the constitutional convention; and in 1872 was one of the sixteen appointed by Governor Hoffman on tlie commission to revise the constitution of New York. He died Jan. 23, 1873, in Albany, N.Y. Cassin, John, naval oflicer, was born about to
1758, in Philadelphia, Pa. He became master of a merchantman; and was twice ship-
wrecked. He was appointed from the merchant service a lieutenant in the navy in 1799; became master in 1806; and post-captain in 1813. He commanded the naval forces
Delaware for the protection of Philadelphia in the war of 1813. He died March 24, 1 823, in Charleston, S.C. Cassin, John, naturalist, author, was born Sept. 6, 1813, in Chester, Pa. His American Ornithology is a continuation of Audubon's work on that subject. Other works of his are Ornithology of the Japan Expedition; Mammalogy and Ornithology of the Wilkes Exploring Expedition; Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, etc.; and General Synopses of North American Ornithology. He died Jan. 10, 1869, in Philadelphia. in the
Cassin, Stephen, naval officer, was born Feb. 16, 1783, in Philadelphia, Pa. He served in the war with Tripoli; he commanded the Ticonderoga in Macdonough's victory on Lake Champlain, and was rewarded by congress with a gold medal for bravery in that action. He was a terror to the pirates that infested the West Indies and captured four of their vessels in 1822. He died Aug. 39, 1857, in Georgetown, D.C. Cassingham, John W., manufacturer, financier, congressman, was born June 32, 1840, in Coshocton, Ohio. Until 1880 he was in the mercantile business and coal mining; then was a paper manufacturer until 1893; and now has large investments in farm property. He has been president of the Coshocton board of trade; and president of the Commercial banking company. In 1896 he was a delegate to the national democratic convention. In 1901-05 he was a representative from Ohio to the fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth congresses as a democrat. Cassoday, John Boliver, lawyer, legislator, jurist, author, was born July 7, 1830, in Herkimer county, N.Y. He graduated from Alfred academy. He subsequently studied one year at the Michigan university, and he attended the law school of Albany, N.Y. In 1857 he settled in
Wis. and soon attained prominence as a great lawyer. He was a member of the Wisconsin state legislature during 1865 and also again in 1877, when he was made speaker of that body. In 1864 he was a delegate to the Baltimore convention that nominated Lincoln for presJanesville,
ident; and in 1880 to the Chicago convention that nominated Garfield, and was chairman of the Wisconsin delegation. In 1880-1900 he was associate justice of the supreme court of Wisconsin. In 1892-1908 he was chief justice of the supreme court of Wisconsin. He was the author of Cassoday on Wills. He died Jan. 1, 1908, in Madison, Wis. Casson, Herbert Newton, journalist, lecturer, author, was born in 1869 in Canada. In 1894 he founded the first labor church in America at Lynn, Mass. He is the author of The Red Light; and The Crime of Credulity.
Henry, journalist, state ofBcial,
was born Dec. 13, 1843, in Brownsville, Pa. He was a resident of Wisconsin; and in 1875-85 was editor and proprietor of the V^ernon County Censor, in 1885-89 he was private secretary to Governor Rusk; to Governor Hoard in 1889-91; and to the secretary of agriculture in 1891-92. In 1894 he was elected secretary of state of Wisconsin.
Castegnier, Georges, educator, author,
born in 1850 in France.
Y'ork City.
an educator of
He is the author of HandRoman History; and Le
book of Greek and
Due de Reichstadt. Benjamin J., lawyer, jurist. In he was judge of the criminal court of Buchanan county, Michigan, at St. Casteel,
Joseph. Castle, Curtis Harvey, educator, physician, congressman, was born Oct. 4, 1848, in Knox county. 111. In 1897-99 he was a representative from California to the fifty-fifth congress. Castle, Frederick Albert, physician, author, was born April 29, 1842, in Fabius, N. Y. From 1863 till the close of the civil war he was acting assistant surgeon in the navy.
He was the author of Wood's Household Practice of Medicine, Hygiene and Surgery, in two volumes. He died in 1902 in New York
City. Castle, Henry Anson, soldier, lawyer, journalist, author, was born Aug. 22, 1841, near
In 1862 he graduated from the
then enlisted as a private in the seventythird regiment Illinois volunteer infantry. He was made a sergeantmajor of his regiment. He was severely wounded in the battle of Stone River, and finally discharged. He afterward raised a company for the one hundred and thirty-seventh regiment Illinois infantry; which he commanded as captain during his term of service. For ten years he practiced law in St. Paul; and in "1876 was chosen editor-inchief of the St. Paul Dispatch, of which he became owner. In 1885 he disposed of the