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Jhetwood, John, lawyer, author, was born ril 38, 1859, in Elizabeth, N.J. He has atned prominence as a lawyer of San Fran30, .Cal. He is the author of Immigration

sylvania. He is the author of Social Changes in England in the Sixteenth Century. Chickering, Charles A., educator, state leg-


in Harrisburg, N.Y.

Jhetwood, John 1.

J., lawyer, jurist, was born 18, 1800, in Elizabeth, N.J. He was for

irteen years surrogate of Essex county; s first prosecutor of Union county and s a member of the state council. He died V. 18, 1861, in Elizabeth, N.J.

Chetwood, William, lawyer, congressman, s born in 1769 in Elizabethtown, N.J. He one time served in the state council of w Jersey. In 1835-37 he was a represen;ive from New Jersey to the twenty-fourth igress to fill a vacancy. He died Dec. 18, 57, in Elizabethtown, N.J. Cheverus, Jean L., clergyman, bishop, was rn Jan. 28, 1768, in France. In 1810 he was isecrated first bishop of Boston, Mass. In 18 he purchased and dedicated St. Augusle's, the first catholic cemetery in Boston. 1823 he returned to France; and in 1836 IS proclaimed a cardinal. He died July 19, 36 in France. Cheves, Langdon, lawyer, jurist, congress m, was born Sept. 17, 1776, in Rocky RivS.C. He was elected to the South Garcia state legislature in 1808; was a presintial elector in 1809; and afterward was torney-general of the state. In 1810-15 he IS a representative from South Carolina, the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth conesses; and in 1813-15 he was speaker of e house to the thirteenth congress. He was 30 a commissioner of claims under the 3aty of Ghent; was judge of the court of mmon pleas in 1816-19; and for a, time is president of the United States bank. ! died June 25, 1857, in Columbia, S.C. Chew, Benjamin, lawyer, jurist, was born )v. 20, 1722, in West River, Md. In 1774-77 ,

was chief justice of the supreme court of nnsylvania. For several years was speakof the house of delegates; and in 1790 was pointed president of the high court of errs and appears. Died Jan. 20, 1810, in Pa. Chew, Richard




was born

1, 1843, in District of Columbia. He graduated at the naval academy in 61; was commissioned lieutenant. He was lieutenant-commander in 1866; and served board the frigate Minnesota participatg in the actions with the Merrimac. He 2d April 10, 1875, in Washington, D.C. Chew, Robert S., government official, was rn in 1811, in Virginia. He entered the rvice of the government in his youth; and ,d served in the state department more an forty years, when he was advanced to e chief clerkship. He died Aug. 3, 1873, in




ashington, D.C.

Cheyney, Edward Potts, educator, author, born Jan. 17, 1861, in Wallingford, Pa. 3 is a professor in the university of PennIS


congressman, was born Nov. 36, 1843, He was a member of the New York state assembly in 1879-81; and was clerk of the assembly in 1884-90. In 1893-1901 he was a representative from New



to the fifty-third, fifty-fourth, fiftyfifty-sixth congresses as a republican. He died Feb. 13, 1900, in New York City. Chickering, Charles Francis, manufacturer, was born Jan. 37, 1827, in Boston, Mass. In 1853 he became president of the firm of Chickering and sons, piano manufacturers; and made a specialty of the designing and drawing of the metal frames for stretching piano strings. He received a gold medal; and the cross of the legion of honor were conferred upon him at the International exposition in Paris, France. He died March 23, 1891, in New York City. Chickering, Jesse, clergyman, physician, author, was born Aug. 31, 1797, in Dover, N. H. He was a unitarian minister in his earlier career. He was the author of Statistical View of the Population of Massachusetts, 17651840; Emigration into the United States; Reports on the Census of Boston and Letter to the President on Slavery in Relation to Constitutional Government in Great Britain and the United States. He died May 29, 1855,




West Roxbury, Mass.

Chickering, John White, educator, clergyman, was born Sept. 11, 1831, in Bolton, M>«s. He attended the public schools of Port-

Maine; in 1852 graduated from Bowland,

doin college; and in 1860 from Bangor theological seminary. He has attained success in educational work;





Portland, in Foxcroft,

Corinna and Bucks port, Maine; and in 1853-58 at the Seneca collegiate

institute of Ovid, N.Y. In 1860-63 he was pastor of the congregational church of Springfield, Vt.; secretary of Vermont bible society in 1863-65; in 1865-70 was pastor of the congregational church of Exeter, N.H.; and in 1870-99 was professor of natural science at Galladet college of Washington, D.C. Chickering Jonas, manufacturer, inventor, was born April 5, 1797, in New Ipswich, N. H. He manufactured Chickering pianos; and invented various improvements. He died Dec. 8, 1853, in Boston, Mass. Chickering, Thomas Edward, soldier, manufacturer, was born Oct. 23, 1834, in Boston, Mass. The Chickerings developed a piano of brilliant quality, which vied with the Steinway piano for the favor of musicians and