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Since 1894 he has been pastor at the First parish of Cambridge, Mass.; and he is the preacher for Harvard university. He is the

author of Members of One Body; Miss Muffet's Christmas Party; The Gentle Reader; and The Understanding Heart. Crothers, Thomas Davison, physician, author, was born Sept. 31, 1843_, in West Charlton, N.Y. He was educated in the Fort Edward seminary; and then graduated from medical the Albany college. In 1866-70 he practiced medicine in West Galway, N.Y.; and in 1870 began practice in Albany, N. Y. in 1871 he was assistant professor ot the practice of medicine at the Albany medical college. Then in 1875-78 he was assistant physician of the New York inebriate asylum at Binghamton. In 1878-80 he was superintendent of the Walnut Hill asylum at Hartfort, Conn.; and since that time has been its president and superintendent. He has been editor of the Journal of Inebriety since 1876. He is the author of Disease of Inebriety; Drug Habits and Their Treatment; and Morphinism and Other Drug Dis-

kee, Wis. Until 1884 he was engaged in government service; and since 1888 has been chief correspondent for the New York World. He is the author of a volume of letwhich originally appeared in the ters, World; and also of other works. Grouse, George Washington, soldier manufacturer, congressman, was bom Nov. 33, 1832, in Tallmadge, Ohio. He has been prominently identified

with the business and of Akand during the civil war was a sergeant in company F, one hundred and

public affairs

ron, Ohio;

sixty-fourth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry. In 1885-87 he was a, member of the Ohio state senate. In 1887-89 he was a representative from Ohio to the fiftieth congress as a republican. He is now president of the City national bank; is president of the Akron twine and cordage company; and president of the Akron water

works company. Crouse, or,


Elizabeth, litterateur, auth3, 1873, in Philadelphia, the author of Vigilise; and Al-

was born Nov.





Crouter, A. L. Edgerton, educator, author,


Crouch, Edward, congressman. In 1813-15 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirteenth congress as a democrat to fill a vacancy. He died in Pennsylvania. Crouch, Frederick William Nicholls, soldier, musician, composer, was bom July 31, 1808, in London, England. He was the author of the song Kathleen Mavourneen; and two operas. He served in the confederate army. He settled in Baltimore as a singing teacher. He died Aug. 18, 1896, in Portland, Maine. CrounSe, Lorenzo, soldier, jurist, congressman, governor, was born Jan. 37, 1834, in Sharon", N.Y. During the civil war he was captain of battery K, first regiment of New



and he was




during the second Bull Run battle. In 1866 he served in the territorial legislature of Nebraska; in 1867 he was elected a justice of the supreme court, and for several years was supreme court reporter.

In 1873-77 he was a representative to the forty-third and forty-fourth congresses as a republican; and in 1893-95 was the ninth governor of the state of Nebraska. Crounse, William Livingston, journalist, author, was born July 17, 1861, in Milwau-

was born






of the Pennsylvania institution for the deaf and dumb. He is the author of Statistics of Articulation Teaching in America; and other works. Crow, Albion T. In 1846 he was captain first Illinois volunteers. He died in 1851. Crow, James, distiller, inventor, was bom abou 1800 in Scotland. He was graduated as a physician in Edinburgh; and in 1832 came to Philadelphia, where he engaged unsuccessfully in business; and then emigrated to Woodford county, Ky. Here his knowledge of chemistry enabled him to improve the rude methods of distilling whiskey then in vogue. His product soon became widely known; and he gave his name to one of the best known brands of whiskey. He also practiced medicine to a limited extent. He died in 1859, near Glenn's Creek, Ky.

Crow, Moses Rockwell, lawyer, capitalist, was bora in 1855 in Seneca Falls, N.Y. He became a water expert, a water engineer and a water capitalist, in connection with water works for the city of Mexico and several South American cities. He also controls the New York and Westchester water company, the Pocantico waterworks company, and the New York City district water supply company. Crowder, Enoch Herbert, soldier, was bom in Missouri. In 1898 he was lieutenant-colonel

in the thirty-ninth regiment United states volunteers; and in 1901 attained the

rank of brigadier-general of volunteers.