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been a special lecturer on the federal judicial


in the

Albany law


Chester, Colby Mitchell, naval oflficer, was born Feb. 29, 1844, in New London, Conn. In 1866 he became a master; in 1867 was made a lieutenant; and in 1896 received his

commission as captain. He commanded the Galena in 1886. In 1890-94 he was commandant of cadets at Annapolis; in 1897 was in command of the South Atlantic squadron; and during the war with Spain

was in command of the Cincinnati. In 1899 he was assigned to the command of the new and powerful battleship Kentucky; and in 1902 was appointed superintendent of the United States naval observatory. In 1903 he was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral. Chester, Frank Dyer, linguist, diplomat, genealogist, was born Dec. 3, 1869, in Newton, Mass. He was educated in Newton and Boston; and graduated from Harvard university, from which institution he has received the degrees of A.B. A.M. and Ph.D. He has attained prominence as a noted linguist. In 1893-95 he was assistant in Semitic languages at Harvard university; and in 1895-97 was Rogers fellow at Harvard university. In 1897-1904 he was United States consul; and in 1904-08 was consul-general to Hungary, with headquarters at Budapest, Hungary. He is a member of the American oriental society. He is now engaged on The Descendants of Christopher Chester, which was originally published in pamphlet form by his brother, the late Arthur Herbert Chester of Newton Center, Mass. Chester, Frederick Dixon Walthall, educator, geologist, author, was born Oct. 8, 1861, in West Indies. He was professor of geology and botany, Delaware college in 1882-89; and is now mycologist and bacteriologist of Delaware agricultural experiment station


has written

many monographs upon


state geology. Chester, Guy M., circuit judge of Michigan, was born March 10, 1869, in Camden, Hillsdale county, Mich. He soon attained success in the profession of law; and acquired eminence at the bar of Michigan. He is circuit judge of the first judicial circuit of Michigan, composed of Hillsdale and Lenawee counties, for the term of 1897-1912; and resides in Hillsdale, Mich.

Chester, John, soldier, state legislator, was born Jan. 29, 1749, in Wethersfield, Conn. He was a representative in the Connecticut state legislature in 1773. He served as a captain at the battle of Bunker Hill; became a colonel; and continued in the continental army until 1777. Afterward he sat in the Connecticut legislature, in which he was chosen speaker. He was a member of the council in 1788-91 and 1803; and supervisor of the district of Connecticut in 1791-1801. He died Nov. 4, 1809, in Wethersfield, Conn. Chester, Joseph Lemuel, journalist, antiquarian, author, was born April 30, 1821, in

He was a Philadelphia journalist who went to England in 1858, living in London; and devoting himself to antiquarian research till he becanie one of the most famous genealogists of his day. His

Norwich, Conn.

own writings include Greenwood Cemetery and Other Poems; Treatise on the Laws of Repulsion; Educational Laws of Virginia; the personal narrative of Margaret Douglas, imprisoned for the crime of teaching free colored children to read; John Rogers, the Compiler of the English Bible and Preliminary Investigation of the Alleged Ancestry of George Washington. His most important antiquarian work is an edition of the Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of Westminster Abbey, with notes, on which he spent seventeen years' labor. He edited also the parish registers of six London city churches. He died May 28, 1883, in London, England. Chester, William, clergyman, author, was born Nov. 26, 1863, in Burlington, N.J. In 1889-98 he was pastor of the Immanuel pre'sbyterian church of Milwaukee, Wis. In 1895 he was a delegate to the pan-presbyterian assembly in Scotland. He is the author of Immortality a Rational Faith. Chestnut, James, soldier, congressman, United States senator, was born in 1815, in Camden, S.C. He was a member of the South Carolina state legislature in 1842-52; and in 1854-58 was a member of the state senate. In 1854-61 he was a United States senator. In 1864 he was made a brigadier general in the confederate army. He died Feb. 1, 1885,




Chetlain, Arthur Henry, lawyer, jurist, was born April 12, 1849, in Galena, 111. Since 1894 he has been judge of the superior court of Cook county. 111. Chetlain, Augusta Louis, soldier, banker, diplomat, was born on Dec. 36, 1824, in St. Louis, Mo. He was a merchant of Galena, 111. and was the first volunteer of a meeting held in response to the president's call after the bombardment of Fort Sumter in 1861. He was commissioned lieutenant-colonel in the twelfth regiment Illinois infantry; and in 1863 was promoted brigadier-general. He raised a force of seventeen thousand men, for which service he was brevetted majorgeneral; and served for five years in the war. In 1867-69 he was assessor of internal revenue for the district of Utah; and was







Brussels. In 1873 he organized the Home national bank of Chicago; and was its president; and in 1891 he organized the industrial bank of Chicago, 111.

Chetwood, Charles Howard, physician, surgeon, author, was born Oct. 1, 1866, in Elizabeth, N.J. He is an eminent physician and surgeon of New York City. He is the author of Compend of Genito-urinary Diseases and other medical works.

Chetwood, John, lawyer,

was associate of



justice of the Jersey.

In 1788 he

supreme court