Coyle, Henry, journalist, poet, was born 7, 1872, in Boston, Mass. He was editor of the ^VeekIy Bouquet of Boston, Mass.; and is now editor of the Orphan's Friend. He is the author of a volume of poems entitled The Promise of the Morning. Coyle, James Frank, soldier, merchant, was born June 20, 1846, in Roxbury, Mass. In 1861 he enlisted in the civil war; and in 1860 was discharged with the rank of firsr lieutenant. In 1886 he formed the firm of
Coyle and Sargeant, silk manufacturers of Mo. He was president of the H. E. Lindsay electric supply company; and many other large concerns. Coyle, John Henry, lawyer, author, was born Feb. 5, 1S5C, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was admitted to the bar in 1880, and practices his profession at Antelope, Cal., where he has served as justice of the peace. He is the author of Jlining Booms Past and I'resent; Bobnot's Ups and Downs in Politics; and other works. Coyle, John Patterson, clergyman, author, was born in 1852 in Pennsylvania. He was the author of The Imperial Christ, with a Biographical Introduction by George A. Gates; and The jSpirit in Literature and Life. He died in 1895 in Denver, Col. Coyle, Robert Francis, clergyman, author, was born July 28, 1850, in Canada. Since 1879 he has filled pastorates in the presbyterian churches of Chicago, Oakland and Los Angeles; and since 1900 has been pastor of the Central prtsbyterian church of Denver, Col. He is the author of Foundation Stones; and Working Men and the Church. Coyne, John Nicholas, soldier, author, was born Kov. 14, 1839, in New York City. He served throughout the civil war; and received a congressional medal of honor for bravery and capture of a confederate flag at Williamsburg, Va.; and was brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel. He is the author of History of the Third Army Corps; and History of the Excelsior Brigade. Coyner, Charles Luther, layer, jurist, author, was born Feb. 8, 1853, in Long Glade, Va. In 1S77 he was admitted to the bar. He has been town clerk, deputy surveyor, county attorney for ten years, and speSt. Louis,
attorney. served as special district judge judge of the probate; and judge of the county courts of Duval county, Texas. He now cial
He has
practices law in West Plains, Mo. Ho was a delesate from his coun-
ty to the deep water national convention in 1892; and a delegate to the World's fair at Chicago. He is the author of. The Life of Captain S. B. Conyer, his brother; Twenty Years in Texas; A Greenhorn in Texas; and A Tribute, a poem on the Coyner Family.
Cozzens, Frederick Schiller, artist, author, Oct. 11, 1846, in New York CSty. He has published a series of lithographed drawings of American yachts, accompanied with descriptions by Lieutenant James D. J. Kelley. He has also produced a series of outline-drawings of vessels of all kinds, comprising steamers from 1819 to the present, American and English yachts, and all varieties of American craft propelled by sails, oars, or paddles. Cozzens, Frederick Swartout, merchant, author, was born March 5, 1818, in New Y^ork City. He was educated in the public schools of his native , _ city. He was a wine
was born
merchant of New York City and was noted
as a humorist. He the author of
was The
Papers; Acadia, or a Sojourn among the Blue Noses Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker and Other Learned Men; Stone House on the Susquehanna Prismatics: and Fitz-Greene Halleck, a Memorial. He died Dec. 23, 1869, in Brooklyn, N.Y'.
mineralogist, author, 1781 in Newport, E.I. He was the author of History of New Y'ork Island.
was born
died in Cozzens,
Rhode Island. Samuel Woodworth, lawyer, au-
was born April 14, 1834, in Marblehead, Mass. He was a lawyer of Arizona. He was the author of Nobody's Husband; The Marvellous Country, or 'Three Y'ears in Arizona; The Young Trail Hunters; The Y'oung Silver St-ekers; and Crossing the Quicksands. He died Nov. 4, 1878, in Thomaston, Ga. Cozzens, William Cole, merchant, banker, state senator, governor, was born Aug. 26, 1811, in Newport, E.I. He became the head of the dry goods firm of William C. Cozzens and company; and about 1857 became president of the Ehode Island union bank. In 1854 he was mayor of Newport; subsequently a representative in the general assembly; and in 1861 a state senator. In 1863-63 he was acting twenty-fifth governor of Ehode Island. He died in December, 1876, in Newthor,
port, R.I.
Ciabb, George W., soldier, jurist, congress-
man, was born in Tennessee. In the Florida war of 1836 he was lieutenant-colonei. He served in the Alabama state senate. In 183741 he was a representative from Alabama to the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth congresses. He died in 1847 in Philadelphia, Pa. Crabb, jeremiah, congressman, was born in Maryland. In 1795-97 he was a representative from Maryland to the fourth congress. He died in Maryland. Crabbe, Thomas, naval ofBcer, was born in 1788 in Maryland. He was retired as commodore in 1862; officiated as prize com-