HBRRINGSHAWS LIBKARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Crowdei, John S., clergyman, was born June 87, 1872, in Eichmond, Va. He graduated from the De Pauw university of Greencastle, Ind.; and is an eminent clergyman of the methodist episcopal church in Indiana. Crowe, Charles C, territorial governor. In 1869-71 he was territorial governor of New Mexico.
Crowe, John Finley, clergyman, educator, bom June 16, 1787, in Tennessee. He founded Hanover college and the Indiana theological seminary; and was vice-president of the college, besides filling the profes-
sorships 1832-60. Ind.
logic and history in died Jan. 17, 1860, in Hanover,
Crowell, John, congressman, was bom in Halifax county, Ala. In 1817-19 he was territorial delegate from Alabama to the fifteenth congress. In 1819-21 he was a representative to the sixteenth congress. He died June 25, 1846, in Fort Mitchell, Ala. CroweU, John, clergyman, author, was bom in 1814 in Pennsylvania. He is a presbyterian clergyman of East Orange, N.J. He is the author of Republics or Popular Governments an Appointment of God; and Christ in all the Scriptures. Crowell, John, congressman, was born in Connecticut. In 1847-51 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirtieth and thirtycongresses. He died in Ohio. Crowell, John Franklin, educator, economist, college president, author, was bom Nov. 1, 1857, in York, Pa. He was president in 1887-94 of Trinity cillege of North Carolina; in 1899-1900 superintendent at Clark neighborhood house of New York City; and in 1900 became expert agent of the United States industrial commission. He is the author of The Logical Process of Social Devel-
Crowe, Winfleld Scott, clergyman, author, was born in 1850 in Indiana. He is editor of the Universalist Monthly of Newark, N. J. He is the author of The Man of Evolution; The God of Evolution; and The Lordship of Jesus.
Crowell, Edward Payson, educator, legishistorian, author, was bom Sept. 7. 1830, in Essex, Mass. He graduated from Amherst college in lator,
1853; in 1856-58 took a course in Andover
seminary theological and has received the degree DD. In of
opment. Crowell, John S., publisher, journalist, was Jan. 7, 1850, in Louisville, Ky. In 1877 he founded and was president of the publishing house of Mast,
Crowell the
Crowell, Eugene, author, was bom in 1817 New York. He was a zealous defender of spiritualism. He was the author of The Identity of Primitive Christianity with Modem Spiritualism; The Spirit World; The Philosophy of Death; Spiritualism and Insanity; and The Religion of Spiritualism. He died Oct. 29, 1894, in New York City. Crowell, Frederic, painter, artist,
Nov. 27, 1845, in Boston, Mass. in public
was an
was bom His
portrait group sent to the Paris salon of 1878. In 1879 he was instructor in the art school connected with the museum of fine arts in Boston, Mass.
has been president of the board of trade of Springfield, Ohio; president of the Young men's christian association; for five years was president of the
Amherst college in and professor of latin and in-
Companion and the Farm and Fireside. He
structor in German in 1858-64. Since 1864 he has been Moore professor of latin language and literature in that institution; and dean of the faculty in 1880-94. In 1859 he was licensed a congregational preacher. In 1879 he was a representative in the Massachusetts state legislature. He edited the annual obituary record of graduates of Amherst college in 1863-76 and since 1886. He is a member of the American philosophical society. He is the author of numerous text books and literary contributions on philological, biographical and historical subjects.
patrick, proprietors of
1853-55 was a he teacher of latin and Greek in the Williston seminary ; was tutor
work exhibited
Springfield college
seminary; and president of the Men's literary club. He is now president of the board of trustees of the Western college for women of Oxford, Ohio. He is a, director of the Columbia life insurance company of Cincinnati; a director in the First national bank; and president of the board of trustees of the City hospital. For thirty years he has been an elder in the First presbyterian church of Springfield, Ohio; and is prominently identified with the social, business and public affairs of his community. Crowell, Luther Childs, merchant, inventor, was born Sept. 7, 1840, in Cape Cod,
Mass. From 1879 he was engaged with B, Hoe and company of New York City. He invented an ariel machine in 1860; in 1867 invented a metallic tie paper bag; and received nearly three hundred patents for printing machinery alone. He died in 1903 in
New York
Crowell, William, clergyman, author, was bom in 1806 in Middlefield, Mass. He was pastor for some years at Waterville, Maine; and during the civil war was pastor of a