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Claus, John Walter, soldier, lawyer, was born June 9, 1837, in Germany. He began the study of civil law; came to the United States in 1853; and engaged in business pur- suits. In 1862 he enlisted in the linited States ariny; and became second and first lieutenant in the sixth regiment United States infantry; was twice brevetted for gallant conduct at Gettysburg; and becane captain of the thirty-eighth and twenty. fourth infantry. During the reconstruction he was adjutant-general of the second mili- tary district. Abont 1867 he was admitted to the bar of the United States supreme court. He served in 18G1-86 in the civil war and Indian campaigns; and was on the staffs of Generals Sheridan, Sickles, Merritt and Brooke; and during the Spanish-Ameri. can was was on the statf of Vajor-General Miles; and became a brigadier-general of volunteers. He was judge-advocate in many important trials; secretary and connsel of commission for the evacuation of Cuba; and lecturer in Butterfield lecture course at Un. ion college. In 1901 he was retired from ac- tive scrvice in the United States army, and now maintains a law office in New York City.

Clause, William Lewis, manufacturer, di- rector, president, was born Nov. 6, 1856, in Homer, edina county, Ohio. He was educated in the pnblic schools of Akron, Ohio, where he resided for twenty years. Since 1899 he has been pres. ident of the Columbia chemical company and is also president of the Pittsburg plate glass company. He is a di- rector of the Owoeso Sligar company of Michigan; and is also a director of the Michigan chemical company of Bay City, Mich.; a director of the Patton paint company of Milwaukee, Wis., a director of the Gochring manufacturing company of Akron, Ohio; and a director of the Pitcairn coal company and the West Virginia coal company. He is prominently identified with the public and business affairs of Pittsburg, Pa.; is a mem. ber of the Allegheny country club; and a member of the Edgeworth club of Scwickley, Pa., where he resides.

Claussenius, Henry, banker, diplomat, was born on Feb. 1, 1825, in Prussia. In 1864 he was appointed chancellor of the consulate- general of Prussia.

The same year he was duly appointed by the Prussian government consul for Chicago, Ill. Arriving at Chicago he was further appointed consul of Sax. ony, Mecklenburg, the Duchy of Altenburg, the Thuringian Prin. cipalities of Schwarz- burg, Rudolstaat, Son- dershausen and of the grand Duchy of Baden. In 1894 he establish- cd a banking house in Chicago, Ill. He was one of the founders of the nineteenth ward school of Chicago, Ill.; and a founder of the northeastern dispensary of New York.

Clawson, Isaiah D., state legislator, congressman, was born on March 30, 1822, in Woodstown, NJ. He was a member of the New Jersey assembly in 1853. In 1855-59 he was a representative from New Jersey to the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth congresses. Clawson, William S., lawyer, jurist. In 1859 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of New Jersey.

Claxton, Alexander, naval officer, was born about 1790 in Maryland. He was duly made commander in 1820; and captain in 1831. At the time of his death he was in command of the Pacific squadron. He died March 7, 1841, in Chili,

Claxton, Kate, (now Mrs. Charles A. Stevinson), actress, was born in 1848 in New York City. She first appeared with Lotta in Chicago; but attracted no attention until the production of Led Astray, in 1873. Clay, Albert Tobias, clergyman, philologist, archæologist, was born Dec. 4, 1866, in Hanover, Pa. Since 1903 he has been assist and professor of semitic philology and archæology and assistant curator of Babylon- ian antiquities at the university of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Business Documents of Muraehu Sons; Light on the Old Testament from Babel; and other works.

Clay, Alexander Stephens, United States senator, was born Sept. 25, 1853 in Cobb county, Ga. He was a member of the city council in 1880-81; and in 1884-85 and 1886. 87 represented Cobb county in the general