HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. military district of southwest Georgia, with headquarters at Macon. He established the Louisville Commercial as a republican journal; and in 1873 accepted the office of United States minister to Bolivia. He died April 16, 1874, in Bolivia. Croxton, Thomas, lawyer, congressman, was born March 15, 1832, in Tappahannock,
He was commonwealth attorney
for his
native county in 1853-65; and was a presidential elector in 1880; and in 1885-87 was a representative from Virginia to the fortyninth congress as a democrat. Crozer, John Price, manufacturer, philanthropist, was born Jan. 13, 1793, in Springfield, Pa. In the manufacture of cotton goods he made an ample fortune, which he largely devoted to philanthropic purposes. In 1858 he erected at Upland, Pa., at a cost of fortyfive thousand dollars, a building which he subsequently gave to the baptists for a theological seminary. He died March 11, 1866, in Upland, Pa. Samuel Aldrich, manufacturer, Crozer, capitalist, was born Dec. 35, 1825, in Delaware county, Pa. Since 1868 he has been president of the Crozer theological seminary and for thirty years has been president of the borough council of Upland, Pa. He has erected many baptist churches in Delaware county, Pa.; and has donated a. large tract of land to Chester for a public park.
Crozier, John H., congressman, was in Tennessee. In 1845-49 he was a represen-
tative from Tennessee to the twenty-ninth and thirtieth congresses. He died in Tennessee. Crozier, Robert, United States senator.. In
1873 he was appointed United States senator to fill a vacancy, and served two years. He died in Leavenworth, Kan. Crozier, William, soldier, inventor, was born in 1855 in Ohio. He served three years
Western campaigns against Sioux and Bannocks. Since 1890 he has been connected with the ordnance department, and was promoted captain in 1890. With General BufRngton he invented the Burlington-Crozier disappearing gun carriage, now in general use in American coast-defense works. He is also inventor of a wire-wrapped rifle. He was major-general and inspector-general in the United States volunteers, during the Spanish-American war, and in 1901 was chief of ordnance of the United States army, with the rank of brigadier-general. in
Crudup, Josiah, congressman, was Wake county, N.C. In 1831-33 he was a representative from North Carolina to the seventeenth congress. He died in North Caro-
born in
Cnift, Charles, soldier,
was born
He was commissioned an
officer of
volunteers from Indiana in 1863; and became a majorgeneral of volunteers in 1865. He died March 23, 1883, in Terre Haute, Ind. Cruger, Daniel, congressman, was born In Bath, N.y. He was a member of the New York assembly a number of years; and in
1817-19 he was a representative from New to the fifteenth congress. He aicd in New York. Cruger, Jonn, colonist, was born about 1670. In 1712-33 he was alderman of New York City; and its mayor in 1739-44. He died Aug. 13, 1744, in New York City.
Cruger, John, merchant, statesman, was born July 18, 1710, in New York City. In 1756-66 he was mayor of New York City. In 1769-75 he was a member of the assembly and its speaker; and was the author of the
famous declaration of rights and grievances of the colonies in America. He was the first president of the New York chamber of commerce.
died Dec. 27, 1793, in
New York
Cruger, John Harris, brother of the preceding, British officer, was born in 1738 in New York City. He succeeded his father as a member of the New York City council;
in 1764;
and at the beginning
of the revolution was its chamberlain. His property was confiscated and he went to England. He died June 3, 1807, in London,
England. Cruger, Mrs. Julia Grinnell, author, was born about 1850, in Paris, France, of American parents. She is the widow of Col. Van Rensselaer of New York City. She is the author of A Diplomat's Diary; Poppaea; A Successful Man; A Wedding and Other Stories; Mademoiselle Il6s6da; A Puritan
Pagan; and Eat Not Thy Heart. Cruger, Mary Miss, author, was born May 1834, in Oscawana, N.Y. She is a writer of Montrose, N.Y. She is the author of Hyperaesthesia; Den of Thieves, or the Lay 9,
The Vanderheyde It; and Bro-
Manor House; How She Did therhood.
Van Rensselaer, soldier, 1844, in New York City. He served in the civil war; and was brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel. For twentyfive years he was trustee and treasurer of St. Stephen's college of Annandale, N.Y. In 1888 he was nominated for lieutenantgovernor of New York; and in 1896 was a delegate to the republican national convention. He was appointed park commissioner in 1895, and later president of the board. He died June 33, 1898, in Bayville, N.Y. Cruger, Stephen
bom May
Cruikshank, Barton, mechanical engineer, technologist,
1866, in Al-
bany, N.Y. He was educated in the Adelphi college of Brooklyn, N.Y.; and in 1886 graduated in mechanical engineering from the Brooklyn polytechnic institute. He was head of the department of manual training in the Brooklyn manual training high school of technology in 1897-1901. In 1901-03 he was president of the Cogswell polytechnic college of San Francisco, Cal.; and is now a mechanical and designing engineer of Syracuse, N.Y. He is captain in the New York national guard. He has contributed extensively to technological
scientific journals.