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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. 1806 he visited Dubuque in a canoe to trade

with the Sac and Fox Indians. Several other large dealers in furs were at times the partners of Mr. Chouteau, among them John Jacob Astor of New York City. In 1834 his associates and he purchased Mr. Astor's interest in the American fur company. He died Sept. 8, 1865, in St. Louis, Mo. Chrisman, James S., congressman, was born in Kentucky. He was a member of the constitutional convention of Kentucky. In 1853-55 he was a representative from Kentucky to the thirty-third congress. He was a


of the executive council of the state and was a member of the confederate congress during its existence. He died in Kentucky. in 1861-65;

Christ, Benjamin, C, soldier, was born in Pennsylvania. In 1861 he was lieutenant colonel in the fifth regiment Pennsylvania infantry; and in 1864 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died March 27, 1869.

Cbiistensen, Christian Thomson, soldier, banker, was born Jan. 26, 1832, in Denmark. He served in the civil war and attained the rank of brigadier-general In 1890 he was elected president of the Broaklyn trust company. He died in 1905 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Christian, George Clark, soldier, lawyer, lecturer, prohibitionist, founder, was born on

Feb. 20, 1841, in Elkton, Ky. He served during the civil war in the confederate army; and rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was for many years one of the leaders of the prohibition party in the United States. For twenty years he was professor of medifeal jurisprudence and insanity in the Bennett medical college of Chicago, III.; and was one of the founders of that institution. He founded the Inter-state summer normal and educational assembly of Eureka Springs, Ark.; and was its manager for three years. Christian, George Henry, miller, manufacwas born Jan. 14, 1839, in Alabama. He is pastor of the east baptist church at schools of Wilmington, turer,

N.C; and in 1867 he moved from Chicago to Minneapolis, Minn. He there engaged extensively in the flouring industry with C. C. Washburn. This busiwas conducted ness under the firm name of George H. Christian

and 1875,

company when the

until senior

partner retired ; and the business was succeeded by J. A. Christian and company. For many years he was president and chief owner of the Hardwood manufacturing company of Minneapolis, Minn.; and has now retired from business. He has been chairman of the executive committee of the Millers' national association;


has been president of the Consolidated milling company; and president of the Hardwood manufacturing company of Minneapolis. Minn. Christian, George Llewellyn, soldier, lawyer, historian, was born April 13, 1841, in Charles City county, Va. In 1861-64 he served in the confederate states army. In 1867 he began the practice of law in Richmond; and in 1878-83 was judge of hustings court of Richmond. He has been president of the Richmond bar association; president of the city council of Richmond; president of the chamber of commerce; president of the national bank of Virginia; and president of the Virginia state insurance company. He has published several Monographs of the causes and history of the civil war. Christian, John T., clergyman, author, was born Dec. 14, 1849, in Fayette county, Ky. He is pastor of the 'east baptist church at Louisville, Ky. He is the author of Immersion; Close Communion; Did They Dip; and The Baptist Vindicated. Christian, Joseph, state senator, jurist, was born July 10, 1828, in Middlesex county, Va. Before and during the civil war he was a, member of the state senate of Virginia; at its close he was made a district judge; and soon was advanced to the supreme court of appeals. His name has been prominent as a candidate for the United States senate; and also for the supreme court of the United States. Christian, William, soldier, was bom in 1732 in Berkeley county, Va. In 1782 he reluctantly accepted the command of an expedition to ravage the Wyandotte and Moravian Indian settlements on the Muskingum; and was taken prisoner and put to death by torture. He died in June, 1782. Christian, William Henry, soldier, was born in New York. He joined the United States army in 1846; in 1861 he was a colonel in the twenty-sixth regiment New York infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died May 8, 1887. Christiancy, Isaac Peckham, soldier, lawyer, journalist, congressman. United States senator, was bom in March, 1812, in Johnstown, N.Y. He was prosecuting attorney for Monroe county; and in 1848 attended the .

free soil convention in Buffalo. was elected to the state senate;

In 1849 he in 1852


was the candidate for governor of the free party. He was a delegate to the Philadelphia convention of 1856; and soon afterwards purchased the Monroe Commercial and became its editor. In 1858-75 he was a_ judge of the supreme court; and was chief justice in 1871-73. He served in the civil war; and in 1875-79 he was United States senator from Michigan. In 1879 he accepted the apsoil

pointment, of United States minister to Pern. He died Sept. 8, 1890, In Lansing, Mich. Christie, Alexander, clergyman, archbishop, was bom in 1850 in Highgate, Vt. In 1877
