HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. missioner in 1864-65; and was made a rearadmiral on the retired list in 1866. He died June 29, 1873, in Princeton, N.J. Crabtree, John D., lawyer, soldier, legislator, jurist, was born Mov. 19, 1837, in England. He entered the oiivl war as a private; and was promoted to second lieutenant, captain, and brevet-major. In 1887 he was elected state senator; in 1888 became judge of circuit court thirteenth judicial circuit of Illinois; and in 1896-1902 was judge of the appellate court second district of Illinois. He died May 23, 1902, in Ottawa, 111. Crabtree, Mrs. Lotta M., actress, was born 7, 1847, in New York City. At the age of eleven she played the part of Gertrude in the Loan of a Lover, at Petaluma. Her chief successes have been as Topsy; Sam Willoughby; Firefly; Zip; Bob: The Little De-
and Nitouehe. Cradlebaugh, John, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in Ohio. In 1861-63 he was a delegate from Nevada to the thirtyseventh eoncress; and was subsequently appointed United States judge for the territory of Utah. He died in Utah. Cradock, Thomas, clergyman, author. He was rector of St. Thomas's parish. In 1754 he published a translation of Buchanan's Latin Psalms, in heroic verse. He died in 1760 in Baltimore county, Md. Craft, David, soldier, clergyman, author, was born Oct. 3, 1832, in Carmel, N.Y. In 1861-91 he was pastor of the presbyterian church at Wyalusing; in 1891-98 at Lawreneeville; and since 1899 at Angelica, N.Y. During the civil war he was chaplain of the -one hundred and forty-first Pennsylvania volunteers. He is the author of History of Bradford, County; and Histrocy History of tective;
One Hundred and Forty -first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Craft, Frost, clergyman, was born July 12, 1846, in Dearborn county, Ind. In 1870-75 he preached in Indianapolis, Ind.; and has filled various pastorates in Indiana, Illinois and Colorado. Since 1895 he has preached in Denver, Col. Crafts, Mrs. Annetta Stratford, author, was born March 16, 1856, in Chicago, 111. She is the author of Jupiter Jineles. Crafts, Clayton Edward, lawyer, state legislator, was born July 8, 1848, in Auburn, Ohio. In 1883 he was elected to the Illinois state legislature; has been five times reelected; and in 1891 was speaker of the house. He is regarded as one of the best lawyers in Chicago, 111. Crafts, Ebenezer, pioneer, founder, was born in 1740 in Pomfret, Conn. In 1790 he emigrated with his family to the wilderness of Vermont; and there founded the town that is called after him. He died in 1810 in
Craftsbury, Vt. Crafts, James Mason, chemist, educator, March 8, 1839, college president, was in Boston, Mass. In 1868-70 he was professor of chemistry at Cornell; and in 1870-80
member of the faculty in the Massachusetts institute of technology in Boston. In 1897 he was appointed chairman of the faculty; and the same year became president of the institute. Crafts, Samuel Chandler, lawyer, jurist, a,
congressman, governor. United States senawas born Oct. 6, 176S, in Woodstock, Vt. In 1796, 1800, 1801, 1803 and 1805 he was elected a member of the house of representatives of the state. In 1800-16 he was a judge of Orleans county court, during the last six years was chief judge; and in 182528 was again chief judge. In 1817-19 and 1821-25 he was a representative to the fifteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth congresses. In 1828-31 he was the ninth governor of Vermont. In 1839 he was president of the constitutional convention; and in 1841-43 he was United States senator to fill a vacancy, lie died Nov. 19, 1853, in Crafts-
bury, Vt. Crafts, Sara J. Timanus, author, was born about 1850 in Cincinnati, Ohio. She published Letters to Primary Teachers; treatises on kindergarten teaching; and religious books for the young. She is the wife of Wilbur Fisk Crafts. Crafts, Walter, mining engineer, banker, was born Jan. 21, 1839, in Newton, Mass. In 1877 he was appointed treasurer and manager of the Crafts iron company in the Hocking valley, Ohio; in 1883 became an ofin the Columbus and Hocking coal and iron company; and later became president of the Commercial national bank. He died Aug. 3, 1896, in Columbus, Ohio. Crafts, Wilbur Fisk, clergyman, founder, author, was born Jan. 12, 1850, in Fryeburg, Maine. He graduated from Wesleyan unificial
versity of Connecticut; and received the degree of A.M. from in institution; that
graduated from Boston university with the degree of B.D.; and 1871
subsequently received the degree of Ph.D. from Marietta college. In 1867-79 he was a methodist minister; in 1880-83 he served as congregational minister; and since 1883 hes been presbyterian minister. He has occupied pulpits in Chicago, Brooklyn, New Yoi-k City and other places; and is now a member of the presbytery of Washington, D.C. In 1889 he founded the American sabbath union; and in 1889-90 lectured throughout the United States as its field secretary. In 1895 he founded the International reform bureau of Washington, D.C; and has since been its superintendent and treasurer. In 1901-03 he was chief editor of the Christian Statesman; and since 1896 has been chief editor of the Twentieth Century Quarterly. He has trav-