HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. iouthern pacific railroad office in San Franisco, Cal. She is the author of Sittings from I'overty Flat; In the Country God Forgot; The Siege of Youth; Awakenings of the Duchess; and Pardner of Blossom Ranch. Charles, Fred Lemar, educator, biologist, was bom Nov. 15, 1872, in Aurora, 11. Since 1899 he has been professor of bioogy in the Northern Illinois state normal ehool; and since 1903 has been head of the ioience department of the Illinois state lormal school. He is the author of How to luthor,
lead a Pebble; Sunshine and Zephyrs, a volime of poems; and various scientific leafets for teachers.
Charlton, Robert Milledge, lawyer, jurist, Jnited States senator, author, poet, was )0*rn Jan. 19, 1807, in Savannah, Ga. He erved in the Georgia state legislature; beame United States district attorney; and
n his twenty-seventh year was appointed udge of the supreme court of eastern Geor;ia. In 1852-53 he was United States senaiOr from Georgia. He was the author of Leavs from the Portfolio of a Georgia Lawyer; well as a variety of historical and other ectures and literary addresses. He died Jan. 8, 1854, in Savannah, Ga. IS
Thomas Usher Pulaski, was born
urist, legislator, author,
nent member of the G. A. R. In 1863 he was admitted to the bar; and for many years
editor of the Times of Scranton, Pa. His editorial championship of the workingnien during the labor troubles of the seventies caused him to be twice imprisoned because of his attitude. In 1885 he resumed the practice of law, and is now one of the foremost members of that profession in Pennsylvania at Scranton.
Chase, Ann, patriot, was born in 1809 in Ireland. Through her stratagems and secretly imparted information, the United States troops captured Tampico without the loss of a single man. The government gratefully acknowledged the service. She died Dec 24, 1874, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Chase, Arthur H., lawyer, librarian, was bom Feb. 16, 1864, in Concord, N.H. He grad-
uated from Dartmouth college; and has received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. In 1890 he was admitted to the New Hampshire bar. Since 1895 he has been state librarian of New Hampshire. Chase, Benjamin, clergyman, geologist, was bom in 1789 in New Hampshire. He was also a geologist; presented a valuable collection of fossils to Oakland, Miss. He died Oct. Natchez, Miss. Chase, Caleb, merchant,
11, 1870, in
in 1779
was -bom Deo. 11, 1831, in West Harwich, Mass. He was educated at Harwich, Mass.; and studied at Hamden, Maine. He is senior member of the firm of Chase and Sanborn, well-known importers of teas and coffees of Boston, Mass. They have built up a large and successful business as tea and coffee merchants; and are prominently known in business circles. Chase, Carlton, clergyman, bishop, was born Feb. 20, 1794, in Hopkinton, N.H. He was pastor for twenty-four years at Bellows Falls, Vt. He was consecrated the first bishop of New Hampshire. He died Jan. 18, 1870,
n South Carolina. In 1803 he was a member )f the Georgia state legislature; was atorney -general in 1804-08; and was judge of he superior court of the eastern circuit of ieorgia in 1808-12. He was again a member if the state legislature in 1812; was mayor if Savannah in 1819-20; and was again judge if the superior court in 1834. He published volume of reports; a Life of James Jackon; and other works. He died in December, 835, in Georgia. Charlton, Walter Glasco, lawyer, was born une 5, 1851, in Savannah, Ga. He received is education at the Rock academy; attended he Pen-Lucy school of Baltimore county. Id.; and studied in the university of Virinia. He has attained prominence as an able iwyer of Savannah, Ga. ; and hag served s alderman of that city for three terms, le has been solicitor of the eastern circuit f Georgia; was chairman of the democratic arty of Chatham county for three terms; 'as chairman of the democratic congression1 convention of the first district in 1886; nd was temporary chairman of the state onvention in 1885. Charter, James Adams, civil engineeer, inentor, was born July 24, 1865, in Sterling, 11. Since 1894 he has been mechanical enineer with Fairbanks, Morse and company f Chicago, 111. He has taken out numerous atents; and is the designer and inventor f the Fairbanks-Morse gas and gasoline en,
Chase, Aaron Augustus, soldier, lawyer, )urnalist. He served with distinction as a jldier during the civil war, and is a promi-
Chase, Champion Spalding, lawyer, statesman, was born March 20, 1820, in Cornish, N.H. In 1856 he was' elected to the Wisconsin state senate; and in 1862 was commissioned paymaster in the union army, with the rank of major of cavalry. In 1866 he went to Omaha, Neb.; and was the first attorney-general of that state. In 1874-81 he was mayor of Omaha and at the time of his death was collector of customs. In 1872 the
Nebraska legislature named Chase county for him; and the citizens of Champion, a manufacturing town in that county, adopted
name for their town. He died Nov. 1898, in Omaha. Neb. Chase, Charles M., journalist, author, was born on Nov. 6, 1829, in Lyndon, Vt. In ]861 he was the leader of the band in the thirteenth regiment Illinois volunteer infantry. In 1865 he established the Vermont Union in Lyndon; and has ever since been it? his first 3,
editor and owner. In 1866 and 1868 he was democratic candidate for congress; and a