he was ordained to the ministry; and for many years was rector of St. Stephen's church of Minneapolis, Minn. In 1898 he was consecrated bishop. He established an orphanage for boys and a kindergarten school in Victoria, Canada. In 1899 he became Roman catholic archbishop of Oregon. He established the Columbia university; and many homes and churches in Portland, Ore. Christie, Gabriel, congressman, was bom in Maryland. In 1793-97 and 1799-1801 he was a representative from Maryland to the third, fourth and sixth congresses. He died in
Maryland. William Henry, soldier, physiborn March 31, 1844, in Bergen
Christy, William, soldier, lawyer, merchant, author, was born Dec. 6, 1791, in Georgetown, Ky. He served under Harrison in the war of 1812; and subsequently became a merchant of New Orleans. He published a Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Chrysler, Morgan Henry, soldier, was born Sept. 30, 1826, in Ghent, N.Y. He was present at the capture of Mobile, with its surrounding defences ; was brevetted brigadier-general in 1864; and made brigadier-general of volunteers and brevet major-general in 1865. He died Aug. 24, 1890.
Christie, cian, was
county, N.3. He served as a private soldier during the civil war. In 1884 he was a delegate to the national republican convention. Since 1890 he has filled the chair of materia medica and principles of therapeutics in the Omaha medical college of Nebraska. He is a member of the national, state, district and other medical societies; and has contributed extensively to medical literature. Christie, William Wallace, mechanical engineer, author, was born in 1866 in Paterson, N.J. Since 1882 he has been in practice as a mechanical engineeer. He is the author of Chimney Formulae and Tables Chimney Design and Theory; Boiler Waters; and other works. Christison, John Sanderson, physician, author, was born March 13, 1856, in Scotland. In 1877 he received the degree of M.D. from the university of the city of New York. He is a noted physician of Chicago, 111. He is the author of Crime and Criminals; Brain in Relation to Mind; Farmer Kilroy; and The Tragedy of Chicago, a study in hypnotism. Christopher, E. Earl, litterateur, author, was bom in 1873 in Tennessee. He is the author of The Invisibles, a novel. Christy, David, litterateur, author, was bom in 1802 in Ohio. He was the author of Cotton is King, or Slavery in the Light of Political Economy; Chemistry of Agriculture; History of Missions in Africa; Elements of Slavery. He died about 1870.
Christy,Edwin P., minstrel, theatrical manager, was bom in 1815. In 1842 he organized the original Christy's Minstrels in Buffalo, N.Y.; and was afterward their manager. He took the troupe to London; met with great success both here and there; and retired with a fortune in 1854. He died May 21, 1862, in New York City. Christy, George N., minstrel, was born Nov. 6, 1827, in Palmyra, N.Y. He made his first appearance in Buffalo in 1839. under E. P. Christy's management. After the organization of the Christy minstrels he was the star of the troupe; and was the original Lucy Long and Cachuca. He died May 12, 1868, in New York City. Christy, John H., congressman. He was elected a representative from Georgia to the fortieth congress. He died in Georgia.
Chubb, Percival, educator, author, was born 1860 in England. He is a lecturer on Eng-
lish at the university of
New York
the author of
school of
The Teaching
of English.
Chnbbuck, Samuel W., inventor, numiswas born in 1900 in Vermont. He made, it is said, the first telegraphic instrument ever manufactured. One of his inventions was that by which the paper on the reel could be used forty times. The circuitcloser attachment to the key, and the famous pony sounder, were also invented by him. He was a collector of coins and scientific instruments; and at one time had a coin collection valued at thirty thousand dollars. He died June 28, 1875, in Utica, N.Y. matist,
Church, Albert Ensign, educator, author, in 1807 in Salisbury, Conn. He was a mathematical professor at West Point in 1833-78. He was the author of Elements of Differential Calculus; Elements of the Calculus of Variations; Elements of Analytical Geometry; and Elements of Analytical Trigonometry. He died March 30, 1878, in West Point, N.Y.
was born
Church, Alonzo, educator, clergyman, colwas born April 9, 1793, in Brattleboro, Vt. In 1829-59 he was president of the university of Georgia. He never held a pastoral charge, but gave his services to the poorer churches near Athens, Ga. He died May 18, 1862, near Athens, Ga. lege president,
Church, Archibald, physician, author, was in 1861 in Fond du Lac, Wis. He is professor of nervous and mental diseases and medical jurisprudence in the Northwestern university medical school. He is the author of Textbook on Nervous and Mental Diseases.
Church, Augustus B., clergyman, educator, was born Jan. 11, 1858, in North Norwich, N.Y. Since 1903 he has been president of Buchtel college of Akron, Ohio. Church, Benjamin, soldier, founder, author, was born in 1639 in Duxbury, Mass. He was a famous colonial soldier, the conqueror of King Philip and the founder of Little Compton, R.I. Entertaining Passages Relating to Philip's War is a personal narrative of his adventures. He died Jan. 17, 1718, in New college president,