831, in Utica, N.Y. He
became a merchant in New York City. He was colonel of the twelfth regiment New York militia when the civil war began. On the enlargement of the regular army he was commissioned a lieutenant-colonel; was assigned to the twelfth infantry and was appointed brigadier-general
carry monthly and subsequently a daily mail between San Francisco and the Missouri River. He died Nov. 15, 1869, in Utica, N.Y. Butterfield, Kenyon Leech, educator, journalist, college president, was born June 11, 1868, in Lepeer, Mich. In 1903 he was instructor of rural sociology, and in 1903-06 was president of the Rhode Island college of agriculture and mechanical arts. Since 1906 he has been president of the Massachusetts agricultural college at Amherst, Mass. Butterfield, Martin, congressman. In 185961 he was a representative from New York to the thirty-sixth congress. He died in New
Warren A., railroad manager, was born March 14, 1868, near Elgin, 111. He is now a superintendent and general agent Butterfield,
of the Excelsior Springs railroad at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Butterick, Ebenezer, merchant, inventor, was bom May 39, 1836, in Sterling, Mass. He was a merchant tailor; and in 1863 began making patterns. In 1881 the Butterick publishing company was organized. He died March 31, 1903, in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Butterworth, Hezekiah, author, poet, was born Dec. 22, 1839, in Warren, R.I. In 1870 he became connected with the Youth's Companion as an assistant editor,
which position
for a quarter of a century. He
best known as the author of Zigzag Journeys, and of which nearly half a million fopies have been sold. Hesides publishing sev-
Hampshire. He attained the rank
of captain in the civil war. Butterfield, John, expressman, founder, was born in 1783, in Helderberg, N.Y. In 1849 he founded the express company of Butterfield, Wesson and company in New York. He built the Morse telegraph line between New York and Buffalo. He was president of the Overland mail company, which in 1858 contracted with the government to
eral volumes of Zigzag Journeys, Great Com-
posers, The Knight of Liberty. In the Boy-
hood of Lincoln. The Patriot Schoolmaster, and other popular juvenile books, he was the author of two collections of musical verse. Songs of History; Poems for Christmas, Easter, and New Year's. He died Sept. 5, 1905, in Warren, R.I. Butterworth, Samuel F., lawyer, capitalist. He studied and practiced law in New York City; and during the administration of President Buchanan was at the head of the subtreasury in New York. Afterward he went to California as superintendent of a mining company, engaged largely in gold-mining and land speculation. He acquired a fortune estimated at seven million dollars, which was invested in real estate. He died May 5, 1875, in
San Francisco, Cal. Buttrick, Edward King, soldier,
was born
in Massachusetts. In 1862 he was a captain in the thirty-first regiment Wisconsin infantry; served through the civil war; and in
1865 was captain and assistant adjutantgeneral. In 1865 he was brevetted major of volunteers for effective and meritorious services during the campaign in Georgia and the Carolinas. Buttrick, John, soldier, was born in 1715. He was one of the leaders of the Concord