HERKINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. was president engineers. Chicago, 111. civil
of the
American society of
died Aug.
1886, In
Chesehrough, Robert Augustus, manufacwas born Jan. 9, 1837, in London, England. As a result of continual experiments in distilling filtering petroleum, in 1870 he discovered and patented the subturer, inventor,
now known
1881 he erected the huge ofi&ce building which bears vaseline.
his name in York City. He introduced heating and ventilating appliances of his
this structure;
these have since attracted wide attention among architects and owners. The real estate exchange of New York City originated
with him. Cheshire, Joseph Blount, clergyman, bishop author, was born March 27, 1850, in Tarborough, N.C. In 1872 he was admitted to the bar; and in 1893 was consecrated protestant episcopal bishop of North Carolina. He is the author of Early Conventions of the Church in North Carolina; Fragments of North Carolina Church History; The Church in the Province of North Carolina; Decay and Eevival; and Parson Miller and Wliite Haven Church.
Chesney, Elijah, clergyman, lecturer, auwas born May 29, 1842, in Dumfries, Ontario, Canada. He graduated in the classical course from Woodstock college in 1864; and subsequently completed the full theological course of studies in the same institution He has filled pastorates in the Baptist church in Canada and Michigan; and now is pastor of the First of church baptist Wooster, Ohio. He has many times held the position of moderator and president of religious councils, associations and conventions; and by appointment preached sermons and delivered addresses at such assemblies. For twelve years he has been a member of the Michigan state home mission hoard in connection with the baptist state convention and was several years its secrethor,
King, botanist, author,
28, 1827, in Nevada City, Cal. He is assistant botanist in charge of poisonous plant investigation in the United States department of agriculture. He is the author of Thirty Poisonous Plants of the U. S.
Chesnut, Victor King, educator, chemist, botanist, author, was born June 28, 1867, in Nevada City, Cal. He was educated at the university of California at the university of Chicago, and at the Columbian university of Washington, D.C. In 1894-1903 he was assistant botanist in charge of poisonous plant investigation in the United States department of agriculture. He is now professor of chemistry in the Montana college of agricultural and mechanical arts; chemist of the Montana experiment station; and collaborator of poisonous plant investigations in the United States department of agriculture. He is the author of Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States ; stock poisoning plants of Montana; Plants Used by the Indians of Mendocino County, California; and other botanical works. Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, educator, lawyer, author, was born June 20, 1858 in Cleveland, Ohio. For nine years he was a teacher in the public schools of North Carolina; and since 1884 has practiced law in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the author of The Conjure Woman; The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories ; Life of Frederick Douglass ; and The House Behind the Cedars. Chessman, Samuel, merchant, genealogist, was born June 16, 1812. He was a mechanic and merchant; and raised the first money to begin the preliminary survey of what is now the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway. He is the author of The Chessman Family Record; and Leach Family Record. Chester, Albert Huntington, educator, auwas born Nov. 22, 1843, in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. He was a professor of cheraistrv and metallurgy at Hamilton college in 1870-91; and 1891-03 filled the same chair in Rutger's college. He was the author of Dictionary on the Names of Minerals; and' Catalogue of Minerals with their Chemical Composition and Synonyms. He died in 1903 in New Brunswick, N.J. Chester, Alden, lawyer, jurist, was born Sept. 3, 1S48, in Westford, N.Y. He was educatpd in the public schools and at the Westford literary institute. He was a railroad teledpgraph operator itor of a newspaper in thor,
Otsego county; and an office clerk in Boston, Mass. Since 1871 he has practiced law in Albany, N.Y.; and in 1882-85 was assistant United States attorney for the northern district of New York. In 1894-95 he was assistant corporation counsel for the city of Albany; and in 1884 he was president of the
board of public instruction. Since 1895 he has been justice of the supreme court of New York for the third judicial district. He has