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HEHRINGSHAVV'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Agard, Isaac Merritt, educator, college was born Dec. 3, 1854, in Stafford, Conn. He was educated at Amherst college and at various other linstitutions ; and has Kreceived the degrees of ^M.A. and Ph.D. He fihas attained success in ^educational work. For many years he was I principal of the high president,



Rockville, Conn. and was also superintendent of the east . district graded school of that city. He was twice vice-president of Connecticut association of classical and high school teachers; and was twice president of that association. He is now president of the Tillotson college of Austin, Texas; and has contributed extensively to educational and religious literature. Agassiz, Alexander, zoologist, author, was born Dec. 17, 1835, in Neuchatel, Switzerland, and is a son of Louis Agassiz. He came to America with his father; and has distinguished himself in lines of special scientific research. He is the author of Exploration of Lake Titicaca; List of the Echinoderms; and Three Cruises of the Blake. Agassiz, Mrs. Elizabeth Cabot, naturalist,

was born in 1822 in Boston, Mass. In 1850 she was married to Louis Agassiz. She accompanied her husband on his journey to Brazil in 1865-66; on the Hassler expedition in 1871-72; and was associated with him in many of his studies and writings. She was the author of First Lesson in Natural History. She edited Geological Sketches and also edited Life and Correspondence of her husband, in two volumes. She died in 1907



Cambridge, Mass.

Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, educator, naturalist, -author, was born May 28, 1807, in Switzerland. He was a naturalist of eminence; and was the founder of the museum of natural history at Cambridge. He was the author of Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles; Lake Superior; Natural History of French Water Fishes of Central Europe Etudes sur les Glaciers; Systeme Glaciere; Methods of Study in Natural History; Geological Sketches; Structure of Animal Life; and Journey in Brazil. He died Dec. 14,

Pacific railway

battle of Winchester in 1864. He was elected to the Wisconsin state assembly in 1896.

Agnew, Alexander McLeod, merchant, philwas born Sept. 27, 1818, in New He began a commercial career in the employ of his father; and for half a century was a partner in the firm of William Agnew and sons of New York City. For twenty years he was inspector of public schools in the fifth district; and his whole life was devoted to the good of humanity. He died Oct. 16, 1891, in New York City. Agnew, Daniel, lawyer, jurist, was born anthropist, York City.

Jan. 5, 1809, in Trenton, N. J. He received his education at the Stockton academy and at the Western university of Pennsylvania, both of Pittsburg, Pa.

In 1829 he was admitted to the bar; and' practiced many for years in Pittsburg, Pa. In 1837-38 he was a delegate in convention to amend the constitution of Pennsylvania. In 1851-63 he was president judge of the seventh judicial district of Pennsylvania. In 1863-79 he was justice of the state supreme court of Pennsylvania; and in 1874-79 was chief justice. He died in 1902 in Beaver, Pa. Agnew, David Haye.s, physician, author, was born Nov. 24, 1818, in Lancaster county, Pa. He was a successful physician; and was for a long time prosurgery in 1^ f essor of the university of Pennsylvania. His numerous writings were the

outcome of wide experience. He was the author of Handbook of Practical Anatomy Principles and Practice and a Surgery; of Treatise on Surgical


law in Nebraska; and in 1883-85 was lieutenant-governor of Nebraska. In 1887 he was a represelitative in the Nebraska state

was a member of the judiciary committee; and author of the bill establishing the soldiers' home in that state. In 18971903 he was assistant attorney of the Union legislature;



Agen, James Herman, soldier, financier, statesman, was born April 29, 1847, in Montpelier, Vt. He was president of the Northwestern Wisconsin fair association in 189596. He served two years and nine months in the first regiment New York dragoons; was in forty-two 'battles, serving under General Phillip Sheridan; and was wounded in the

1873, in Cambridge, Mass.

Agee, Alfred Whitman, lawyer, legislator, lieutenant-governor, was born Nov. 18, 1850, in Morgan county, Tenn. He was educated at the Normal institute of Oakland City, Ind. He attained success in the practice of

company; and now

his profession in Ogden,


Diseases and Injuries, which was translated into the Japanese language. He died March 22, 1892, in Philadelphia, Pa. Agnew, Cornelius Rea, physician, founder, philanthropist, was born Aug. 8, 1830. in City. In 1868 he founded the Brooklyn eye and ear hospital; and in 1869 founded the Manhattan eye and ear hospital. He published a Series of American Clinical

New York