a private in company F, twelfth regiment Indiana volunteer infantry and served three years in company F, one hundredth regiment Indiana volunteers. He was commissioned second lieutenant; promoted to first lieutenant; and then captain in 1864, which rank he held when mustered out at the close of the war. He was appointed one of the commission to locate the Kansas soldiers' graves and to erect a monument to the memory of the fallen heroes of the eighth Kansas on the fields of Chickamauga and jNIission Ridge at the Chattanooga cemetery in 1895. In 1897-98 he was a member of the Kansas state legislature. He died Nov. 10, 1898, in
Akerly, Samuel, physician, author, was born in 1785. He was active in establishing institutions for deaf mutes and the blind. He published an Essay on the Geology of the Hudson River and Observations on Deafness. He died Julv 6, 1845, on Staten Island, N.Y. Akerman, Amos Tappan, lawyer, cabinet officer, was born 1823 in New Hampshire. In 1850 he settled in Elberton, Ga.; and served the confederate government in tlie quartermaster's department; but after the war he was a republican and reconstruetionist. He was appointed district attorney for Georgia in 1866; and was attorney-general of the United States in 1870-72. Akers, Benjamin Paul, sculptor, was born July 10, 1825, in Westbrook, Maine. His best known works are Peace; Saint Elizabeth of
Hungary; Diana and Endymion; Paul and Francesca; Charlotte Corday; Milton; and The Dead Pearl River. He died May 21, 1861, in Philadelphia, Pa. Akers, Peter, clergyman, college president, founder, author, was born Sept. 1, 1790, in Jacksonville, 111. In his youth he attended and taught school alternately. In 1815 he located in Kentucky; and practiced law and pjrblished a newspaper in Flemingsburg. In 1821 he preached his first
church at Maysville, Ky. In 1835 he moved to Morgan county, 111.; and for twenty-five years he there was engaged as student and clergyman, eight years of which he was president of McKendree college. In 1836 he established the Ebenezer manual labor school, which was a great credit to his memory. In 1857-65 he filled pastorates in Red Wing, Minn. ; and then returned to Jacksonville, 111. He was the foremost man of his church; and Abraham Lincoln said his sermons were a marvel of power. He was the author of Biblical Chronology, which for years was used as a theological text-book.
died Feb. 21, 1886, in Jacksonville,
Akers, Charles N., lawyer, public
was born Dec.
1848, in
Morgan county,
He received a thorough education; and 1874 graduated from the university of Wisconsin. He has attained success in' the practice of law in Minnesota; for many years was prosecuting attorney; served as city councilman of Red Wing and now practices law in St. Paul, Minn. His great-greatgrandfather was the late John, a revolutionary soldier; and his great-grandfather was the late Peter Akers, an eminent clergyman and theologian of the Methodist church. Akers, Thomas Peters, congressman, was born in 1810. In 1856-57 he was a representative from Missouri to the thirty-fourth congress to fill a vacancy. He died April 3, 1877, in Lexington, Mo. Albaugh, Henry Preston, educator, merchant, college president, was born Oct. 9, 1869, in Johnson county, Mo. In 1899-1900 he was 111.
president of Manchester college of Indiana. organized a mail order business in Chicago, 111.; of which he is president. Albee, Ernest, educator, author, was born Aug. 8, 1865, in Langdon, N.H. In 1887 he graduated with the degree of A.B. from the university of Vermont; and in 1894 graduated with the degree of Ph.D. from Cornell university. He is now assistant professor of philosophy at Cornell university of Ithaca, N.Y. He is the author of History of English Utilitarianism. Albee, Mrs. Helen Rickey, educator, craftworker, author, was born March 15, 1864, in Dayton, Ohio. She graduated from the high school of Dayton, Ohio; and later studied as a designer in New York City. In 1897 she established the Abnakee rug industry at Pequaket, N.H. and has since been prominently identified with the arts and crafts movement. She, is now identified with the arts and crafts department at the George Washington university of Washington, D.C. She is the author of Jlountain Playmates; Abnakee Rugs, a ilanual on Rug Making; and other works. Albee, John, author, poet, was born April 3, 1833, in Bellingham, Mass. He graduated from the Phillip academy of Andover, Mass. and from Harvard un-
He then
years he has been interested in agricultur-
in Pequaket, and has contributed extensively both prose and verse to American literature. His wife is Mrs. Helen Rickey Albee, the well known craft worker and author. He is the author Literary of Art Poems An Indian Idyl; History of New Castle, N.H. Prose Idyls; Memoir of Henry Dexter; Remembrances of Emerson; and other works. al