died April 18, 1888, in
York City. Agnew, Francis,
builder, contractor,
New was
born Dec. 3, 1837, in Dundee, Scotland. In 1850 he came to America; and in 1865 became a builder and contr;ictor is Chicago, 111. He was one of the oldest members of the Chicago volunteer fire department, of which he was one of the organizers; and for several years was president of the firemen's benevolent association. He built the manufacturers and liberal arts building at the Columbian exposition of 1893; built the postofHce buildings of St. Paul and Minneapolis,
Minn.; built the greater portion of the town of Pullman; and numerous theaters and pubHe lic buildings in Chicago and elsewhere. was twice president of the Irish-American club of Chicago. cago, 111.
1896, in Chi-
Agnew, Mrs. Lee, musician, author, was born Oct. 21, 1875, in Washington, D.C. Most of her life has been spent in New York City, where she is known as an eminent musician and author. She is the author of A Marriage Above Zero; The Banker and the Typewriter; The Summer Heart; The Disagreeable Man; and other works. Agnew, Walter D., educator, clergyman, college president, was born Dec. 9, 1873, in Littleton, 111. I-Ie was educated at Chaddock college, Illinois Wesleyan university and Boston- university. In 1901-02 he was pastor of the Wesleyan church at St. Joseph, Mo. In 1902-05 he was professor of English literature at the Missouri Wesleyan college at Cameron, Mo.; and since 1905 has been president of that institution. Agnus, Felix, soldier, journalist, was born July 4, 1839, in France. In 1864 he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel in the civil war; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He is now er of the Baltimore American.
and publish-
Agramonte, Aristides, educator, physician, was born June 3, 1869, in CamaHuey, Cul);i. He was educated in the
scientist, author,
public schools of
York; in 1886 graduated with the degree of A.B'. from the college of
the City
York; and in 1893 graduated in medicine from the College of physicians and surgeons of New York City ; obtaining the Harsen prize. In 189394 he was interne in Roosevelt hospital; in 1894-98 was visiting physician at Bellevue hospital; and was also sanitary inspector and later assistant bacteriologist to the department of health of New York City. In 1898-1903 he was in the United States army, engaged principally in research upon the in-
In 1901 he demonstrated the transmission of yellow fever by the bite of mosquitoes. He is now professor of bacteriology and experimental pathology in the university of Havana. In 1906, 1907 and 1908 he was a government delegate to the medical congresses held in Lisbon, Berlin and Washington respectively. He is the author of seventy-eight Reports and Monographs on medical subjects. Agramonte, Emilio, musician, copaposer, was born Nov. 38, 1844, in Cuba. During thirty years of active work in New York he has trained many good singers. He is the composer of numerous songs and sacred comfectious diseases in Cuba.
Ahl, John A., physician, manufacturer, con9, 1815, in Strasburg. Pa. He abandoned his profession in 1850 and turned his attention to various kinds of manufactures. In 1857-58 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirty-fifth congress as a democrat. He died in Strasburg, Pa. Ahrens, Mrs. Mary A., lawyer, philanthropist, was born Dec. 29, 1836, in England. In 1889 she graduated from the Chicago union college of law. She has been vice-president of the protective agency for women and children; and chairman of the woman's school suffrage association of Cook county. 111.
gressman, was born Aug.
Aigner, Martin, clergyman, founder, authwas born May 3, 1863, in Munich, Bavaria. He came to the United States in early childhood; was educated in the polytechnic institute of Egg Harbor City, N.J.; at the central high school of Philadelphia, Pa.; and or,
1884 he graduated from the Philadelphia in
divinity school of the university of Pennsylvania; and has received the degree of B.D. In 1884 he was advanced to the priesthood; in 1884-90 was assistant minister in Saint Luke's church of Philadelphia, Pa.; and in 1890-1900 was rector of Trinity church of Mount Holly, N.J. He erected churches at Lumberton and Ocean City, N.J. Since 1900 he has been rector of Saint John's church of Franklin, Pa. In 1900 he was elected president of the associate alumni of the Philadelphia divinity school. He has been examining chaplain of the diocese of Pittsburg; and a delegate to the Pan-Anglican congress. He has contributed to current literature. Aiken, Charles Augustus, educator, college president, was born Oct. 30, 1827, in Manchester, Vt. In 1869-71 he was president of Union college; and subsequently filled the chair of christian ethics in Princeton theological seminary. He died Jan. 14, 1893, in Princeton, N.J.