Cruikshank, George Marcus, journalist, was born March 15, 1852, in Versailles, Ky. Since 1897 he has been editor of the Daily Ledger of Birmingham, Ala. He is the author of Story of the Governors of Alabama; and Story of Justices of the Supreme Court of Alabama. Cruikshank, James, educator, founder, was born Aug. 28, 1831, in Argyle, N.Y. In 1851 he entered upon his life career as a school teacher. He established a boarding and day author,
school at Bellport, Long Island, in partnership with his brother. He is one of the founders of the National educational association. For forty years he has been superintendent and principal in the public schools of Brooklyn,
publican. He died in City, Mich.
1901, in
West Bay
Crumpacker, Edgar Dean, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born on May 27, 1851, in Laporte county, Ind. He was prosecuting attorney for the thirty-flrst judicial district of Indiana in 1884-88; served as appellate judge in the state of Indiana in 1891-93; and 1897-1911 he was a representative from Indiana to the fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fiftyseventh, fifty-eighth, fiity -ninth, sixtieth and sixty-first congresses as a republican. Crumpacker, J. W., lawyer, jurist. In 1898
he became associate-justice of the supreme court of New Mexico for the second district. Crumrine, Boyd, soldier, lawyer, author,
was bom Feb.
Crumbaugh, Samuel Redford,
neer, college president, astronomer, was May 1, 1845, in Logan county, Ky. He
bom was
educated at the United States naval academy; and at the Kentucky university; receiving the degrees of M.A. and LL.D. He served as adjutant in the second regiment United States infantry. He has been president of the South Kentucky college. He has been collector of internal revenue for the second Kentucky district; and served as a member of the Kentucky state senate. He is now United States supervising inspector of the seventh district of Kentucky. Crummell, Alexander, clergyman, author, was born March 3, 1819, in -New York City. He was a colored episcopal clergyman of Washington, D.C.; and was president of the colored ministry union. He was the author of The Future of Africa; Greatness of Christ, and Other Sermons; and Africa and America. He died Sept. 10, 1898, in Washington, D.C.
Crump, George WilUam, physician, congressman, was born in Powhatan county, Va. He was a member of the Virginia state legislature. In 1825-27 he was a representative from Virginia to the nineteenth congress to fill a vacancy. He died in 1850. Crump, Rousseau 0., manufacturer, congressman, was horn May 20, 1843, in Pittsford, N.Y. Tn 1884 the corporation of the Crump manufacturing
company was formed by him. He is a member of the Wenona lodge, Blanchard chapter in the Bay City commandery, and of the Michigan sovereign Consistory of Detroit;
and and
Moslem temple member of
also a
the Ancient order of United workmen, the Royal arcanum, and
knights of pythias. He east his first vote for Lincoln. He has served West Bay City as alderman for four years; and in 1892-96 was mayor of West Bay City. In 1895-1901 he was a representative to the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth congresses as a re-
9, 1838, in Washington county. Pa. In 1861-62 he served in the eighty-
fifth Pennsylvania volunteers. In 1865-68 he was district attorney of Washington, county. Pa. In 1887-92 he was the official reporter of the decisions of the supreme court of Pennsylvania; and published thirty-one volumes. He is the author of Omnium Gatherum; and in 1882 he composed a large part and edited the whole of The History of
Washington county. Pa. Crunden, Frederick Morgan, educator, librarian, author, was born Sept. 1, 1847, in Gravesend, England. He was educated in the public and high schools
Mo.; in 1868 he graduated from Washington university; and he subsequently received the degree of A.M. from that institution of learning. Early in life he was a public reader and actor. In 1869-71 he was principal of a
and in 187276 was professor in Washington university. In 1890 he was president of the American school;
library association. He is a member of the American association for the advancement of science; and in 1904 was chairman of the library section of the International congress of arts and sciences at the St. Louis exposition. Since 1877 he has been librarian of the St. Louis public library. He is the author of Monographs and articles on educational and sociological subjects. Cruse, Christian Frederick, clergyman, librarian, author, was bom June 27, 1794, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1847-53 he was rector of Trinity church in Fishkill, N.Y.; after which he became librarian in the General theological seminary of New York City. His translation of the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius is a standard English version. He died Oct. 5, 1864, in New York City. Cruse, Mary Anne, educator, author, was born about 1840 in Alabama. She is the author of Cameron Hall, a novel; and The Little Episcopalian; Bessie Melville; and
other Sunday School Books.