onel in the first regiment Illinois volunteer cavalry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died Jan. 26, 1900.
fifteen years before his death had devoted his life to charitable and educational objects. He died at sea Sept. 27, 1854.
Day, Henry Noble, clergyman, college preswas born Aug. i, 1808, in New
Day, Martha, mathematician, poet, was born Feb. 13, 1813, in New Haven, Conn.
ident, author,
He was a many years
congregational a western railway president; and president of Ohio female college in 1858-64. He was the author of The Art of Rhetoric, reprinted as Art of Discourse; Elements of Logic; Science of jEsthetics; The Art of Elocution; Rhetorical Praxis; Logical Praxis; Science of Thought; Elements of Mental Science; The Logic of Sir William Hamilton; and Introduction to the Study of English Literature. He died Jan. 13, 1890, in New Haven, Conn. Preston,
Conn. clergyman; for
Day, Holman Francis, journalist, poet, was born Nov. 6, 1865, in Vassalboro, il^ine. He is editor of the Lewiston Daily Sun. He is the author of Up in Maine, a volume of poems. Day, Horace H., manufacturer, inventor, was born in 1813. He was identified with the india-rubber trade from its inception; and was involved in lawsuits with Charles Goodyear on his rubber patents. He died Aug. 23, 1878, in Manchester, N.H. Day, James
lawyer, jurist, was born in
1835. In 1871-83 he was chief justice of the supreme court of Iowa. He died May 1, 1898,
Des Moines, Iowa. Day, James Roscoe, clergyman, college president, was born Oct. 17, 1845, in Whitneyville, Maine. He is a noted clergyman of the methodist episcopal church; and has filled pastorates in Portland, Boston and New York. Since 1893 he has been chancellor of the Syracuse university. Day, Jeremiah, clergyman, author, was born Jan. 26, 1738, in Colchester, Conn. He was a congregational clergyman of Connecticut, whose Sermons Collected were issued in in
died Sept. 12, 1806, in Connecticut.
Day, Jeremiah, educator, mathematician, college president, author, was born Aug. 3. 1773, in New Preston, Conn. He was president of Yale college -"-'-in 1817-46. He was the author of Introduction to Algebra Mensuration of Super-
and Solids; Examination of the Edficies
wards's Freedom of the Will; Plane Trig-
onometry; Navigation and Surveying ana
Inquiry Respecting the Self -Determining Power of the Will and
Contingent Volition. He died Aug. 22, 1867, in New Haven, Conn.
was born Aug.
27, 1790, in
Morristown, N.J.
acquired wealth as a publisher; and for
She attained great proficiency in mathematics and the languages; and wrote poetry of merit. Her Literary Remains, with memorials of her life and character, was published in 1834. She died Dec. 2, 1833, in New Haven, Conn. Day, Mary Anna, educator, librarian, botanist, author, was born Oct. 12, 1852, in Nelson, N.H. She is connected with the Gray
Herbarium of Harvard university. She is the author of The Herbaria of New England. Day, Nicholas Wykoff, soldier, was born in New Jersey. In 18C1 he was quartermaster sergeant
in the seventy-first regiment volunteer infantry; and in 1865 brevetted brigadier -general of volun-
New York was teers.
Day, Oscar Fayette Gaines, journalist, auwas born Oct. 7, 1860, in Chicago, 111. He was educated in the public schools
thor, poet,
of his native city; studied for an operatic career; and in 1879
he began journalistic work. For nearly two years he was on the stage as a professional actor. In 1892 he originated the direct concurrent primary law; drew up the first law of the kind; and in 1899 aided in its passage in the Minnesota state legislature, which law is now being adopted in various states. He is also secretary and treasurer of the C. C. Pillsbury company, music publishers; has attained success in journalistic work; and is connected with the Tribune of Minneapolis, Minn. He is the author of Mistaken Identity; TBe Devil's Gold; Crime of Shame; The Ging Murder and Hay ward Trial; and is also the composer of music and lyrics, the principal of which are The Corsairs; and The Newest
Woman. Day, Richard Edwin, journalist, author, was born April 27, 1852, in Granby, N.Y. Since 1880 he has been on the editorial staff of the Syracuse Daily Standard. He is the author of Lines in the Sand; Thor, a Lyrical Drama; Lyrics and Satires; and Poems. Day, Rowland, congressman, was bom in poet,
1788 in New York. He was a member of the New York assembly in 1816-17. In 1823-25
and 1833-35 he was a representative from to the eighteenth and twenty-
New York
He died in New York. Day, Rufus, journalist, poet, was bom Jan. 26, 1803, in Boston, Mass. He was the au-
third congresses.